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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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^ We're at the Big Blue Hotel right now and there's WiFi in the lobby. Expect plenty of updates over the next few days. We'll be riding an SLC tomorrow!


Which SLC are you going on?

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Had a great day on Sunday at "Oakwood" with Robb and Elissa and all the TPR members on the UK 2006 trip and would just like to say a big thanks for making us feel very welcome, and also a big thanks to Zoe and all the staff at Oakwood for looking after everyone, "A Great Day"


Personally! on Monday morning, my head was still going round and I was completely knackered and that was just "Speed" that did that, OMG what a ride!!!! Airtime!!! Robb and Elissa were working really hard all day to make sure everything was just right for everyone so god knows how they were feeling?


My point is don`t give these guys a hard time about "updates" they will come, and they will be Great, Brilliant and Funny as they always are, the evidence is in the making and I`m sure will be posted as soon as possible.


Thanks again & enjoy the rest of the tour.

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Sheep living right up under the coasters...hmm, bet that's what it's like in New Zealand.


Oh, and I thought the picture of Barry in the Crystal Maze was equally as distrubing as the other one because some guy has his head near Barry's crotch! Did you guys offer to pay for his therapy??



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Holy Sheep Sh** Batman!


Speed looks insane! I always thought Oakwood was just Megaphobia and Sheep. There's a lot more there than meets the eye. Oh, did I mention? Speed looks insane!


You guys must be having a great time! Keep up the pace! Eat your Wheaties, or bangers and mash!


Most of all, have fun!

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Oakwood photos are UP!!!!



Cool randomness from today:


- Speed is AWESOME

- Insane airtime hills are good

- Barry and Ryan are FUNNY!


- Large slabs on random meat taste nice.

- Cherry popping skycoaster people.

- Crystal Maze is still one of those "OMG - WTF - This ROCKS!" places.

- More people need to come to this park because it's so much fun.


Speed is really awesome! Best of the three "Eurofighters" I've been on.


It's almost like a Schwarzkopf meets a REALLY high class expensive prostitute.


We likey Speed!!!


Giant letter M's from space have invaded the park.


This 10 year old CCI still offers a lot of fun.


Megafobia gets double bonus points for having SHEEP!!!!


Is it a credit, or is it an Alpine Slide. Jeff?


Robb vallied on the vertical slide! Fatty!!!


The park KNEW the Americans were coming, didn't they?


Ryan and Barry - Best Friends for LIFE!


We had a REALLY great day. THANKS OAKWOOD!


The rest of the photos are here:




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