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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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For me as well its not the theming I am worried about, its all the brakes.


As soon as the coaster picks up any real speed it hits a brake.


But it will be cool the way it goes through the building and close to others.


The public will love it thats for sure, and the park needs something.

If you are referring to the NoLimits video that was posted a few pages back, then just because the train slows down a lot in that video doesn't mean it is going to on the real thing. When you add a brake segment in NoLimits, by default there is a certain amount of speed that is trimmed off of the train. If the creator of that track didn't change those numbers, then the brake is going to grab the train a little bit. I think this ride will have much less trimming then you see in that video, or possibly none at all. Of course, there is no way we can tell until it opens, but I doubt that video is 100% accurate.


I actually think this coaster is looking even better than it did in the concept art, which isn't something that happens often. I am looking forward to walking around Universal's streets and seeing a coaster.


Now that I'm seeing what this coaster is, I can't believe this thread is only 29 pages, and the manta thread is 100 pages long! I'm a B&M fan, but since I live in florida it's going to be nice to ride a decent coaster that isn't one. Sure, there are some, but more is better

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I'm very excited to ride this next year, and happy to see a nice high capacity, small train short interval coaster. They're just so much fun to watch in action. Judging by the NL model, there should be plenty of breathing room on the brake sections to manage 1800/hr, and USO is one place I bet has the guts to run such a thing all out.


That rolling loop looks really cool too, nice to have one closer than Norway.

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Now that I'm seeing what this coaster is, I can't believe this thread is only 29 pages, and the manta thread is 100 pages long! I'm a B&M fan, but since I live in florida it's going to be nice to ride a decent coaster that isn't one. Sure, there are some, but more is better


I think it has to do with the fact that track only started to go up on HRRR, while Manta's track is already done. While I doubt this thread will reach 100 pages, I'm sure discussions will pick up now that the construction is starting to get good.

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In all seriousness, I somewhat agree that besides the first two major elements, there aren't many "thrilling" elements, but the rest of the ride looks exceptionally fun. And that's what I feel is most important for a ride at a park aiming to entertain the entire family. I fell that Mummy is a good comparison to the intensity of this ride. Not too thrilling, just really good fun that is enjoyable over and over again. I'm really looking forward to this ride as it is a great addition to the lineup of rides at Universal Studios if it is on the same level of fun as Revenge of the Mummy.

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Some pics taken Thursday 12/18.


I know, they're two days late, but I'm lazy.


If you look closely, you can now see HRRR from the parking garage.


They had just added that arch to the station not too long before this shot was taken.


Wow, rhyme.



Station construction.


New permanent stage construction. This is going to look awesome with the non-inverting loop behind it.


My favorite shot. Most of the Treble Clef. They had just finished the element earlier in the day.


Obligatory shot of the drop leading into the Treble Clef.


Yeah, it's gonna fly over your head while waiting in Twister's queue.


"Artsy" shot.


Overbanked? You decide.





What you see from the park entrance.

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WOW! This coaster is really coming along. At first it was like months of nothing but moving dirt around. Now they are finally putting up track, and its going up fast! So far it looks amazing! I love the way it flies right above you while you are waiting in line for twister!! I can not wait for this coaster to be up and running!


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After short break, I am back with a new Wizarding World of Harry Potter update. When compared to the Rip, Ride, Rockit progress that Universal Studios has seen, not too much has changed in the area (as the photos will show) but construction work continues on the "box" as well as the former Dueling Dragons/Enchanted Oak plaza.


"I'm watching you! No peeking inside of this wondrous box... Magic is for my eyes only!"


That hole in the wall was covered last time I was here.


The future of theme park entertainment awaits...


Welcome to the Lost Progressland Continent.


The Harry Potter "box" becomes larger by the month. The interior work is being guarded carefully, so much so, that Universal will supposidly only bring in track pieces after hours.


I prefer the old statues...


The Flying Unicorn sits dormant still--untouched as work progresses around it.


So much has changed here since our last visit...

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Unlike the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit has shot up from the ground, with vertical construction gaining speed daily. What was once a flat midway has become the home to a large new stage, a vertical lift support structure and more. Over near the former Ghostbusters firehouse, the ride's track has been installed, making the ride clearly visible from all angles of the backlot.


I'm definitely impressed with how quickly the work has been done on this project, and the anticipation I have in regards to its opening continues to gain with each visit.


The Blue Man avidly watches the construction; as will we in the coming months...


The construction of Rip, Ride, Rockit is definitely visible to the guests.


A thick mass of steel...


The ride's vertical lift is one of the many elements that make Rip, Ride, Rockit unique.


Expect this view to change soon...


Its not even finished and it looks good in photographs!


Lots of track makes this picture complete!


Will we see a Slimer (or seasonal Halloween Horror Nights) popup during our brief rush through this building?


Sunset makes this coaster even better looking!


Tilted goodness!




I'm just getting ready...


This is looking great!


This section of the track will definitely be fast paced!


"Build it higher! Higher!"


The concession stand begins to take decorative shape.


Is this large or is it just me?


Curves + Hollywood Studios entrance= Perfection!


This is going to take a little bit of time to get used to...


Are we at Disney's Hollywood Studios?


I love vertical construction!


A lone worker focuses on this structure.


This is the newest wall-posted message for the ride. Try it out!


I find that this building has already begun to blend into the area, fitting nicely between the Sharp Aquos Theater and Jimmy Neutron.


Survey work continues...


This new structure has gone up quickly. It juts off from the side of the new stage-filled midway (which makes me think it is the station building).


Wireframe metalwork... Ooh!


An overview of the BMG side of the construction... Notice that Shrek turns his back on such bare plots of land.


Construction of the Blue Man Group side of the ride continues as the trench area its surrounding area is finished.

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