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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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They choose the Ninja because it has the lowest coaster ridership in the park, so they are trying to get people back in the line. As far as this VR idea, if executed well it could be good but I see it as troublesome and a maintenance nightmare. Probably won't work most of the time.

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They choose the Ninja because it has the lowest coaster ridership in the park, so they are trying to get people back in the line. As far as this VR idea, if executed well it could be good but I see it as troublesome and a maintenance nightmare. Probably won't work most of the time.


That and it's the only looping coaster in the park that is not inverted, launched, or a boomerang

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Wait so my situational awareness of what is coming on this abusive ride will be taken away so I can't prepare my head? As cool as this sounds I dont even want to try it because of the ride they've chosen for it. Really though. Ninja should have removed over a decade ago.

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This is a hilarious amount of negativity. There are very few installations of this tech, and none at the "competitor" parks in the region. It's revitalizing a boring coaster with the most interesting coat of paint I can imagine right now. I guess people are sad that Ninja won't be knocked down, but the park isn't wanting for space. It's not like Corporate will be saying "oh man I wish we could spend $20m in St. Louis but we just don't want to knock down Tidal Wave."


They choose the Ninja because it has the lowest coaster ridership in the park, so they are trying to get people back in the line.


This, and honestly, there aren't a lot of other coasters you would have wanted it to go on. Most of the other coasters in the park gain too much from being able to see your surroundings. That being said, I think the fact that it's not going on Batman is really interesting. Obviously it would have bolstered lines at an already popular ride, but it would have allowed SF to continue moving in on the DC cross promotion, and they could have copied the work done here to the other installations of the ride. I'm very curious if it was a technical limitation or a creative decision.

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We're negative because the Ninja is the worst. I mean the worst.


As for Batman I dont think it is a technical limitation - Goliath has a very open-air B&M train and is getting this too. I'd think the open train would be the only possible concern.

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My thoughts on this:


I think it's a great idea. Ninja has low(ish) ridership and great capacity. I'm guessing they won't have enough sets for the entire train, so maybe the VR will be in the middle rows only?


As for the whole "coasters are supposed to let you look at your surroundings" thing, I don't get that. I mean, there are plenty of indoor coasters where not being able to see your surroundings actually adds to the experience. And this things optional, too.


Also, as far as I know video games at home can't exert forces on you while you're playing. This is nothing like sitting at home with a headset on.


And at the end of the day, the thing is options and it's not going to affect load times, especially on the Ninja. No need to complain.

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While this might be a decent visual experience, I haven't seen anything about the audio experience. I worry that something that has the possibility to be successful will be ruined or just simply not fulfilled when you're just watching a screen without sound or even poor sound. Can this phone be loud enough to produce over Ninja itself? Watching a movie without sound isn't very exciting..

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I bet there will be advertisements during the trip up the lift hill

*coaster slams into brakes"

"How it feels to chew 5 gum."


I could get behind ridiculously obtrusive advertising for comedy's sake.


"Boy, it's a good thing you were wearing Samsung Gear powered by Oculus Rift (tm.) If you were wearing some terrible HTC Vive , you'd be dead right now!"


Well....this is interesting. I think another coaster in the park would have been a better option, but oh well.


You and everyone else, but this is almost certainly a fraction of the cost sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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