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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Nick is excited about the Moon Cars. . he was worried that the park might be closed next weekend due to the rain.

yeah - even tho I advised it's a short route, and y'all said here not really worth any wait.


I told him I don't *think* SFStL are close enough to the rivers to be affected, but who knows. . .we're planning on going on 6/9 even if weather is poor, since we'll be there.


he's panicked because the Arch called and told me they are cancelling all River Cruises due to weather/raised river, and they were going to refund our cruise tickets (but the Arch , museum, and movie are still expected to be open).

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Six Flags St Louis is about 40 minutes away from the city of St Louis and the Mississippi River.


Six Flags is NOT in a flood zone. It would take WaterWorld levels to flood the park.


And even if you get rained on, the park will not close. If its a torrental downpour, the rides will close (except for Justice League) and you just wait under a roof until it stops. I know because I had quite a few visits like this.

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Agreed the park will not flood or close. The only thing that could cause you a problem getting to the park is if water comes over highway 44, and I haven't heard anything predicting that this go around of flooding. Keep in mind this is pretty normal for us locals, we do live at the confluence of the two biggest rivers in North America. You probably will not notice much fuss about it when you are downtown except for the fact that the river closes to traffic because boats can't fit under the bridges (especially the Eads since it is old). That is why your riverboat cruise got cancelled. Also the street at the bottom of the Arch steps will likely be flooded, but that doesn't affect any of the downtown sightseeing you have planned except again, of course your riverboat cruise; it's also impedes the boarding of boats.


We will keep an eye on things for you, keep checking in!

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^ very cool, Kim, appreciate it!


if anyone will be out at the park on Sun, say hello! or meet up to ride things, since Nick can't, so I'll be doing a lot of solo riding. (pretty sure I'll be doing Flash pass, but gonna wait until there to see crowds).

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Work is well underway on the Membership center at the entrance.




They've brought in a temporary trailer to house Membership services for now.




Walls are up around the work area. Looks to be more extensive than I thought it would be.



Not sure what this lighting aimed at Colossus is about since it has its own floodlights.

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Has anyone heard anything about Super Girl? I was at the park on it's opening day when it shut down. A friend and I visited the park again today and it was not running.


Supergirl is having some standard new ride teething issues. It should begin to operate more consistently as the season goes on.


Is it just me or is this just a glorified carnival ride? Why so many problems? Shouldn't kinks be worked out by manufacturer?

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Here's a hint: ALL theme park rides are glorified carnival rides. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

Yeah, but Six Flags especially has gotten way too comfortable with just buying a model of something, slapping a light package and a lazy theme on it (usually an IP) and calling it a day. That's not to say they're the only company that does it, but there aren't many original concepts or designs other than roller coasters nowadays. That's really what irked me the most about Supergirl is that they could have easily themed it a different way.

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They're selling what sells. People will go there for DC characters on rides. I guarantee you they thought about a whole bunch of themes, and Supergirl did best with focus groups. It's how they roll. Nothing wrong with giving the people what they want.

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Supergirl is running with two seats disabled. Fully. The light package isn't even on for that pair.








Boy does the bright new LED lighting change the feel of the Mr Freeze station.


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Boy does the bright new LED lighting change the feel of the Mr Freeze station.

Why would they even change that? It's not like the blue lighting was too dark? And plus, wasn't the whole point of the way the station was designed was that it's the dark and cold "evil lair" of Mr. Freeze?

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Isn't it obvious?


LED lights use less electricity which saves money. A lot of the lights around the park are slowly being converted. Ameren does give the park incentives to make the change as well.


The LED lights will last longer which means they don't need to buy expensive bulbs nearly as often. Also in theory the LED lights should be able to handle the voltage sag created by Mr. Freeze better than the old lights did which should allow them to last longer then the old lights. This should also eliminate the problem of lights going out during launch then staying off for a 15 min. cool down period before coming back on.


The park would have been stupid not to do it.

I know that it's more efficient, I was talking about the color. They were a dark blue so that it gave a "cool" ambient effect, (this is Mr. Freeze after all) and having bright white LEDs ruins that. And I know that there are probably other colors of LEDs that would have solved the problems you mentioned and also retained the feel that they were originally going for. The station was designed to be dark.

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LED blubs for those type of fixtures don't have a variety of colors like your consumer lights do. All most all commercial or industrial LED lighting comes in LED white and is only available in couple of different light output levels. Usually the options are "Blindingly Bright" and "God My Retinas are Burning" occasionally there are some brightness levels in between.

So to fix the power issues but also have the same ambient lighting they would have had to remove those light fixtures from the station and then install some other type of lighting system with smaller bulbs?

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Supergirl is freaking amazing.


Very very forceful. And it’s on flash pass


My 2nd favorite ride here


(1st American Thunder. Which is all kinds of awesome-sauce)


Glad I did flash pass. Just on Freeze (only running one side). And justice league (only running 4 cars). Well worth if


Met up with teacherKim and having wonderful time


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I’ve been out to the park 8 or 9 times this season with my kids, usually toward the end of the day. We love being able to stay on for multiple rides when volume is low - we did 7x consecutive on Eagle a few Sundays ago, and my boy and I did 6x in the back car of Mine Train before park close tonight.


Daughter and I rode Supergirl for the first time on Thursday night around 7:40. It was a walk-on. Lots of fun - like Highland Fling: Next Gen. I missed being able to lean my head back; Fling had a relaxing, therapeutic kind of quality. This one’s slightly more intense.


Wondering about Thunder River. Surprised it’s not open yet.

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