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Overrated coasters in your opinion

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Dude, how is MF overrated? The airtime is incredible, the speed is sensational, and it's smooth as silk (at least as smooth as you can be at that speed).

...Airtime? If your refering to when your feet go up by 2 cm, sure. Otherwise, please enlighten me or just stfu.

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Beast - theres so much better out there, and now that it's so braked even the helix is tame to me.

Some other commetns:


Raven - If you've never had a night ride, don't even talk about raven, as that's the only time it's good IMO


Coney Island Cyclone - You have to consider when a ride was built...


Shivering timbers - If you wanted turns, why would you ride an out and back at all, it's a layout they wanted, they weren't building a terrain coaster... The airtime is good, especially at the end of the day and at night


Just my opinions. I respect yours, but may not agree

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Is there a difference between coaster that you think are overrated and coasters that you just don't like? I'm just asking because some people are posting coasters that never seem to get high ratings. Just a question.


For me, it has to be Steel Force. I like it, but I've never found any airtime on it, and its been rated as the best steel coaster, or at least one of the best, when I've ridden a lot better coasters. At that very park, Laser, IMO, is better. It's my favorite at the park right now, and it looks to stay that way for another couple of years.

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Gemini... I heard it was a lot of fun, and I just found it plain... (Well, the blue side wasn't running that day... I guess it didn't help)


And Mean Streak.. well, it has never been overrated, but I found the look of the coaster impressive and it just looked like a great ride.... surprise surprise : it wasn't! (my poor little body, good thing they had lots of seats and a flume ride in front of it...)

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Is there a difference between coaster that you think are overrated and coasters that you just don't like? I'm just asking because some people are posting coasters that never seem to get high ratings. Just a question.


For me, it has to be Steel Force. I like it, but I've never found any airtime on it, and its been rated as the best steel coaster, or at least one of the best, when I've ridden a lot better coasters. At that very park, Laser, IMO, is better. It's my favorite at the park right now, and it looks to stay that way for another couple of years.


To be overrated, a coaster must have ratings that are higher than you think it deserves.


And yeah, several people in this thread have missed the point on that.


I would say Hulk is rather overrated. And hell, so is Volcano. They're good coasters, but they're not outstanding like I tend to read they are.


The real gem at PKD is Avalanche

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For me there are three rides that I think are way too overrated:


1. X: I went on this coaster three times and came of with a horrible headache each ride. It is neat that the seats can do 360 degree rotations, but it is just not a fun ride and it is way to short.


2. Superman The Escape: The launch isn't very powerful and the cars only go half way up the tower which starts out 50 ft. above the ground so I don't see how it can even be considered as being 400ft. tall.


3. Volcano: It is a fun ride, but it is over right when it seems to start going.

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Dude, how is MF overrated? The airtime is incredible, the speed is sensational, and it's smooth as silk (at least as smooth as you can be at that speed).

...Airtime? If your refering to when your feet go up by 2 cm, sure. Otherwise, please enlighten me or just stfu.


1. First drop.

2. First camelback.

3. Second camelback.

4. Third camelback.

5. A couple of the overbanked curves give a bit of airtime.


At least from the back you get this.

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^ Hmm...I disagree. First drop, yes. First camel back? Even from the back its not evven floater. Second camel back is barely floater thuogh its better in the front. Third is ok but over too quickly.


You arent really getting air in the overbanks, just a pause in the acceleration and deceleration.


MF is crazy overrated. Been on it more times than I can count. If I want smooth as silk and to go fast (height is boring) I go ride in a convertible down Route 2.

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Superman: The Escape was a waste of metal in my opinion. The Discovery Channel overhyped it to death with this '6 seconds of weightlessness' which the only weightless I felt was that weird feeling you typically get after riding a disorienting coaster. If I want to go fast, I'll just go take a ride on the freeway as that's exactly what it felt like. I'm glad I didn't wait any more than 15 minutes for it.

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I'd say FX at Moviepark Germany (currently called: "MP-Xpress" http://rcdb.com/id969.htm ) is vastly overrated! If not even over-overrated? It has been for years...


I've more than once seen kiddies and other mindless brats unboarding it with exclamations of utter excitation. Then telling everyone in the line how awsome bad a** the ride had been. Waiting there, just to hear *that*! You might do a ride or two on it, for fun, but otherwise: overated I say! But no one listening...


Yes FX, the most overrated coaster within miles!


"Lieutenant General OMFG Public" has spoken rule and spell...

...and no way to ever beat or cure *this* kind of overratinizing!


greetings from the drylands of true enthusia$$m

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^ Dude, it's an SLC how can it be overrated? They hurt like hell and they're sucky! Doesn't exactly sound overrated to me.


Now, in my opinion the most overrated coaster has to be Beast; great history , terrible ride. If it were smoother it would be worth the 45 minute wait but since it sux it's not worth it. Sry all u beast lovers

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SFNE's Cyclone. A lot of people to this day have it as their favorite wooden coaster. Boulder Dash is nearby and doesn't leave blood in your pee.


Although it's not nearly as bad as it used to be, and this year it was retracked. I'll have to get back to y'all...

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Wild One-SFA. I waited like an hour for this coaster. I was so depressed at it's performance that i seriously wanted to burn it down. That is seriously the only coaster that I think is overrated. Nearly every coaster fan I see loves that coaster. I hate it. The Beast rules it anyday.

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First and foremost, MEDUSA East. If it weren't for the rougher than normal B&M inversions, I could've fallen asleep.


Millennium Force and Nitro are two more. Both are great at night, but still not up to the hype and both are downright forceless in the day.]


Lightning Racer stands out for me for woodies. I think Wildcat is far better.

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I've got a few:


PKI's the Beast -- It goes fast down straight pieces of track. Ho-hum!


SFMM's X -- I rode it on the inside seat and it was pure crap! I waited 1 hour, 10 minutes for this?


CP's Magnum XL-200 -- The last parts of airtime hurt my thighs! Millennium Force may not have as much airtime, but at least it's smooth!

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