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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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Yet again I'm getting this:


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on every Drayton Manor page.


Alton Towers has worse noise problems than Drayton Manor, and ever since they've had this problem with the Ropers theres been signs put up around the park saying "SCREAM, SHOUT, your at Alton Towers".


But DM has now gone to an all time low in saying screaming on rides will mean removal from the park, I don't think I'll bother visiting this year.



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hi all, great trip, hope I can do a trip like that someday.

Hey I just looked to this picture and I think thers something wrong: it says safty bars not safety bars!!!!!


Great updates!!! Greetings to Rob, Elissa and all TPR members from Merida Yucatan Mexico




PS: this is my first post here, but certainly not the last


It says safty not safety!!!!

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Drayton Manor is (in my opinion) an average theme park at best (mostly due to the strict planning restrictions). I agree with your thought's on G-Force. The novelty of the inverted lift hill wears off really quickly and I also found the bent cuban eight inversion rather boring. Plus the 'airtime hill' (no airtime when I rode it) caused severe stapling, leaving riders breathless when entering the station. Not sure if they have sorted this issue out now though. I actually preferred the ride station + music more than the ride itself.


I heard rumours that one of the orignal plans included a dueling X-Car concept. Certainly would have had a lot more long term appeal than what we are left with.


Hopefully this will be the only damp squib of the trip.

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That G-Force does look kind of dull

I don't think it LOOKS dull which is the problem, it just IS dull. With the querky lift hill, a fairly unique triplet of inversions and extreme-looking airtime hill I think it looks great.


Problem is, it isn't.


I'm not a fan of the restraints as when they tighten they dig into your ribs, and despite the ride being called G Force, and despite it looking quite forceful, it's completely forceless. 'G Forceless' as it were.

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I don't think it LOOKS dull which is the problem, it just IS dull. With the querky lift hill, a fairly unique triplet of inversions and extreme-looking airtime hill I think it looks great.


Problem is, it isn't.


I'm not a fan of the restraints as when they tighten they dig into your ribs, and despite the ride being called G Force, and despite it looking quite forceful, it's completely forceless. 'G Forceless' as it were.

Well said, I have to agree.


Great updates so far!!

I loved the caption about "Race-Control Thunder Rock Rally" .


I feel a bit 'gutted' that I had my smaller UK-Tour last year (Alton, Chessington, Thorpe, Drayton, BPB, Lightwater,Oakwood), when I could've joined this TPR trip this year and have more fun, get ERT etc. and shorter queues, partly because of the World Cup, which I in the other hand wouldn't have wanted to miss much of, but still.


Anyway, I hope all you guys on the trip will have a better time at the upcoming parks. Enjoy and have fun!

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hi all, great trip, hope I can do a trip like that someday.

Hey I just looked to this picture and I think thers something wrong: it says safty bars not safety bars!!!!!


Great updates!!! Greetings to Rob, Elissa and all TPR members from Merida Yucatan Mexico




PS: this is my first post here, but certainly not the last


Welcome to TPR Joel!!

Hey I just looked at your what you wrote and I think there is something wrong: it says Rob not Robb!

Hehehehe ya his name is spelt with two B's

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(Robb) I was just wondering. What date are you going to thorpe park cause I'm going on the 30th of June so I was wondering (again) if I could see you but if not, it's ok.


As has been stated approx 493 times, email them. but, if you can't use logic (re - looking at the updates pages!) and deduct that they won't be around in June 30th, then I feel sorry for you.


That sucks that the ride is uncomfortable, the seats + lap bars looked oh soo comfy to me. I had always thought the upside down part was the only weird part of the ride, the rest still looks pretty fun IMO

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Wow, you can get thrown out for excessive screaming?? So very analy british...Did anyone find out why they have such a quite backward policy on this?


Drayton Park is very close to some old people. Well peoples homes.


They're under strict rules concerning noise.

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Wow, you can get thrown out for excessive screaming?? So very analy british...Did anyone find out why they have such a quite backward policy on this?


Apparantly them signs are just there to show the locals that they are trying to reduce the noise.


Although I am trying to imagine what it would be like when a coaster train arrives in the station, people get off the train and the security guards are waiting at the exit


Sounds like something to do with Family Guy



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when do we get to see some POV's or any videos ?

I really wanted to do videos along with the photo updates, but we've been having some REALLY late nights (bed by 2am most nights) just doing the photo updates so videos will have to wait until we get home and we have more time.


We've gotten some AMAZING footage this trip with getting the lipstick camera mounted to Vampire, Dragon's Fury, Speed, Megafobia, Rita, Nemesis, Air, Oblivion, Cyclone, King Solomon's Mines, Big Dipper, Grand National, Pepsi Max, Steeplechase, The Ultimate, Kumali, and Velocity! And we're not done yet! So the UK Trip DVD will have some GREAT POVs!!!!



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"Boo" to Drayton Manor


....Unlike somebody else we know!

I bet this was the real reason you wasn`t too happy with the park, Elissa "SCREAMED" very "LOUD" and very, very, very! "UNNECESSARY" and closed all the rides and 54 TPR Members, Nigel & his coach were all escorted out.


Hey, but hang on! Were Guys surely this wouldn`t effect us would it "Were Macho" were "The Brave" we wouldn`t "Scream" would we? Not Me! OK any Guys who Scream even unnecessary put your hands up! see not one!............................

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They need to do what California Adventure does so well!! Add some scream inhibitors on their rides or add some screaming shields on their coasters during the most likely to scream parts of the coaster like California Screamin!!


Hope you all have a much better time at the up and coming parks!!

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Vampire, Dragon's Fury, Speed, Megafobia, Rita, Nemesis, Air, Oblivion, Cyclone, King Solomon's Mines, Big Dipper, Grand National, Pepsi Max, Steeplechase, The Ultimate, Kumali, and Velocity!


Thats an awesome list of POVs cant wait for the DVD release





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Ok now we are going to see whats going to hapen to Drayton Manor in about a week.

jejejeje just beeing goofy


and this will be a common thing to see at the park, and I think they will call him "an attraction"


a sign will be placed at the entrance

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Wow! I'm sorry you all had such a horrible time at DM. Is Gforce realy that pointless? Or is it at least worth riding to get the credit. Is DM even on the way between two parks so that you can stop by, get your credits and run?


Do not be sad. Even the worst parks are a lot of fun when your with a great group of people. And your with an awesome group!


Have fun!

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LMAO!! Funny photoshopping there mmousefan!!!


Well Gforce is really a gimmick coaster like screaming squirrel! It's a type of coaster like either you like it or you dont!


But as for me I know I would love Gforce and Screaming Squirrel. It's because I love gimmicky strange coasters such as Gforce and SS!! Flashback at SFMM is gimmicky and it is one of my top favorite coasters of all times!!


So basically to each their own when it comes to riding coasters. I saw in a different thread about someone saying that Psyclone at SFMM is his favorite coaster! Because he likes the roughness a rough woody can muster up!! I agree too!!

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