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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I think they should just figure out a date and just tell us! Whats the big deal with being all secret?! JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


While everyone wants this ride to open, there is a reason that they are so behind. What it is no one is really sure of. Could be structural, could be electrical. But the last thing Universal wants to do is open an unsafe ride. Lets think of an example. How about Cliff Hanger at Ghost Town In The Sky. They've been trying to get that open a while right? Well when it did open they found a problem with the train. Safety isn't a joke. It'll open when it opens. Just be patient and wait until then.

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Yeah I understand. I just am really anxious for it to open because we don't go to Florida much anymore and if we do we go to the beach, and I'm going down August 16th and I really want to ride it. If its not open by the time I'm down there then I wont be able to ride it for a long time! Trust me, I DO NOT want to be on an unsafe roller coaster!!

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JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


Well Universal, you heard it here first. It looks safe enough to him, so obviously you should go ahead and open it!



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JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


Well Universal, you heard it here first. It looks safe enough to him, so obviously you should go ahead and open it!




It looks safe to anyone. Besides that, you don't even know if its not open because of safety.

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JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


Well Universal, you heard it here first. It looks safe enough to him, so obviously you should go ahead and open it!




It looks safe to anyone. Besides that, you don't even know if its not open because of safety.

We don't know what's going on with the ride but I'd rather have them make it perfect than open it with a bunch of problems that will just make them close it. I think Universal is handling it very well.

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JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


Well Universal, you heard it here first. It looks safe enough to him, so obviously you should go ahead and open it!




It looks safe to anyone. Besides that, you don't even know if its not open because of safety.


Oh look, another new youngin calling out the admin's of the board.


I know WAY more than you about pretty much everything, including this ride.


Do you really think they're just having it sit there to personally offend you? There's a reason it's not open. Deal with it.

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Well here's some good news for you all, it's gone back to testing non-stop with 4 trains on the track.


The ride is fully staffed/trained and in their new uniforms. Other than that, it looks like soft openings will be commencing pretty soon. Apparently the 3 major issues I reported about, weren't really major at all, just some difficulties with the dispatching of trains and stuff.


All of the construction walls except for those around the main entrance to the ride have been taken down.


Only thing really missing is the banner. Which has had it's design yet AGAIN.






New and improved banner design. I like it more.

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--Robb "I love natural selection..." Alvey


Darwin sure knew what he was talking about.


Good to hear the problems have been tweaked and fixed (it seems). That non-inverting loop looks sexier and sexier each time I see it. One thing I'm looking forward to seeing is a night-time video of the ride from the Blue Man Group area. That part of the ride has really intrigued me, and I can't wait to see how it looks with the train lights burning through the darkness. Hopefully Universal will get everything worked out and have this thing open soon.

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Hmm, are the third row seats any kind of "big boy" seats? The seat bottoms seem different from the other rows in each of the train photos I've seen.

Aren't X-car seats in a bit of a V shape so the people in the back are a bit farther out? I actually don't have a problem with those trains, they look fine IMO.

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^^^The seats do look a little different - the seat padding looks a little thicker, so it could be a larger seat for larger riders. I'm actually surprised other companies besides B&M haven't built seats for larger riders (Intamin, I'm looking at you), especially given that more people are getting larger than they were even 5 years ago (me included).

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