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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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  XYZ said:
From Yahoo Answers: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080703183049AANuVTX


I don't ride [coasters]. Look at the guy operating them - high school dropout who hasn't bathed in days or shaved in weeks, who gets drunk every night on Busch Lite. Look at the people who repair them - not much better. You risk your life on those things. People die every year on those things. Do you want your obit to say that you were thrown from a roller coaster? That whatever your purpose in life is, you threw it away for a three minute thrill ride? And who knows what kind of brain damage the shaking and speed can do - if you can't shake a baby, if a soccer ball off the head can cause a concussion, then don't you think that maybe, just maybe, the haunted elevator ride could possibly knock a few brain cells loose?

Looks like he rode the haunted elevator ride a few too many times then

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Yahoo Answers:

Open Question: What is the best roller coaster in florida?


Thats big and has loops


Asked by Olivia 5 hours ago 4 days left to answer. Report Abuse


OMG guise da loopz r sooo awsum




so my family and i are going to california adventure in just a couple of days. we are looking for one day pass discounts , please please help and give as many websites as possible i have already tried mouse savers.com and i got nothing. please please help i wanted to blow my family's mind and get amazing discounts



Asked by funny kidXD 11 hours ago 4 days left to answer. Report Abuse

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^ Epic fail from the lady!



I remember a PRICELESS conversation between a Gp and a ride op at Perilous Plunge.



GP: Hey... erm... *reads nametag* , did you go on this before?


Ride Op: Yes. Yes I did.


GP: Did you die?



Ride Op: ....... Uhhhhh...... I hope not?????



GP: Leik OMG!! DDD:

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Not really weird, but this guy posted on Worlds of Fun's wall and I found it quite funny.


i usually don't beg but.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE BRING BACK THE THEMED MUSIC TO EACH SECTION IN THE PARK! PPPPLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!!! I asked nicely lol. i couldn't stand hearing pop music... it just didn't feel like Worlds Of Fun with the pop music playing. so PLEASE BRING BACK THE THEMED MUSIC TO EACH SECTION OF THE PARK!

Like · · December 20 at 9:34pm ·

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  MontagnaMagica said:


In that YouTube video, there is a part where the ride, Scream! at Six Flags Magic Mountain is shown (1:50). The only thing is, the video was edited so that the car appears to jump off the tracks. Nearly all the comments are about how unsafe that roller coaster looks! LOL! It's hilarious!


I know...I'd seen that video and I know that was edited. How are people so STUPID?!



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Here's a conversation I had with a guest last week while working at SFMM.


Guest: Excuse me, but where is Lex Luthor?

Me: Lex Luthor is going on the side of Superman.

Guest: Ok, now how do I get to Superman?

Me: Just go up to the top of the hill.

Guest: Cool. How long do you think the line is?

Me: I'd say that Superman has a 15 minute wait right now.

Guest: No, for Lex Luthor.

Me: Lex Luthor is not open yet. It's gonna be our new ride for 2012.

Guest: Oh.

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  The49er said:
  MontagnaMagica said:


In that YouTube video, there is a part where the ride, Scream! at Six Flags Magic Mountain is shown (1:50). The only thing is, the video was edited so that the car appears to jump off the tracks. Nearly all the comments are about how unsafe that roller coaster looks! LOL! It's hilarious!


I know...I'd seen that video and I know that was edited. How are people so STUPID?!




How can you not know its by fake, just by knowing its a freddyw video

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On Poltergeist POV


GP: This is an EXACT clone of Ninja at Six Flags Georgia

Me: No, it's not.. Maybe you are thinking of Joker's Jinx at Six Flags America?

GP: Hun, I have ridden Ninja until my ears bleed. I think I know what it looks like!

Me: You are really wrong about this. Poltergeist is manufactured by Premier, while Ninja is manufactured by Vekoma. Poltergeist is a launched rollercoaster and Ninja has a chain lift. Poltergeist doesn't have any Vertical Loops either.

GP: You are a freaking moron, that should really shut your mouth.

Random user (Replying to my comment): Ninja is fun..

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Yay, I got top comment

Funny thing is, someone replied to my post saying that its real and the rails are invisible. I hope that was a TPR member taking the piss, otherwise I worry about these people. The even funnier thing was when people believed Goliath falling off the rails is real. Like really? Are you THAT stupid?

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