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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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OK, today's fun included Chessington (who knew you could have that much fun in a zoo?), and a stop at the most random sea side park ever, complete with BATHROOM OF DEATH. Seriously, I should have taken a camera in there. Well, actually, probably a good thing I didn't. Trust me, you've never seen anything that was this funny and scary at the same time...



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I would just like to point out that I hate everybody who had anything to do with the invasion, video, photo of me with my belly out, and buying me singing toilets and genitalia confectionary. That is all.

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I think Legoland should pay TPR members for making the park a little more interesting.


Heck yeah! As TPR's family grows, this place could become a great source of publicity for lesser known parks. I mean, if it weren't for TPR, I would have never known that the disgusting awesomeness known as BobBon Land even existed.


This is the kind of work these guys deserve at least a little compensation for.

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Wow, it looked like you guys had a great time today at Chessington. I saw a lot of you around today as I was working! For those of you who are wondering who I am, you may have seen me at the Tomb Blaster in the morning!


It was almost unbareably hot today!

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First off, I would like to thank the owners and hosts of TPR for once again, proving my complete and total innocence!!


Second, I would like to acknowledge that Coney Beach Pleasure Park is a real sh*thole. It does rank as one of the worst parks ever (But, it did have 2 credits).


Below I have tried to include a disturbing picture to rival that of Dereks.


Below that is a shot from today of Robb taking a nap after 4 consecutive rides on Bubble Works.








Robb getting some much needed rest.


Disturbing? Or not? You decide.

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Chessington World of Adventures photos are up!!!




Today was an AWESOME "official" start to the TPR UK Tour. First off, everyone loaded up the coach and were treated to some cool TPR random stuff. A "goodie bag" (kind of like the bag of crap, but MUCH cooler!) a TPR pillow and the official "Event T-Shirt." (It's kind of like a concert tour shirt, but with less cloves.)


We then headed over to Chessington for an hour of ERT on both the Vampire and Dragon's Fury. They ran 3 trains for us on Vampire and TONS of cars on Fury so ample riding was had!


Dragon's Fury is just INSANE! I'm not sure how to describe it other than it doesn't look like it should do what it does.


We had a good rest of the day at Chessington. Our group ended introducing Dan to a few new water rides (hehe....) although he refused to ride the "Derek's Garden Hose Kingdom Chairswings", but still. It was an awesome day.


We then made a quick surprise stop to "Coney Beach." This little hole in the wall scary seaside place that makes Nara Dreamland look AMAZING!


Pinfari death machine credits were had and yes, we BROKE THE KIDDIE COASTER!


Anyway, Chessington photos are up now, and Coney Beach photos and video are coming tomorrow!


OMG! Even Chessington has a "NINETY DEGREES!!!!"


"It's a real good thing there's no water or sugar on this ride!"


"Hey Dan....you don't get wet on this...well...not really!"


"I hate you guys!"


"Hey! What a great idea! Let's have Robb operate the rides!"


"Hey boys. Check me out. Don't you get all turned on by me and my huge gun?"


Mass amounts of water rides equals need for the HUGE dryer!


Tommy & James are all "Half Arrow, Half Vekoma rides are the shiznizzle!"


"Smooth as a baby's bottom."


For the rest of today's update, click here:




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Man, I don't know how you manage to take pictures, film video, update the web site, AND have a great time at the parks! You're superhuman!


Definitely enjoying these updates. Chessington looks fun, or at least Dragon's Fury does.


Coney Beach doesn't seem to work for me right now. I'll try again later, but the page just shows up as empty white.

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Showing up as white as your mind!

If you read what Robb wrote you would know that they are coming tomorrow!!

Anyway, Chessington photos are up now, and Coney Beach photos and video are coming tomorrow!

Reading does a mind good!!



Looks like you all are having a splendid time TPR style!!! Pip pip and cherrio to all you blokes and lasses having a bit of fun there in jolly ol England!!

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Hahaha nice update! It sounds like the first TPR group trip is going along without a hitch so far! I really wish I could have come, but all things considered, that would have been impossible for me, but maybe next year! Have a good time guys!


Colin C

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I finally get a chance to respond. First off.. glad lego land was fun, I still had never committed to going there, thank god for group rates. Oh, and I was major disappointed in the Loo + Old Man raid, as Im sure most of us were.


Secondly.. I am not so much jealous as pissed. I should be on that goddamn trip. Then, I get a phone call and my phone was being a pain and I couldn't call back (not to mention the fact that I never got the detailed instructions I was promised ) and, of course, not being able to respond for a day didn't help my cause either.


Nonetheless, glad you are having fun and crap. Wish I was there of course, trying not to kill myself, and I think I'm up to a fifth of vodka...


- Joe, who just wants to say have a jolly jolly sunday guys

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Woohoo, another update!


I don't know what it is, but something about R&E's photo TRs makes them so great. It's just the whole TPR experience that makes them so entertaining to view, and this is easily my favorite set of message boards on the internet...


Anyway... I'm still waiting for another chance of INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE!

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