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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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  jokey said:
This wasn't a GP comment but a ride op. When I was lining up for Behemoth tonight at Wonderland, the op with the microphone stated: "...We'll see you back here in 6 minutes and 20 seconds. Enjoy your 720 ft drop!"



how does this happen?

They will see to it that you wait on the break run plenty long.

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  Aceattack52 said:
  jokey said:
This wasn't a GP comment but a ride op. When I was lining up for Behemoth tonight at Wonderland, the op with the microphone stated: "...We'll see you back here in 6 minutes and 20 seconds. Enjoy your 720 ft drop!"



how does this happen?

They will see to it that you wait on the break run plenty long.

Maybe it was a joke?

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  Angry_Gumball said:
  Dr. M said:
Good call.

What I am glad about though is that the bulk of people that saw this were enthusiasts who realize that this was fake...you know the GP would think its real and begin sharing it among their GP friends. At least now with the flood of comments stating the fake/pointing out the obvious...and the original user has already made an idiot of himself so much that he's lost all credibility... In the end, we 'crashed' his video before it could go viral

I'd hope that most non enthusiasts would have the sense to realize that it's fake. I mean, you just need a basic knowledge of physics or even just basic common sense to realise it's fake. Though that seems to be two thinks the GP are lacking, so...

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GP comments on the new Flying Turns POV-


It needs a loop.


And some more, slightly less unusual comments-


Do you only put one car on the track at a time? Because if you had more than one, and there were a larger person in one, their momentum would be higher than that of the lighter person in front of them, causing them to collide. Unless there's a way that they're spaced out so they can't meet up

what happens if it doesnt line back up with the track after the turns yikes!

There's a reason that no current amusement parks have bobsled rides: liability. Six Flags used to have one of these, but it only lasted a year. Passenger weight, and loss of friction due to rain/dew can cause the trains to flip or worse.



Some of these are plain stupid depending on how much they know, and some are just not knowing. Knoebels seems to be good at answering the questions, however.

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I was making a B&M giga in NoLimits and my sister's friends were over. One of them walked over and told me that it needed a loop. I was about to explain to him that coasters like this don't usually have inversions because they focus on speed and negative vertical Gs, but he just said "Oh, wait, it just has a lap bar, nevermind that."



A few weeks back a friend of mine took me to Dollywood with her family on their family vacation to Gatlinburg. She had never ridden any big coasters (I think the biggest was Backlot at Kings Island) and while she was terrified of them, wanted to ride one with her enthusiast friend (MEEE!!!!! ) just to say she did it. The wait for Wild Eagle that day was spent with her asking me about all these horrible Final Destination-esque scenarios such as the NTG incident (that required an hour of explaining to her after it happened to convince her that it wasn't the coaster's fault) such as how they know the restraint won't come up, whether or not she fit (I explained that the woman thrown from NTG got thrown due to her larger size and that I fit despite the fact that she's much smaller than I am), how they make sure that all the bolts are tight and supports are sturdy, and other questions of the nature. I probably gave her enough of a lecture that day to make her an expert on the subject. After the ride, she said she STILL felt like she was going to die! XD I bought her a snowglobe from the gift shop to make up for having put her through that. So all's good!

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  Vtafro said:
Saw this retweeted by Mt olympus.

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 12.21.33 PM.png[/attachment]


Had to respond.

[attachment=1]Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 12.23.12 PM.png[/attachment]

Put her on the back row and push her back against the seat and have as much contact with the train as possible, then tell her to put her hands up on the first drop… I'm sure her reaction would be much worse than yours on the video lol.

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"Poltergeist is my favorite because it's the fastest in the park."


*points to Batman* "Why are they upside-down all the time?"


"The real reason why Shockwave (SFGAm) closed is because someone died while riding it."


"Runaway Mountain has five loops."


Boomerang makes me feel relaxed."

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  MorganFan said:

Boomerang makes me feel relaxed."

God I hate when the GP try to prove their manhood by claiming a certain ride "isn't scary, it's relaxing". Look, unless a coaster is fitted out with a La-Z Boy with an electric foot massager I highly doubt it classifies as relaxing, especially if it's a Vekoma.

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  Angry_Gumball said:
Yesterday at CGA, we were walking up Grizzly's exit to get a view of Haunt construction when a couple groups snobbishly ask other members in their party: "Why are they walking up the exit?" What I wanted to ask was whether if it concerned them or not.


How is that weird? If I saw somebody walking up the exit I would be curious why too.

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  ThePasswordIsPie said:
I don't know that much about Lagoon, how many accidents (if any) happened there?

The latest was some minor whiplash on Jet Star II about four or five years ago. Most deaths that has happened were back in the '40s, with the latest being in 1989 I think because the girl was standing on a ride.


  jjune4991 said:
Ok, I'm sure they have very minor injuries, like scrapes and bruises. But I'm sure she meant broken arms and internal bleeding.

I meant, no as in it doesn't happen so often. She did in fact mean broken arms and such.

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Last week, I was waiting in line for Millenium Force, and then that happened :

Gp girl and her mother : wow that coaster is insanely high ! (Mother)yay, that's probably like the tallest coaster in the world !

Me to my brother, in french so they can't understand us : wow, did they realized Top Thrill Dragster is more than 100 feets higher and it's in the SAME park than Millenium Force ? Wow !

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When we were at Silver Dollar City this past weekend, there was a very excited woman in line for Outlaw Run who was cheerfully yelling out statistics (she was very loud too). So I learned that Outlaw Run has a 162-degree drop. RMC continues to amaze.


But hey, I'm glad she had a good time. Outlaw Run's not picky; it'll thrill the mathematically challenged just the same as everyone else.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
When we were at Silver Dollar City this past weekend, there was a very excited woman in line for Outlaw Run who was cheerfully yelling out statistics (she was very loud too). So I learned that Outlaw Run has a 162-degree drop. RMC continues to amaze.


But hey, I'm glad she had a good time. Outlaw Run's not picky; it'll thrill the mathematically challenged just the same as everyone else.


Wow, I just learned that too ! I though it was more of a 81° drop. RMC is crazy !

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