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Walt Disney World Disney's Animal Kingdom Discussion Thread

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New Avatar information released today!




Since we first broke ground last year at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, we’ve been looking forward to welcoming guests into Pandora, the mythical land based on the blockbuster film AVATAR. We’re having a lot of fun dreaming up ways to bring to life the land’s iconic elements from the magnificent floating mountains to the interactive bioluminescent forest, and even to the soaring banshees.


This creative process has been one of the most dynamic and collaborative ones we’ve ever undertaken. It began when our then-Chairman of Disney Parks and Resorts proposed to James Cameron that together we might recreate the world of Pandora at Disney. Since that time, our creative development team, led by Joe Rohde, has been working hand-in-hand with Jim, Jon Landau and their team of artists and designers at Lightstorm on every aspect of this project—from overall design to the smallest—yet crucially important—details. And along each step of this process, Tom, as well as Disney CEO Bob Iger have been actively involved in helping guide the creative vision that is shaping the extraordinary world we’re building. 1735998201_ScreenShot2015-02-26at14_57_42.png.9ad40f6e034218b87a3204881fe8d7ce.png

We all recently got together at our offices in Glendale, California and walked through the fantastic progress on the whole land—including the awesome experience of seeing Pandora while riding on a banshee.


When he was with us, Jim said, “I think one of the things that people loved about the movie is that they felt as if they had visited Pandora… now, thanks to Disney’s amazing Imagineers, people are going to truly experience Pandora firsthand. From the details in the plants to the production and design, extraordinary thought and care has gone into this entire world. The teams have really created something special, and it’s not going to be like anything else.”


This project is really pushing the boundaries of what is possible. But one of the things that makes Disney Parks so special is that it takes all of our Cast—across the segment—to really bring these experiences to life. We were glad to be able to share our work with the creative teams and thought you might want to see it, too. Here’s a sneak peek of what we showed them:

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Gotta say, the area itself looks like it could easily be the most immersive environment ever constructed in an amusement park. Those floating mountains are gonna be gigantic!


The only thing I'm a little bit worried about is that from the sound of it the E-ticket is going to be a simulator ride similar to Soarin' except for it will take place on a dragon. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint, but either way it'll still be one of the best attractions in the park.

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The concept art is indeed fantastic. I am very curious to see the execution of the floating mountains. Will it be like Carsland, where the mountain are backdrop for the simulator? Will Pandora be more than just one attraction in the final build? How do they plan on creating the world of Pandora with the retail and food ops? I think that is massively challenging, to adapt the theme of Avatar into food services. It certainly does lend itself to easy adaptation like Harry Potter, Cars, Simpsons, etc. And it is not like Avatar merchandise is still a hot commodity. I am fascinated to see how this expansion will all come together. At least they don't have to worry about the sequels being out before the new land is done.

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^It was especially cool when I first saw it at my local mall 10 years ago.

To be fair, I've never actually seen an effect like that in all the theme parks I've visited nor any of the shopping malls I've visited, so just because there might be a similar effect that you've seen at one place doesn't mean that tens of thousands of people who see it every day in Avatar won't be experiencing something like it for the first time in their lives.

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The concept art is indeed fantastic. I am very curious to see the execution of the floating mountains. Will it be like Carsland, where the mountain are backdrop for the simulator? Will Pandora be more than just one attraction in the final build? How do they plan on creating the world of Pandora with the retail and food ops? I think that is massively challenging, to adapt the theme of Avatar into food services. It certainly does lend itself to easy adaptation like Harry Potter, Cars, Simpsons, etc. And it is not like Avatar merchandise is still a hot commodity. I am fascinated to see how this expansion will all come together. At least they don't have to worry about the sequels being out before the new land is done.


I recall that they were planning some sort of boat ride, too--or was that dropped?

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^It was especially cool when I first saw it at my local mall 10 years ago.

To be fair, I've never actually seen an effect like that in all the theme parks I've visited nor any of the shopping malls I've visited, so just because there might be a similar effect that you've seen at one place doesn't mean that tens of thousands of people who see it every day in Avatar won't be experiencing something like it for the first time in their lives.


Oh, I totally agree. This implentation is sure to blow away the simple ones I've seen at malls (basically just a projector hung from the ceiling with a motion sensor that simulates splashing water when people walked over it) and will surely impress.

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