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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Another fun fact, Thunder River's queue house was an attraction named Tiltmore Hotel. A walkthrough fun house with angled walkways and optical illusions. Like something you would see at Lake of the Ozarks by Bagnell Dam.

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Only one of the parks' kiddie rides came from Six Flags Astroworld - the space ship themed Zamperla Crazy Sub called Marvin The Martian Camp Invasion, all of the other kiddie rides the park has were either bought new in 2006 or the park already had them and moved them to their current locations in 2006. All of the parks' current collection of Antique Cars came from Six Flags Astroworld, they were initially mixed in with the SFSL original cars and then when the track was shortened all the original SFSL Moon Cars were sent elsewhere in the company I think.


In one those useless facts about the park, Superman: Tower Of Power was to be named Acrophobia (it was painted and installed with a teal, orange and green paint scheme), it was changed to Superman after Mark Shapiro came to tour the park and forced the name change on the park.

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Only one of the parks' kiddie rides came from Six Flags Astroworld - the space ship themed Zamperla Crazy Sub called Marvin The Martian Camp Invasion, all of the other kiddie rides the park has were either bought new in 2006 or the park already had them and moved them to their current locations in 2006.


Okay... there were a lot of attractions installed that year, I assumed it was all from Astroworld. Bad assumption on my part.


In one those useless facts about the park, Superman: Tower Of Power was to be named Acrophobia (it was painted and installed with a teal, orange and green paint scheme), it was changed to Superman after Mark Shapiro came to tour the park and forced the name change on the park.


I think there are pics of the original color schema buried on the interweb somewhere.

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^ I've heard that the area is cleared, getting ready for the installation. Also, I've heard from multiple people that the final ride will look NOTHING like LaRonde's orange and blue generic theme, but rather have some actual themed elements that resemble buoys and nautical objects. Who knows, I guess we'll all see for sure when the park opens and actual constructions starts.

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In one those useless facts about the park, Superman: Tower Of Power was to be named Acrophobia (it was painted and installed with a teal, orange and green paint scheme), it was changed to Superman after Mark Shapiro came to tour the park and forced the name change on the park.


I think there are pics of the original color schema buried on the interweb somewhere.


Check page 3 of this thread

Edited by Woodie Warrior
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That's so cool about Superman. I'm actually glad they changed the name though. Acrophobia is just so generic. Superman may be over used but at least its more fun than Acrophobia. Besides, maybe with having Superman as the name for our Drop Tower, we wont have to worry about our next Coaster being called Superman lol! We will just get a Goliath, or a Medusa, or a Bizarro, or a Dark Knight.....lol!

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^ That would be an easy day for me, Boss would be closed, so I would just have to focus on Highland Fling


Did you work at SFSTL summer 2012??


My first season was 2013 and I was at American Thunder/ Moon Cars or Batman/ Turbo Bungy depending on the day.


Lame... Mr. Freeze all the way! I worked freeze summer 2012. It was a blast. (No pun intended)


AT wasn't bad, Batman was fun to work depending on who you were working with. I actually requested to work at Mr.Freeze this year, but they decided I would be better at Boss.


Boss is still awesome. I had a friend who was lead there last summer! She loved it, hated walking to the MCBR to test. Have fun at boss this year, are you working there full season, or summer only??

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^ I've heard that the area is cleared, getting ready for the installation. Also, I've heard from multiple people that the final ride will look NOTHING like LaRonde's orange and blue generic theme, but rather have some actual themed elements that resemble buoys and nautical objects. Who knows, I guess we'll all see for sure when the park opens and actual constructions starts.

After seeing the computer generated images from the manufacturer (Mack), I would definitely suggest bringing your surf board when the ride opens.

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New to the forum (sort of). lurked for a while at sfstl.org forum, joined, posted a few times then it shut down. Lurked here for a while and am now joining. I do appreciate the insight and inside information from the current and former park employees. So I am one of those old guys who was there when the park opened. It was like Disneyland in our back yard. It will always be a magical place to me. I know there are those that are critical of SF corporate for the neglect of our park compared to some of the other parks in the chain, but I do know that our local team works hard and gives their best. I talk to Dave Roemer 3 or 4 times each season. As others have said, he is very engaging and enjoys talking to park patrons. I do think the park has been making incremental improvements over the last five or six years and I am optimistic the trend will continue.


TNT, Mr. Freeze is my favorite ride in the park, slightly ahead of Batman. BTW all, SFSTL has more roller coasters than all 4 parks in WDW combined.



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New to the forum (sort of). lurked for a while at sfstl.org forum, joined, posted a few times then it shut down. Lurked here for a while and am now joining. I do appreciate the insight and inside information from the current and former park employees. So I am one of those old guys who was there when the park opened. It was like Disneyland in our back yard. It will always be a magical place to me. I know there are those that are critical of SF corporate for the neglect of our park compared to some of the other parks in the chain, but I do know that our local team works hard and gives their best. I talk to Dave Roemer 3 or 4 times each season. As others have said, he is very engaging and enjoys talking to park patrons. I do think the park has been making incremental improvements over the last five or six years and I am optimistic the trend will continue.

Welcome! I really enjoy talking to people who have experience at the park in its early years, and definitely feel free to share any kind of pictures you might have. I got to know a man last year who was a foreman for the construction of Thunder River and the Skyway-type attraction. He had so many cool stories.

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