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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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If my eyes don't deceive me, I believe Fireball has been getting its Mohawk..err...flames on top. Honestly, after watching the Fireball video a few times, I'm actually really, really excited for this ride. It just looks like a lot of fun. The hang-time and seating arrangement will be cool. Even though some people may not be too hyper about riding it, I think that it will be a great addition to the park. Opening day will definitely be a good Friday.


I can't believe how close opening day is getting. The park will be bright and beautiful next week. "You can't see it. It's electric!....But you know it's there. Yeah, here there everywhere." <--Anyone else in a dancing mood?


EDIT: If anyone is trying to view the HITP information, it seems like the park's website is temporarily down, but they posted a short video for the event on the park's Facebook page.

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9 more days left!


Which would be a better ride to start the season off with? JLBFM or American Thunder?


American Thunder.


If it's open I want to hit The Boss first. When I rode it last year on Saturday opening weekend before they closed it ran beautifully. When I rode it June 2014.....not so much so.


9 days away. "Supposed" to be 63 degrees. I'll take that. Rain rain go away.

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9 more days left!


Which would be a better ride to start the season off with? JLBFM or American Thunder?


I would check Justice League and see if there's a line first or see if it's actually running. If there is a line, I'd do American Thunder first.

FYI, if you see people outside the JL line, it's at least 90 minutes.

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9 more days left!


Which would be a better ride to start the season off with? JLBFM or American Thunder?


I would check Justice League and see if there's a line first or see if it's actually running. If there is a line, I'd do American Thunder first.

FYI, if you see people outside the JL line, it's at least 90 minutes.

As long as there aren't any delays, the line is 60 minutes once you reach the entrance of the hall of justice.

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As long as there aren't any delays, the line is 60 minutes once you reach the entrance of the hall of justice.


In my mind, this is the reason the queue doesn't actually reach the wall to the right of the entrance. They did the math and realized if the queue had been extended another 10 feet there it would have taken 70 minutes and that just would not have been okay.




Actually, do we have any idea why that gap is there? I guessed they wanted another theming installation but ran out of money.

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9 more days left!


Which would be a better ride to start the season off with? JLBFM or American Thunder?


I would check Justice League and see if there's a line first or see if it's actually running. If there is a line, I'd do American Thunder first.

FYI, if you see people outside the JL line, it's at least 90 minutes.

As long as there aren't any delays, the line is 60 minutes once you reach the entrance of the hall of justice.


Last time I rode it, there wasn't a "delay", but the staff wasn't filling the cars to capacity. I get that it's really busy and all, but it makes no sense to put only two or three people on it, when it can hold seven.

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Now that we are close to opening day, I'm wondering if HWFan or some other park person in the know can tell me if the volume problem on JLBFM has been corrected. In short, the volume level of the entire ride, especially the Joker animatronic, was way way too low. This problem doesn't exist at the SFOT version, which is much louder and therefore much more effective. A Six Flags exec I ran into in the park last year (I don't know his name but it wasn't Dave) told me that they were well aware of that issue but that it wasn't just a matter of turning up the volume; the soundtrack needed to be rerecorded. I guess I'll see for myself next weekend, but I'm still wondering, any info on this?

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Now that we are close to opening day, I'm wondering if HWFan or some other park person in the know can tell me if the volume problem on JLBFM has been corrected. In short, the volume level of the entire ride, especially the Joker animatronic, was way way too low. This problem doesn't exist at the SFOT version, which is much louder and therefore much more effective. A Six Flags exec I ran into in the park last year (I don't know his name but it wasn't Dave) told me that they were well aware of that issue but that it wasn't just a matter of turning up the volume; the soundtrack needed to be rerecorded. I guess I'll see for myself next weekend, but I'm still wondering, any info on this?


I just hope they don't fix the fly that lands on Cyborg's nose in the intro video. However I would be fine if they edited the cut from Cyborg to Batman in the Batmobile that takes way too long on the video but looks more normal at the loading platform.

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