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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I think they should just figure out a date and just tell us! Whats the big deal with being all secret?! JUST OPEN IT!! It looks safe enough to me, I mean there's been people riding it even though they were workers.


And I suppose you are eager to be the one who dies in a terrible accident because the ride opened prematurely?


Universal could TOTALLY use that kind of publicity....


I'm sure there are all kinds of reasons it's not open, none of which they would share with you just because you whine loud enough about it.


-Alex (you caught me in a bad mood) Mann

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Well I'm glad to see they have gone back to testing, but again, I'm sure universal is not thrilled that there coaster is not open, I'm sure several guests had heard about the new coaster opening and were not thoughtful enough to check if it actually opened before they went and were very disappointed. But Universal will not open it until its ready, I agree with how ever many people have said that, and like many, I'd rather it be open running 100% than it open and close and open and close and have potential problems concerning the safety or ride experience.


I'm heading there either tomorrow or tuesday to try and get some rides on DD before that closes, I hope to catch some more test runs, I love those lights.

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^ If they figure out a date and tell you, then if they miss it, they will have posts like the one right above you complaining about it.


Seriously, I don't care if this ride doesn't open until 2010. As long as they get it right. I would pissed at Universal if they opened it half-assed. Please Universal, don't open until it's right. Those that are complaining about the late opening date, will find something to complain about as soon as the ride is open anyways.


Do I hear an echo from Robbs post?

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^Being that Tyler has been saying this since May, I'd say it's not an echo!



Anyway, I'm counting down for this ride to open, in the mean time, I'll do the West Coast Trip and forget this ride is even here. It will open when they are ready to open it.

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An earlier post mentions the "Hungarian Horntail" but there are dozens of other kinds the other could be.


I hate to pull out the nerd card here, but there are only three other dragons featured in the Triwizard Tournament, being the Swedish Short-Snout, the Welsh Green, and the Chinese Fireball.

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An earlier post mentions the "Hungarian Horntail" but there are dozens of other kinds the other could be.


I hate to pull out the nerd card here, but there are only three other dragons featured in the Triwizard Tournament, being the Swedish Short-Snout, the Welsh Green, and the Chinese Fireball.


Although those would fit the Triwizard theme better, I would like to throw the Norwegian Ridgeback into the ring of possible dragons as well

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This ride is looking better and better to me! I'm going to be in Florida from the 8th to the 15th, I know the chances are slim, but does anyone think it could open in that time period?


Probably not since any time anyone has claimed soft openings are just around the corner, they don't happen. This previously happened on July 4 and July 22nd. Here we are a month later and we're no closer from what I've heard.


The correct answer is that Universal has no answer.

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They've already announced most of the houses, but I figure I'll go ahead and give you the full list anyway. Locations included.


SS 23 -- Frankenstein / Dracula

SS 22 -- The Wolfman

Jaws queue -- Saw

Disaster queue -- (Fangoria presents) Leave It to Cleaver

Tent 1 -- Chucky

Tent 2 -- (Fangoria presents) The Spawning

Parade -- Silver Screams


Not to throw a wrench in to this.

But this is another list gotten from the public records permits.

With these codenames for locations. After that is what the houses appear to be so far (from hhn fansites)


Soundstage 23 -Agana - Dracula

Soundstage 23 -Big Boy - Frankenstein

Sprung One -Geppetto - Chucky

Sprung Two -Civic Duty - ?

Parade Building -Flashlight - Universal Palace Theater(from HHN website)

Soundstage 22 -Brute - Wolfman

Disaster Queue -Plea Sant Vielle -?

Jaws Queue - Hammer - Saw


With the Incidents (so Far) from the offical HHN site, I figure

Severed is Wolfman

Missing is Saw

Insane is Chucky

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