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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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That's exactly it, a park can't have a temporary trend or theme that ruins a ride and then will have to be redone in a few years. That's why it's sad. They are ruining dueling dragons in my opinion.


Are they adding trim brakes to it or something? IMO what makes Dueling Dragons awesome is that it's an extremely intense roller coaster with a unique dueling aspect. Call it whatever you want, but as long as Fire keeps hauling ass I'll be happy. Sure, Harry Potter may not be the most appropriate theme for such an awesome coaster, but I think saying that the ride is ruined is a WAY too dramatic, especially since none of us really know the full extent of the changes at this point.


Wait... what am I saying? Yes! The ride is RUINED!!!

(Shorter line for me...)

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Like the series of not, Harry Potter is not a trend. The first book became a best seller basically 10 years ago at this point. It's stayed culturally relevant throughout this entire decade. How many "trends" remain as popular, if not more popular, 10 years on? I know people like to decry to loss of originality from the sacrifice of Lost Continent, but Harry Potter is not going to go away. Kids who grew up reading these books will be having kids of their own, who they will read it to, or show the movies to.


And even if the franchise does lose its marketing luster years down the line, don't you think the return on investment Universal is going to get over the next few far outweighs losing some "original" theming? A billion dollar franchise with millions of devoted fans throughout the world, who wouldn't take those odds?

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This will be my first trip back to Orlando since 1994, the only reason I am adding extra days onto my holidays, is the new Harry Potter area.


The amount of world wide coverage this new land has gotten must be a first, it was in National and Local papers Australia wide.

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^Thank you!

It's actually strange that this trip is happening.

My mom is actually interested in going to Universal Studios. She HATES theme parks. If it has a roller coaster, she hates it. However, she knows that Universal has more than rides, there's shows and what not. Besides, I have yet to show her Citywalk!


This is going to be a HUGE trip. We are DRIVING from Wichita, KS to Orlando. After that, Savannah, Georgia. Then D.C., then NYC, then Syracuse, then Ohio. We're passing so many closed amusement parks We're going with my mom's best friend who is gay. Going to NYC, we told her we MUST see a Broadway show. She HATES theater as well. UGH! We told her that you can't take two, musical-loving, gay guys to Broadway and NOT let them see a Broadway show!!!! Lol, I'm just being funny, I know not all gay guys like musicals


Anyways, I hope everything works out! Any tips or ideas? He was in the military, and they had some deal where he can get a 2-Day 2-Park pass for Free, and we get $90 ones. Is that so?

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^You can say the same thing though about every other character/story themed section of parks except for Sir Mickey. Snoopy, Spongebob, Spiderman, they all have a life cycle too, HP is no different.


I'm aware of that, that's why I said I don't think it will stick that well. The story has already been told. With themes that stick, either the story is endless like spider man, or it has been around for a long time. The same as this would apply with wiggles world and Thomas the train. I'm not trying to be objectionable I'm just saying that I don't think it will stick for a long period of time, and it's sad that they are switching the classic Dueling Dragons to 'Dragon Challenge'. Why can't parks be original in themes? Walt Disney was original and look were it got him.


While I only have the faintest idea of who the Wiggles are, I grew up watching Thomas the Tank Engine. I remember watching and my parents kind of in shock because Mr. Conducter was either Ringo Starr or George Carlin. Thomas has already passed the test of time for at least 23 years, I think he'll continue on. Besides, most little boys love trains.


As for Harry Potter, most kids love dragons and wizards. I honestly think that this theme will stick and encourage future generations of kids to read the books.

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I'm aware of that, that's why I said I don't think it will stick that well. The story has already been told. With themes that stick, either the story is endless like spider man, or it has been around for a long time. The same as this would apply with wiggles world and Thomas the train. I'm not trying to be objectionable I'm just saying that I don't think it will stick for a long period of time, and it's sad that they are switching the classic Dueling Dragons to 'Dragon Challenge'. Why can't parks be original in themes? Walt Disney was original and look were it got him.


That's exactly it, a park can't have a temporary trend or theme that ruins a ride and then will have to be redone in a few years. That's why it's sad. They are ruining dueling dragons in my opinion.



The park still promotes characters like Dudley Do-Right, Popeye, and Marmaduke.


Marmaduke, people.















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^It's going to be INSANELY busy those days. There is pretty much no way you will get all rides in at both parks in one day. You could look into the Universal Express Ticket (as you would be crazy to go on a holiday week without it) but even with it it's just going to be INSANE.

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Even with an Express Pass there is no chance in hell that you would get it all done in 1 day. Get the 2 day pass at $99, and then an Express Pass at $25.99 a day, and that would be your best bet to get as much done as possible. However, it will even be a stretch to get everything done with that as I'm sure it will be absolutely packed during that time. My guess is you would be able to get most of the attractions done, but not really be able to enjoy all of the great intricacies and detail each park has to offer.

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I think we're just gonna scrap the idea.


Our trip consists of: Orlando, Georgia, D.C., NYC, Syracuse, and possibly Ohio. They didn't originally plan on USO, so if we did go there, we'd have to knock off a day somewhere else, but our schedule is already pretty tight. My mom says she's gonna do all she can to see if we can go to USO, but it's starting to look like I might not go

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So just do the Universal portion and not do the Islands of Adventure half? Considering your mother doesn't like the coaster aspect of parks, maybe you can at least just do the one park, which would be a lot more friendly to hear preferences. At least you could do something at Universal and not completely scrap the idea altogether.

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I'd take it all with a grain of salt, but Screamscape is reporting that Michael Roddy of Halloween Horror Nights Orlando fame (also the original face of Jack Schmidt, the original icon from several years of the event) may have parted ways with Universal...




It’s with a deep sense of despair and loss that I must report the rumors that Universal Orlando’s popular Overlord of Halloween Horror Nights, J. Michael Roddy, has parted ways with Universal this past week. To be fair, Roddy has not made any kind of statement about it, but there is enough evidence and word-of-mouth being spread from others within the company that we believe it to be true right now. So sad… I believe even Jack the Clown would shed a tear over this. Somehow, I don’t think this is the last we will hear from Roddy, one way or another.
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More details on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter have surfaced with the release of the special edition DVD and Blu-Ray copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Orlando Attractions Magazine has summed up the latest details...




The Blu-ray and two-disc edition DVD of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was released today. A special Wizarding World of Harry Potter sneak peek feature on the extras disc reveals a few more details for the new land at Universal’s Islands of Adventure.


The video features various Universal and Warner Brothers executives, along with many of the cast from the movies talking about the Wizarding World, set to open next spring. The cast included are Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Emma Watson (Hermione), Michael Gambon (Dumbledore), Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid), Tom Felton (Draco) and Matthew Lewis (Neville). All told how they can’t wait to visit the park.


Here are some of the new details:


• From the Three Broomsticks restaurant you’ll be able to cross over into Hog’s Head pub where you’ll experience a hog’s head growling and sniffling.


• You’ll be able to buy a butterbeer, which looks just like a real beer with the froth on top, but it’ll be non-alcoholic. J.K. Rowling was at a butterbeer tasting and loved it. Steve Jayson, executive chef with Universal Parks and Resorts said, “The flavor of this is great, real comforting, nice and smooth going down - and you get a mustache.”


• In Honeyduke’s Sweetshop you’ll be able to buy Chocolate Frogs, Every Flavor Beans, Cauldron Cakes and Treacle Fudge.


• Ollivander’s Wand Shop will be an exact replica from the film.


• To get to the Dragon Challenge ride (high speed roller coaster), you’ll walk through Champion’s Tent and see various artifacts such as the Goblet of Fire.


• The Flight of the Hippogriff ride (family friendly coaster) will center around The Care of Magical Creatures Class. Hagrid will give instructions on how to properly behave and approach a hippogriff. You’ll need to keep eye contact, bow and it will bow back. Then you can get on the ride.


• Hogwart’s Castle will feature the queue to the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride. The queue will feature a lot of moving portraits and will take you by or through the Defense of the Dark Arts room, the Common Room and the Great Hall.


• Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) described the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride as a condensed form of the chaos of Harry’s life. Emma Watson (Hermione) described it as the best moments from all the films.


• The actors filmed scenes specially for the new ride in the summer of 2008. A movie clapboard reveals the name of the filming as “Strongarm.” Some have speculated that refers to Universal’s partnership with RoboCoaster Ltd. and that Forbidden Journey guests will ride on some sort of robot arm, such as the one featured in the new Sum of All Thrills ride at Epcot.


• The ride will feature a life-size Whomping Willow tree and the large spiders from the movies will make an appearance.


Here’s a preview of the video included with the newly released movie.


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To get to the Dragon Challenge ride (high speed roller coaster), you’ll walk through Champion’s Tent and see various artifacts such as the Goblet of Fire.

So would one assume that all that amazing Ice Dragon/Fire Dragon stuff inside the queue has been gutted in favor for Harry Potter props?



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I remember reading the books when I was a kid, and I'm a fan of the movies; this is a really cool new addition. The video was pretty cool, and I'd be really excited to check the HP World out. Shops, coasters, atmosphere...


Seeing Universal's effort in re-creating scenes from movies for HHN, I'm sure the details will be beyond that, as it's a permanent new part of the park. Can't wait to see what the end result looks like!


Will they have a Hermione look-alike walking around?

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Will they have a Hermione look-alike walking around?



I really hope so lol... But in all seriousness, I wonder which actors from the Harry Potter films will be present on opening day? I may have to try and go through all that mayhem just to get a glimpse of Hermione

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To get to the Dragon Challenge ride (high speed roller coaster), you’ll walk through Champion’s Tent and see various artifacts such as the Goblet of Fire.

So would one assume that all that amazing Ice Dragon/Fire Dragon stuff inside the queue has been gutted in favor for Harry Potter props?


Maybe. But Dragons' load station queue already kind of looked like a big tent. Replace the old spell book with this goblet thing, and voila!

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Will they have a Hermione look-alike walking around?



I really hope so lol... But in all seriousness, I wonder which actors from the Harry Potter films will be present on opening day? I may have to try and go through all that mayhem just to get a glimpse of Hermione


I think that would be a pretty cool touch, to try and put up some competition with Disney.


"Okay, Donnie...would you rather go see Captain Jack or Harry Potter?"


Keira Knightley gets the vote for me!

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