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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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  dstephe9 said:
I don't think we can accurately say everyone is guessing but u do believe they are.. only folks at the meeting (or wherever those blueprints came from) can say that 100% for sure but I am very curious about the fans.. blowing snow around would be awesome and her snow park idea was an OUTDOOR snow park.


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What fans? I think you are mistaking the inverted coaster supports for fans somehow

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  dstephe9 said:
I don't think we can accurately say everyone is guessing but u do believe they are..

On the contrary, we ARE all guessing . . . even me. Nothing has been officially stated about this project. Some of our guessing is based on logic and concrete evidence, some are based on hopes.

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Another thing to consider.. would Dollywood even plop down a standard model coaster? That's completely against their personality. They heavily customize or theme everything (aside from the small kids coaster) they do unless the entire area is heavily customized and themed I don't see them just plopping down a standard model coaster.. I saying it won't be a family suspended coaster, but it would concern me more if Dollywood didn't customize the layout or anything.. I'd be concerned they were losing their creativity.


But if the entire area has some sort of gimmick then I could see them plopping down a standard model. Those giant fans might point to some sort of gimmick for the coaster or area (unless they are queue fans)..


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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
That looks like a substantial area, and a small coaster like that would be great. At this rate, it might open before Lightning Rod does.
Haha but LR was actually very reliable this year after it's early downtime.. summer - Fall/winter it was probably running 85+% of the time


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  dstephe9 said:
Another thing to consider.. would Dollywood even plop down a standard model coaster? That's completely against their personality.

What if Dollywood figured the current layout of that coaster is already fantastic. That model has not made it to the US yet so why not use it? I think you are thinking far too much into this. Virtually every coaster type at dollywood has no "standard" model anyway.

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  jarmor said:
  dstephe9 said:
Another thing to consider.. would Dollywood even plop down a standard model coaster? That's completely against their personality.

What if Dollywood figured the current layout of that coaster is already fantastic. That model has not made it to the US yet so why not use it? I think you are thinking far too much into this. Virtually every coaster type at dollywood has no "standard" model anyway.

Just trying to spark discussion is all and exactly, pretty much every coaster Dollywood builds has no standard model so why start now.. why not make it their own


But again there is probably a high probability those rides are placeholders anyways, at least some of them.


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  dstephe9 said:
But again there is probably a high probability those rides are placeholders anyways

Based on what? Why go through the trouble of making fake blueprints and actually build something different. You do know presenting that you are doing exactly is a requirement. Theme parks know we are a minority, they also know we will snoop and find things. They aren't that concern about things getting out as much as you would think they should be.

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Because the meeting wasn't for building approvals or anything like that.. it was just for environmental stuff. They might build everything exactly like the blueprints, who knows. Maybe the layout of the coaster isn't 100% finalized so they put the stock one down maybe they are just trying to save money and go stock


If you notice, the coaster is the only part in color and the blueprint with the fans doesn't actually show the entire layout. That portion might be real


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  dstephe9 said:
Because the meeting wasn't for building approvals or anything like that.. it was just for environmental stuff. They might build everything exactly like the blueprints, who knows. Maybe the layout of the coaster isn't 100% finalized so they put the stock one down maybe they are just trying to save money and go stock


If you notice, the coaster is the only part in color and the blueprint with the fans doesn't actually show the entire layout. That portion might be real


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That's not how this process works - This isn't concept art, it's a detailed engineering drawing.


The station buildings and queue shown in the drawings are consistent among each other and are specifically tailored to that exact layout. You wouldn't bother designing all these outside buildings and supporting structures without a signed contract with Vekoma for the coaster.

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So the part you want to be real, is real lol. Ask yourself this question, how many time has a park gone before a board with fake plans with "placeholder" items to fool the public. Remember, this is a hobby for us and a business for them. They may tease us but they aren't gonna make fake plans just to throw people off.

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  jarmor said:
So the part you want to be real, is real lol. Ask yourself this question, how many time has a park gone before a board with fake plans with "placeholder" items to fool the public. Remember, this is a hobby for us and a business for them. They may tease us but they aren't gonna make fake plans just to throw people off.



Hmmm I don't know, there a lot of ...mis-information out there!



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I hope it's a suspended coaster, I really do, but I hope Dollywood puts their twist on it, even if it's just a simple gimmick.. Dollywoods uniqueness is why I spend so much money there every year.. even though that coaster isn't in America yet, I really hope Dollywood doesn't just start building clones of coasters from other places.. that's a Six Flags thing, not a Dollywood thing. Dollywood, please add your uniqueness to it! Haha


Heck, most people on here would jump all over Six Flags for being cheap for doing this sort of thing haha.


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Wild eagles not a clone. In my eye there is a difference. A clone can become unqiue and special, especially if it's themed well. If this is a standard layout, I hope I has a very nice theme to it.


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^^ Agreed. The ride just isn't "unique and special" if someone could simply hop on a transatlantic flight and travel thousands of miles to f*cking Denmark and ride the same family coaster. Dollywood needs to "add uniqueness". They need to build something special like Whistle Punk chaser.

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^^ There's no mystery though. The layout and supports in the blueprints are 100% identical to the Vekoma Suspended Family Coaster 453m model https://rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&mo=10901




A Mack inverted powered coaster is cool and all, but it's absolutely not what's presented in those drawings. Why speculate on things that are confirmed? Are you guys going to start questioning if they're not actually building the clearly shown swinging ship too?

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  michaellynn4 said:
I'm either blind, stupid, or both. Where the hell are you guys seeing the suspended coaster in that top blueprint?
It's the colorful thing lol. Looks kind of like a waterslide or something


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  michaellynn4 said:
I'm either blind, stupid, or both. Where the hell are you guys seeing the suspended coaster in that top blueprint?


Look at the big colored tube thing, see how it follows the same path as the vekoma sketch that chickenbowl just posted? The colored tube is the ride envelope. It looks like they put it in these plans to show the area it will occupy as well as the noise it will create. I assume the colors correspond to noise somehow?


This was presented at an environmental hearing, right? That would explain why it's been presented like this.

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