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Indiana Beach (IB) Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new owners have made some changes that I really don't like, hours and logo change (too modern), but the blog posted this and I like this.


Entrance repainted.


Buildings look so nice, Last year they looked like the 70's, though isn't a bad thing, the new look I actually like.

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  coasterdude5 said:
There's some good and some bad, but I hope in the end they aim the park in the right direction.


As much as I'd like to be optimistic and hope that's what they do, it's not looking good so far. Firing the maintenance staff seems like a really bad move. Those guys knew the quirks of all the rides and did an awesome job of keeping them all running very well.


For me, Indiana Beach isn't about how fresh the paint is. That's Holiday World's approach. Indiana Beach is about letting loose with a lot of really great rides in a unique, laid back environment that is free of the safety fascism that pervades most corporate parks. IB does have a bit of a run down feel, but I always loved that about the place.


I'm just getting the feeling that the new owners don't "get" the park. They've already made it so IB has no more night time operating hours, which just plain SUCKS.

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I need to get out there this summer before they completely destroy everything that made this park my favorite themepark...


First HW goes corporate (in terms of feel), and IB is next? It's a shame that once parks get noticed enough to grow, that they lose that small intimate feel that most of us fell in love with in the first place.


-James Dillaman

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I have never been to Indiana Beach before. Obviously I am going for Cornball but the website has said that Steel Hawg will open in mid May. I kind of got excited to be able to ride a unique ride and can't believe it still says mid May on the website. There isn't even a single piece of track up yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  spaceace12 said:
Mid may, wth, they don't even have track up and only about 15 supports. Then they got to test it, this may be a late may opening, but def. not mid may.


Yeah, and if it isn't open by Spring Conference (this coming weekend), they're gonna have a lot of angry ACEers on their hands...

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  Wathell said:
Could that first drop be considered an inversion?


That first drop looks just like this coaster called Afterburn at Wonder Island and rcdb.com considers it to be an inversion. But rcdb.com doesnt say how many degrees it is.


To be honest i didnt even know S&S built this coaster until now.


That, that is my new favorite roller coaster Steel Hawg, what a bad name for a ride that is going to be so great.

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^Yeah, but keep in mind that the coaster is braked at a constant speed until the car reaches it's steepest point, so it's not all a free-falling drop.


I'm really excited about this, but just because I have no idea how good or bad it's going to be. Like Matt, I don't have really high expectations and won't be surprised if Tig'rr is better.

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  Superdasher said:
  spaceace12 said:
Mid may, wth, they don't even have track up and only about 15 supports. Then they got to test it, this may be a late may opening, but def. not mid may.


Yeah, and if it isn't open by Spring Conference (this coming weekend), they're gonna have a lot of angry ACEers on their hands...


Yeah, but when are ACErs ever happy? j/k


Anyway, I can't wait to see the first PTR's from Indiana Beach when they open for the season. Construction photos on TPR of this ride have been few and far between to say the least.


-James Dillaman

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  jamesdillaman said:
  Superdasher said:
  spaceace12 said:
Mid may, wth, they don't even have track up and only about 15 supports. Then they got to test it, this may be a late may opening, but def. not mid may.


Yeah, and if it isn't open by Spring Conference (this coming weekend), they're gonna have a lot of angry ACEers on their hands...


Yeah, but when are ACErs ever happy? j/k


Anyway, I can't wait to see the first Photo TR's from Indiana Beach when they open for the season. Construction photos on TPR of this ride have been few and far between to say the least.


-James Dillaman


You mean when the park opens up or the new coaster? If the park, I have already done one and might going again in a couple weeks.

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  Superdasher said:
Yeah, and if it isn't open by Spring Conference (this coming weekend), they're gonna have a lot of angry ACEers on their hands...


Not as mad as they'll be when they come back out in June and can't fit on the ride...


Anyway, this ride looks...interesting. I'm withholding all "stupid-looking" and "yet another prototype" comments for now. I'm going to stick with "unique."

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There was a local article I read which quoted the park saying that Hawg may not be running until July. Looking at the pictures it seems ludicrous to expect it any sooner. So please - just chill, and enjoy the zillion other awesome things at The Beach.



Link to the article is here..


Tom Spackman Jr., whose family sold the Beach operations after an 83-year run, speculated the Steel Hawg should be operational by July once everything is set up.



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  • 3 weeks later...

One more thing worth mentioning...I've heard some reports of an element featured in this ride called a "Wall Turn". I'm guessing it'll be a 90-degree banked turn or something, but it's very hard to tell at this time with the lack of photos...


My first thought was that it would be like this: http://www.rcdb.com/ig2472.htm?picture=8 but I could be wrong.

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