shesaidboom Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 Every time I see pictures and hear about the Voyage I get even more excited to ride. I don't to wait another month Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildMouse Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 Wow! The Voyage onride video is mindblowing stuff indeed. Can't get over insanely relentless pacing. Not suprisingly the RCCGB have been singing the Voyages praises, though it sounds as though some people found it a little too intense! Certainly my kind of ride then. Â Will hopefully be riding this next June (touch wood ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimmyBo Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 My buddy and I are taking a trip out to that area the beginning of June and Holiday World is one of our stops. The Voyage looks freakin sweet and I just hope there won't be huge lines so we can ride it all day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SFOGdude25 Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 WOAH!!! It's Hades on steroids!! Â That will probably be the next "Best New Coaster" for Amusment Today! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goetz20 Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 I just rode it yesterday. It is amazing. I can't even describe it. The part I loved the most, though, is going through the MCBR and the brakes were wide open. WOW The airtime was just unbelievable. I still can't catch my breath. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NADisney Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 Howdy gang, rode it yesterday also since the park is only an hours drive for me.The Three 90- Degree banked turns really put me over the edge and that final tunnel drop on the turn -about was wicked. Â Make sure u keep your eyes open and looking forward when they take your pic wich I picked up along with a keychain pic - the only bad thing is that the pics are not dated 2006 or opeing day. Â Looked inside the Dark Ride thru the large picture windows, they were finishing painting the cue and Grandma Beatrice was sitting there patting her pussy waving a Turkey Caller . Â Ran into Mrs. Koch working behind the food counter during the rush hour lunch was nice to see Theme Park Managment and Owners working with the public instead of hiding in offices letting the parks go down hill like Disney and Six Flags did and do. Â Hope U 'All enjoy your visit to Holiday World this year . I won't be going back till mid June when they have Splash'n Safari opened up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TexTitan01 Posted May 7, 2006 Share Posted May 7, 2006 OMG that ride looks effin amazing!!!!!!! i want to goto holiday world so bad. It is wooden coaster lovers HAVEN. they've had world class coasters before, and with this opening. the world is going to go crazy for that park. Â lets see, now how far away is Santa Claus, IN from where I am....i dont care! VIVA LA VOYAGE!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Real Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 It's pure insanity people. Night rides on this thing are going to be unreal. Also, I dont think you will see alot of people marathoning it. Each ride takes quite a bit out of you.  haha! I marathoned it for 2 days straight! However my thighs hurt from the airtime and it does take alot out of you. Heres my "short" review which doesnt go into detail about some of the finer points of the ride.  Let me add the POV video DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE. AT ALL. Thats an EMPTY train and what looks to be not in the afternoon after it heats up. With a full train in the mid-late afternoon its almost too much for the body to handle. And yet - still very smooth.  I wont even waste the time to give the 2-4 letter words to describe it, those fall completely flat.  Mythical this ride is. No other word I could think of, other than epic, describes this ride.   I counted 22 moments of airtime of floater or above. Its excluding 2-3 moments that could be airtime but might be something else - what I dont know. 22 moments!!! The first day really had me in disbelief. Its the type of coaster that you design in No Limits. You throw in EVERY possible cool thing you can think of. Straight floater/ejector hills. Underground Tunnels. Double/Triple downs. Lateral airtime. Strong Lats. Sustained airtime. Strong pops of airtime. Twister sections. Station fly byes (x3). The list goes on.  But whenever one of us tries it in NL it ends up coming out...not so buttery smooth. Some things gel well, others, not so much. It ends up being a showcase of elements and not a ride. The Voyage is itself the showcase. Somehow, all of those things I mentioned are bottled into one unbelievable package that flows from one thing to the next as if it ALL belonged.   Time and time again Jeff, Kevin and myself kept saying "there is literally nothing, NOTHING to pick at." You could try, but the things you may end up saying are "Its a little too intense." or "Its a bit too long." As nitpicky as I could be I couldnt find a fault that could also be justified. Sure, its not perfect as maybe someday I will find something to say "maybe that should be different" but in the scale of what is out there vs what I envisioned as the dream ride - this is it. It has arrived.  It made landfall.   A play by play? Ill do that later. Ill sum things up by "element":  First drop - front seat is a great view, little air. Back seat is STRAIGHT sustained ejector.  Second drop - front is super sustained floater. Back is typical - ejector on the way over.  Third drop - same as second but with more speed and more intensity + banking with slight lats  Fourth hill - This is a low hill taken out of a tunnel and into a tunnel and taken with a turn in the middle. What does this give you in all seats? Sustained LATERAL floater. Bliss.  Fifth hill - This is the hill that Will called "weak" which, in relation to the other 428 hills it may be weak but in front seat its half floater and the back is floater too. What gives?  Twister turn around - Pyscho. 5 moments of strong air untill MCB. 8 changes in direction. Insane pacing.  MCB - NOT FLAT. HAHAHA. Yea, it may be straight but it curves. HaHa to that myth.  Triple down - front seat gets air on last 2 hills. Back seat gets floater over first 2 then awesome sustained ejector (pressed into bar hard) over what is actually a pretty large hill.  Coming home - Theres 2 more straight hills with great floater, a twisting airtime hill which in the front gives strong lats with airtime. Theres another crossing over lateral airtime hill and then the last 90 which isnt as good as the first 2 but its still very sweet in any seat.  (EDIT) I forgot to mention. The twisting hill before the last 90 degree turn is crazy because as you start down it (remember, youve been going downhill the entire way) you get this burst of speed that feels almost like a lim. Its where the terrain really drops off and the ride accelerates from around 40 to probably 55 mph. It is absolutly hauling and it was a complete shock. I cant think of many rides that as you got near the station actually accelerated (not counting powered/launched rides). Its ridiculous.  Station work - The first cross over in front of the station that crosses over the lift is INSANE. Maybe the strongest lats of the ride as it enters very unbanked and then banks hard right like a GCI and dives under the station providing airtime. The cross over behind the station over the brake run is equally as insane. The final figure eight has a strong pop of airtime and just insane left right helix combos.    Ill expand later on the turnaround and station area as well as key elements because each one is so unique it deserves its own explanation.   The Voyage I really think will stand for quite some time. There are key factors that go into making this mythical andI cant off hand think of a park in the right setting with the right owner who would pour his heart and soul into the ride to make a ride that attempts to be the greatest ever built - and succeeds. Kevin made mention that even as long as hes been riding he cant remember seeing a design that was a full blown attempt at creating the greatest ride ever - till this.   This ride delivers. If you can find a way there, the ride alone is worth the price. We were there for 2 straight days and rode Raven and Legend each ONCE. Not because they suck, but The Voyage is so captivating you have to ride it over and over. However, it will kick your butt after awhile. I was ok after Day 1 but shortly after the start to today my thighs hurt. Not from walkign. But from being destroyed by the airtime that pounded me into the lap bar.    Best. Ride. Ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterdave Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 My review: CoasterFanatics Review  Glad you folks enjoyed the TR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterdad Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 And for those who have there dought's when you have an E stop you won't make it back to the station. IT WILL! I did get caught twice when it E stoped. Sensor on Final brake run was giving a false reading. Even when e stoped you still come flying down the hill. As for the MCBR it at the hightest point on the hill. not the lowest point. This ride is just plain insaine! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pod Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 That looks awesome. When, when, when will they build a woodie like that in the UK???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Three Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Two things: Â (1) Just watched the onride video simultaneously with the concept video. The actual onride was moving faster. Â (2) Also just rewatched the Balder video. Somehow, nothing I've watched since has been able to top this footage. Â Got too much on my plate this year already. But next year, I'm headin' over to HW for sure. Damn the financial consequences. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeap13 Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 I got to ride the Voyage about ten times yesterday and it definitely doesn't dissappoint. The lines were almost non existent, and thankfully the exit ends up right by the entrance so I could reride it a few more times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
steven brill Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Â That coaster looks totally amazing!! is this the king of the woodies has the beast been dethroned?? WOW Â We need a coaster like that in The u.k that is so cool Blackpool Pleasure Beach is my favourite seaside park Alton Towers second if those two parks did a wooden coaster like that I say Alton Towers because tpb has plenty of wood coasters then holly cow. Â what are the worlds longest woodies? How come AT has never had a woodie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingOfNynex2003 Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 dude that coaster looks awesome!!!!!!!!!! i have 2 get 2 holiday world this year! that would be the best wooden coasterin the world! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gottastrata33 Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Damn does that look amazing....I love the twists and turns, it takes it all so fast. Its gotta be one of the best coasters. The footage is incredible. If you watch the video where youre watchin the girls ride, you can just see the intensity of the dang ride.... Â yeah what a voyage wow...incredible. Ive gotta get there. How far is it from chicago to santa clause, Indiana? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cameron Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Ive gotta get there. How far is it from chicago to santa clause, Indiana? Â Last time I drove, it was 350 miles from Evanston to the Holiday World car-park. Â A Chicago->Evansville interstate is desperately needed! Â Cameron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterFanatic Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Congrats Dave! Â Your review made the HoliBlog. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 13, 2006 Share Posted May 13, 2006 this is cool watch the videos and if someone can put them in a special place they are cool and i would rank thjis coaster a 10 and 5 stars it looks wilder than the beast of kings island if it was not for the back surgery i would ride this one in an instant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Real Posted May 14, 2006 Share Posted May 14, 2006 Oh...wait? Is that who I think it is? Familiar faces enjoying The Voyage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoryPa77 Posted May 15, 2006 Share Posted May 15, 2006 How funny... Â Wonder what their thoughts of The Voyage are? Jeff and Mike seem to be enjoying it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Real Posted May 15, 2006 Share Posted May 15, 2006 I have to think they were in the least bit pleasently suprised. It has so many GCI-like features back in the turnaround and up near the station that its truely a combination of out and back and twister. However, its more twister than out and back because it doesnt just follow one path back or out. Â I had a friend point them out to me in line and I snapped the shot from the entrance to the station Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
errtyme Posted May 15, 2006 Share Posted May 15, 2006 Well, so I'm a little late on this bandwagon (although I did write a non-photo TR on Holiday World yesterday) but to add to the general thought, Voyage IS worth every ounce of the hype. Like I said in mine, it seems to me to be the best wooden in the world without much competition. The ride is absolutely amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DancingDays Posted May 17, 2006 Share Posted May 17, 2006 I am simpley HAVE to make the 6 and a half hour drive to ride this thing. I thought Hades was amazing; this looks like it will be MUCH more insanely good... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted May 17, 2006 Share Posted May 17, 2006 We'll be putting up our full report, photos, and video soon...but...this is not the #1 coaster on the planet. It is very good. Very good. It is probably in my top 10 wood, but I like Hades (and a few other domestic woodies) better. Â Look for our TR soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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