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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^Not sure the Simpsons expansion has ever made it past a Screamscape rumor/update. Of course, Universal has still not officially announced Potter 2 and we all know that is what it will be.


Ah, that would explain it then. I was wondering if it was really happening or if it was under unsecret wraps like Potter. Guess we'll find out soon enough!

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Nice to see them finally putting something new in jurassic park but I was hoping they would finally put in the jeep ride thats been on the drawing boards since ioa opened.


The original concept for the JP ride as we know it now was a jeep ride. In fact, the model that is in the queue at IoA was for the jeep version of the ride.

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^People probably run out of breath saying "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter." I don't blame them for using some shorthand. It is a very awkward name.

Edited by cfc
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^ Is the awesome dark ride USH added just this last summer not good enough? Or the awesome dark ride that is already coming in the form of HP?


That's not really comparable. Those are dark rides on the more extreme end. They're on a different level from what ET was.

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^Not sure the Simpsons expansion has ever made it past a Screamscape rumor/update. Of course, Universal has still not officially announced Potter 2 and we all know that is what it will be.


The construction walls all over, ripping up the pier area and the complete gutting of International Food Festival disagree with you.


I think Orlando United is claiming a late Spring opening (although Universal has yet to even acknowledge the expansion). Also Hatetofly, the guy who posted the JP article has a pretty much flawless track record so far for Universal Info. I'd expect to see them start on JP in earnest this Spring or Summer once construction crews can be relocated from Simpsons/Transformers.

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Gravity Group coaster? Awesome. All of their projects big and small excite me, and it's interesting to see a wooden coaster come to a Universal Park. I've been wondering if Disney or Universal would add a wooden coaster, I can't wait to see what this will look like. Besides, Florida lost one great wooden coaster recently in Dania, so it's only fair that you build a new one!

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Love it! You have no idea how many times I've tried to correct people on the name of the area!


"It's the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, not 'Harry Potter Land' or 'World of Potter'."


I don't think that was the point of the comic, but interpret it however you like.

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I don't think that was the point of the comic, but interpret it however you like.


I was just pointing out how much I liked that part of the comic. Yes, I realize that the comic was at least in part referring to the discussion going on earlier about the relevance (or rather lack thereof) of Toon Lagoon's characters.

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Been following this for a while. I honestly love Universal for all that they're doing, and this just helps my increased love for them. The dark-ride sounds completely amazing. I feel like Universal's Islands of Adventure needs more family rides, and this sounds perfect. Plus it's canon.

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I don't think that was the point of the comic, but interpret it however you like.


I was just pointing out how much I liked that part of the comic. Yes, I realize that the comic was at least in part referring to the discussion going on earlier about the relevance (or rather lack thereof) of Toon Lagoon's characters.

Personally, I don't think the characters featured on the facades of shops and along the main strip matter that much. Sure, you may recognize a few, but that isn't their purpose. They're there to help symbolize that you're walking through the Sunday pages. The land is more geared to the whole, broad topic of newspaper comics, not towards specific characters. That's why there is so many featured and that's why the meet & greets and the two attractions are based on the more well-known ones.

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Screamscape reports that members of Universal, Warner Bros., and Comcast were "touring" IOA lately.


Rumor has it that members of NBC/Universal’s top brass were seen touring Islands of Adventure with members of Warner Bros and Comcast top brass this week, with a heavy focus on looking over every inch of Toon Lagoon, as well as showing off the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Early Middle-Earth talks maybe?

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This last rumor about Comcast and WB big wigs roaming Toon Lagoon makes sense. The whole revamp of JP for 2014 in align with the release of JP4 makes sense. The only time I was at IOA, i wanted to ride Duddley-do-right falls, but it was too cold. But I think that was the only thing I wanted to do in that section. I think I ate a burger in the QSR Toon Lagoon section, but only because I was hungry by the time I walked by it. GG indoor mine coaster would be cool since I never rode a woody indoors, and there are no wooden coasters in central florida. I really liked the boat ride at JP island, maybe the best boat ride I ever road. I think this move by Universal is smart.


-Tim "I think Robb is a genius" Huber.


I really do think this.

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I made a trip to Islands of Adventure today! First off, there were doing a lot of construction today with a big crane over by sinbad and dragon challenge. Dragon challenge was closed today. Harry Potter seemed different to me. The beginning and ending there was a green light of some sort and though you traveled through hogwarts. Jurassic park was closed when we went by and they said they don't know if it will open today. I couldn't tell what was behind the walls by the front of the park. Also, in the parking garage, it looked liked a lot of new advertising signs are in prep for city walk. One of them said something like "be in the movies every day." I forgot to charge my camera so I have no pictures. Heading to universal and will hopefully get some pictures.

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I made a trip to Islands of Adventure today! First off, there were doing a lot of construction today with a big crane over by sinbad and dragon challenge. Dragon challenge was closed today. Harry Potter seemed different to me. The beginning and ending there was a green light of some sort and though you traveled through hogwarts. Jurassic park was closed when we went by and they said they don't know if it will open today. I couldn't tell what was behind the walls by the front of the park. Also, in the parking garage, it looked liked a lot of new advertising signs are in prep for city walk. One of them said something like "be in the movies every day." I forgot to charge my camera so I have no pictures. Heading to universal and will hopefully get some pictures.

Yep. They changed that confusing Floo Network scene where it looked like you were flying through chimneys. I think the new green orb looks much better.

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