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What's your Starbucks drink?


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Starbucks = Evil.


The rest of the English speaking world uses small, medium and large. Why did they have to go and create new words for these? And for pete's sake, if I order a medium hot chocolate, just translate it for me. Don't ask me if I want tall, venti or whatever it is, and insist that I say the right word. Just give me the one in the frickin middle. Ugh.


I hate Starbucks. The only reason I ever go there is because my stupid employer gives out $5 Starbucks gift cards for good attendance.

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Starbucks is for fruitcakes.


I just want a plain small cup of coffee. I don't know what the hell an iced mocha venti frappachino is, and I really don't want to know either. I'd rather go to the cheaper, and better coffee shop down the road which makes it's own coffee daily.


The best coffee you can get is in europe. They don't even ask if you want the coffee to go. You are expected to sit down and relax. What a concept America!!

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Basically NONE of the coffee that you buy in the US is any good. If you've ever had coffee directly from Central American countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua, or Colombia you know exactly what I'm talking about. And, I'm not talking about "Colombian blend" or whatever these US stores call it. I'm talking about the stuff they sell on the streets of Central American countries. Absolutely no comparison to the bitter mud water they peddle here.


So, make lots of friends with people who have relatives in those countries, and have them send you the real stuff.


I'm cursed with caffeine hypersensitivity, and cannot drink coffee in any quantity.

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I don't believe in Starbucks! Plus I don't even drink coffee so it's not my kind of place. I almost died when I was there the other day with my boss and this lady in front of us ordered: A Tall something latte with Soy and a shot of some other crap, it was soooo L.A.!!!!


Elissa "I got a Hot Chocolate, and it wasn't very good!" Alvey


Took the adzact words out of my mouth(apart from the bit about your Boss) ! If your'e going to drink coffee, at least go to a nice cafe, not Starbucks!

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Well, I don't drink coffee... But I thought I'd share my friend's usual coffee (since he's kind of addicted):


Venti Caramel Macchiato, Upside-Down, Quad, with extra caramel.


Yep... that's pretty insane! He says it costs about 4 bucks...

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