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What is the worst Theme Park in the world?

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Personally for me, the worst theme park (so far) is Epcot Center at Disney World.


I was actually very excited to go, but once I went Spaceship Earth I knew something was wrong. The ride seemed outdated by today's standards and most of the other rides made me say to myself "I don't feel like learning on my vacation." The best thing there was probably Test Track.

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WORST MARINE ANIMAL SHOWS: Sea World's whale and dolphin shows. Hands down. I don't think anyone could ever beat them (nor should anyone try!) in terms of hokey scripting, hokier costumes, wooden dialogue, and an utter lack of the slightest educational content.


Obviously you've never been to Marineland. The only thing truly "marine" about it, apart from a few dolphins and orcas, was its name. The rest of it had this bizarre feudal Germany-like theme.

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Let's just it wasn't the happiest place on earth...it was the HOTTEST FIVE HOUR WAIT IN LINE place on earth when I went there...We almost passed out!


Besides, when you think about it, you can really get sick of disneyland in like two days.


Then maybe you should have bought a fastpass, went in the single rider line, or not go in the middle of freakin summer when everyone else goes.



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I can't scream how much I hate howt Knott's is RAN from an operation standpoint. I mean the charm it's losing from an old-time family park isn't being justified by the lackluster coasters that are making it a so-so thrill park. California's Great America didn't really impress me much either. I'd have to agree with an earlier post that the coaster lineup is "a yawn convention" at best. I'm just going to go on record that as a theme park enthusiast it's a little upsetting to see Six Flags in the boat their in when Cedar Fair doesn't do too much differently and still thrives.

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I am gonna have to say California's Great America for a corporate park. Their coaster collection sucks a$$! They do have great flat rides though so that was one redeeming quality.


Amen. They REALLY need that new GCI woodie to get approved...

Unfortunately, the lack of any land means things arent going to improve any time (unless they Neuter Grizzly as has been needed for a while)

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Obviously you've never been to Marineland. The only thing truly "marine" about it, apart from a few dolphins and orcas, was its name. The rest of it had this bizarre feudal Germany-like theme.


Yes, Marineland is definitely a strange park in it's own right! I think that maybe it could be time for them to drop the whole "game farm" part of it's theming and just go with aquatic and ride experiences.


I remember when the commercials used to sing 'Marineland and Game Faaaaarm' back in the early eighties, but do not remember all of the epic walks to get to every attraction. I definitely felt like a work-out stud after doing that park! Perhaps they should add some zip lines to get to each attraction?


I will be interested to see if they follow up to the proposed expansion that will include a new "living seas" type aquarium as well as a shark exhibit. I am surprised that they would not expand the main tank in order to be able to accomodate the orca's into the marine show like they used too - that was the main draw back in the day. I was very disappointed that the show did not feature the killer whale splashdown last year, but understand why they quit due to the small size of the tank.


To be honest, I am amazed that this park has held on as long as it has. While it is nice to see them adding new things, the park just seems so oddball and somewhat high priced for the offering. But, it's so damned funky oddball and weird, I think, I think...that I could be falling in love with it!!!

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I can think of a few but except for one, they're gone now, and a couple that made absolutely no sense to me.


The worst is a toss-up between Legend City (Phoenix), which when i was there years ago smelled like a state fair midway about to blow up, and Children's Fairyland (Oakland). I took my grandkids to CF in 98, and had to steer them not once but twice away from some dilapidated theming attraction because I spotted a syringe in the shrubs. I know this sounds like fiction, but I can still see it to this day, and it still turns my stomach.


Joyland (Wichita), but that's a case of it's not really the park's fault. it needed a lot of love, particularly Roller Coaster, but after Boeing/Cessna/LearJet had pretty much left the area, the economy fell and there wasnt much money for the park or other similar attractions.


Then there's just plain weird ones like WeekiWatchee in Florida, which had people eating, drinking and other things underwater, which was just weird.


Worst major park: Astroworld had some great rides (Cyclone, Dexter Frebish, etc.) but its placement wasnt good at all. Granted, the Dome was across the way, but it was like a midway in an industrial park. Just did nothing for me.

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This question is a little to broad. I would say that parks are bad in certain aspects. I would say the SFMM is terrible as far as Ride operations and crowd. Nobody can debate that they have great coasters (terrible flat rides) but the crowd that you encounter is a little rough. I last visited the park in July and I was so frustrated with line-jumpers and people that have total direguard for the rules. It was a little dirty also, but not as bad as the last time I had visited.

I also have to admit that I think it is time for the Mountain to tear down and scrap Superman. It is totally obsolete and doesn't even seem like it goes that fast. It is an eyesore and generates the most unpleasant sound at any park!


I wouldn't say that it is even close to being the worst park but in certain aspect it is near the top of the list.


Just my opinion:)

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Worst Parks by themselves I have been to...


- J's Amusement Park (closed)

- Gulf Shores Amusement Park (though it did have flyers. park closed)

- SFKK from about 1999 to 2002

- SFNO (Rides were okay, but everthing else was terrible)

- Pocono Play Park

- Pharohs Lost Kingdom (rides closed, had potential)

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I think the title of this thread should be changed to what is your worst theme park, or something along those lines. I had a great time at Cedar Point last year, although their coaster selection is decent (in my opinion) aside from Maverick, and the ops were a little less then friendly. The people that were with me made it a fantastic trip. So in my mind, Cedar Point is a great park. On the other hand, when I visited Knoebles, no one I was with wanted to be there, and we only had enough time to get on the coasters, no flats or any other rides, so to me, Knoebels is not such a great park. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it all depends on your experiences. I hope this makes some kind of sense.

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One I've been to (if it even qualifies as a theme park) was The Flintstones Bedrock City Park & Campground in South Dakota. It had one train ride and a Fred Flintstone car that went around the playground area. It was like a playground you'd find at any of your neighborhood parks only it had Flintstones theming and you paid admission and it had two rides. It was really dull and blowed big time!

Edited by HowieP
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For me it's Kennywood.


I can't really understand that. Kennywood, at least in my opinion, is one of the best parks I have been to. It's extremely clean, has amazing atmosphere, and some great rides. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, but could you elaborate on it somewhat?

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