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here it is guys, Australia now has a great thrill ride.






***hey guys Ive redone the review as yesterday I was so excited it was hard to think and I left out the airtime. so sorry and I give you a new version****


Just rember to reload incase you get yesterday report

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wow, nice use of periods and commas there!


anyway, while the ride looks kind of bland, i think the theming really makes up for it! (of course i havnt been on it, so it may be very good!)



by the way, were you interviewed on http://www.supermanescape.com.au/se/home.aspx?docId=2 ??


if so, youove been ARN&Red!


-The annoying interview with a winner from some contest. Maybe it's a real interview with a real idiot. Maybe it's made up by an idiot. All we know for sure is that at least one idiot was involved, probably several.



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Nice review there. I like the photo, of the building itself, tracks 'bursting' out of two holes in it. Nice.


I like the fact that some parks are paying for their stations to look as much a part of the attraction, as the coaster itself.


I think IOA and Dueling Dragons was really one of the first, if not The First, to actually "do a Disney" on it's lineup building - for a coaster, specificially.


Superman looks like a winner. Thanks for sharing the experience of it's (and yours) first flight.


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Thanks for the review! I was lucky enough to visit Australia in 2000 and got to visit Dreamworld and Wonderland (Sydney). I will definately have to come back ASAP to visit WB Movie World! I also was there in September of 2000 and got to go to the LIVID Festival in Brisbane and see No Doubt, Green Day, The Living End, and The Cure!! AWESOME!

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anyway, while the ride looks kind of bland,





The ride is far from bland my friend I would ride it 24/7 if I had the choice.

Well, on your review, you never really went into how awsome the air time was, I would have thought that those would have been the things that stood out the most.

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Uhh. That onride, if any onride Ive ever seen (which has to be well over 200, maybe 300) shows this ride has TONS of airtime.


It careens up the top hat. I just dont see how anyone can say it doesnt seem like it doesnt have much airtime when it FLIES over each hill without even seeming to lose speed.




Ride looks AWESOME. You guys have a gem down there, take care of it!

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I'll reserve official judgement until after I actually ride it.


But, from the POV, this coaster looks not as impressive as some of the other Rocket Coasters. It looks like a small-ish Top Hat and then the middle section of SFNE Superman. It doesn't look bad, by any means; I'm sure it's a blast to ride, but I'm more excited about Speed Monster.


My $.02

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If a word beginning with a vowel or vowel sound is preceded by the article "a," "a" should be changed to "an." I'm just nitpicking.


That was a pretty good review. But don't leave us hanging. Tell us about the airtime. All three hills look like they've got some. Is there any entering the brakes?

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***hey guys Ive redone the review as yesterday I was so excited it was hard to think and I left out the airtime. so sorry and I give you a new version****


Just rember to reload incase you get yesterday report



Also just seen media photos and I look awesome going over the camel hump.

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If a word beginning with a vowel or vowel sound is preceded by the article "a," "a" should be changed to "an." I'm just nitpicking.

I know I personally, as well as others have told him this, but he just doesn't seem to get it.

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Well its 2 days later the ride opens to the public on Monday and I still have this image stuck in my head from when i was in the front row, dropping then shooting to the right from the tophat what a rush.of myself



P.S sorry about "A" and "AN" its being a New Zealander and alcholic that does it to my brain.

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Can we expect to see a POV or Movie from yourself (RABID)?

Hopefully our Traning Ship, the Golden Bear, will make the Gold Coast a port as it did a few years ago. Anyhow, looks like you have yourself's quite the themed rocket, and I think the Superman figure on the rear of the train is an especially nice touch.


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  • 2 months later...

While it may not look like much to some people, your just going by the POV of one of the first testing trains and some pics of the ride. Don't forget about the indoor section which takes up more than half the ride itself (the earthquake scene, etc.).


While i've never been on it, which im going to in few days (i live in south australia - i wish we had a park), i still think its gonna be good. (not saying anyone else isnt thinkin dat). I think that the ride will really shine once you get to see the inside section, plus the actual rollercoaster bit.


Does anyone have any detailed infromation on the inside section? Ive seen the layout of it and heard descriptions, but is it really good or is it like they've tried to make it good, but they've failed. I think that the indoor section will be good but i dont really wanna get myself excited for the indoor bit incase it might be a little crap... Like out of time things and such, and not much detail.

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