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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I wonder how much more testing is needed. From what I've heard theres nothing new. It seems like their doing more testing then needed but idk I'm no engineer.


It's not like they're testing for no reason. There's obviously something wrong. Don't expect it open anytime soon.

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^ I'm still trying to figure out the obvious part... Just because crews are testing the ride, that doesn't mean that the ride is broken. If it were broken, they'd be FIXING it. While they maybe also fixing it and we do not know, to the visible eye, they are only testing it now and appears to be running quite consistently.


I have a feeling that the excess testing that this ride is receiving is for the rides additional features such as the on-board audio and lights. The crews are most likely programming all of the systems.


I am really thriving for this to ride to open before the end of August as I am going back to Connecticut after a month of staying down here on the 27th.



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I wonder how much more testing is needed. From what I've heard theres nothing new. It seems like their doing more testing then needed but idk I'm no engineer.


It's not like they're testing for no reason. There's obviously something wrong. Don't expect it open anytime soon.


Where did i say in my post I'm expecting it to open soon? Read the whole post by another person before commenting on it.

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They were testing very late into the night last night. Here's some recent video of it testing, there's some footage of it testing at night with full LED's towards the end of the video. All they've been doing today is working on the rings, which is probably for the lights and on the lift. Probably prepping stuff for the banner.





[Edit] Crane is up now installing lights on rings 4&5 , no testing today.

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Little mini-news update from someone staying at the Portofino on site.


"Just turned on all 5 rings 2 minutes ago they all change colors at the same time and turn the same color (blur, red, green, and multi- color), they even lit up the entire tower with flood lights. Did no tests today, but as of 10 minutes ago, 1 car is running with LED's on, looks awesome at night from my Portofino room balcony, WOW THE TOWER FLOODLIGHTS JUST CHANGED FROM WHITE TO RED"


Well there you have it. Just some technical light tweaks.

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Just hit the parks up for a couple days so here's the news.


Tuesday Aug 4, I arrived and they tested the 4 trains late into the night. One had the lights off and one had water dummies.


Wed. Aug 5, noticed a boom lift next to the ringy dingy thingies. That night the bottom 3 rings had color changing lights. Didn't see any testing all day.


Thur. Aug 6, still didn't see any testing. Did notice trains being stopped at different spots along the track and being inspected. Later in the day saw the boom lift again and all 5 rings lit after the park closed.


Another thing I noticed on Thur. is that the express lines were unusually long. Very long wait times and heard a lot of people complaining and checking to make sure they really were in the express line. Hopefully all the complaints they heard today discourage them from overselling express passes again.

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Couple of pictures of the alternating colors on the lift were posted to OU. They were posted before last night, since reports last night showed that all 5 rings all have their lights installed.





[big ol' update!] - They installed the brackets for the banner today.

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