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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I think maybe 1 or 2 L*cker locations still use Fingerprint ID when choosing a l*cker, and returning. Most of them have moved on to scanning your park ticket to rent and then return. It's extremely easy to use and free. The only annoyance is not having your cell phone to peruse while waiting if the line is long.


Doesn't not being able to use your fingerprint cause a problem?


The park won't let you bring anything on the ride... because they're afraid that something might fall out and hit someone on the face. So... if there's no way to keep this stuff from falling out, what's to stop your ticket from making its way out of your pocket, and now you have no access to your phone, keys, wallet, etc.? If your ticket is assumed to be safe and snug in your zipper pocket, why can't your phone, keys, and wallet be safe and snug in your closed zipper pockets?

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So this is random but I’m watching CNBC and Universal Orlando is apparently now running ads promoting Diagon Alley and (a few scenes later) the Jaws ride as if it’s still a thing. Has anyone else seen these?


... what the f*ck are they doing?


You didn't mention the best part of the commercial with all of the guests filming on rides with their phones!!! (Not allowed and Universal freaks out over this!!!)

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The Universal Orlando Resort has sent us a press advisory announcing the opening date of the new themed coaster experience in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade, Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure! More information on the coaster will be released in the near future, but now you can start planning your visits to experience the new coaster!



Universal Orlando Resort today revealed the name and opening date for the highly-anticipated, new adventure coming to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter this summer.


Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure will open on June 13, 2019 in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure, and feature the most highly-themed coaster yet. For the first time ever, guests will fly with Hagrid on a thrilling roller coaster ride that plunges into the path of some of the wizarding world’s rarest magical creatures.


Stay tuned - more details about the incredible new experience will be revealed in March.

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^I was wondering if the 'weird' trains would add more problems to the queue with people fighting over wanted the bike vs. the sidecar, but then I don't remember our group super caring in Australia so maybe it will work?

We also had ERT on it with only about 20-something people so I think everyone got to ride whatever they wanted. This coaster is also not quite as high of a profile as Potter either. I can tell you that riding in the side car and the bike are two very different ride experiences and Universal will probably just use that to get people to re-ride.

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Yeah I've already accepted the fact that as long as I'm with Brit I'll never get the window seat on a plane and I'll never get the motorbike car on Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. It's a small price to pay

Edited by coasterbill
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Only Hulk and Rockit had the metal detectors and cell phone ban if I remember correctly.

I have been randomly and inconsistently told on both Mummy and Gringotts that cell phones MUST go in lockers. They don't seem to say this all the time, and it has only happened once on each ride on different visits (although within the past year) and it's almost as though if they see you enter the line with a phone in your hand, they will tell you to put it away in a locker, but if it is in your pocket, they don't.


It makes no sense.

Edited by robbalvey
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^ That sounds accurate to me, at least from my experience. When I go on those two, I usually just hide my phone while entering the line and I'm good to go. Of course, they want you to use lockers but if it looks like you don't have anything on you they don't stop you.

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With several sources stating that the train cars will be like Wave Breaker at Sea World Antonio I am wondering if anyone here has experience with the comfort of these? It seems like these seats will be encompassed with the bike and side car shell.

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