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Hi, I am going to try to make a live action horror maze for my school fair. I have some ideas on what I need to do to make it work and work well, but I was wondering if you could give me some help over what I should do to ensure a success for this ambitious project. I welcome any ideas, weather practical or inventive ad do not mind crazy as I like crazy.

I will hopefully be creating a developers diary on here, and a Logo will be here soon.

The maze will open on one day in November 20th to give an idea of time.

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I'm not sure what your vision is, but I can assure you haunted houses are not cheap. If you want anything besides like curtains and some off the shelf props/costumes from a halloween store, you are going to struggle to get this up and running in a little under 2 months.

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Haha. There will be zero clowns just because of what is going on, and people will expect it. Also, people don't like clowns, so best to keep away from it.


Good idea. It's best to keep Haunted houses sensitive to people's feelings. Make sure you avoid putting things in them that people might not like because they might find them scary.

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Haha. There will be zero clowns just because of what is going on, and people will expect it. Also, people don't like clowns, so best to keep away from it.


Good idea. It's best to keep Haunted houses sensitive to people's feelings. Make sure you avoid putting things in them that people might not like because they might find them scary.

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Sounds like a lot to do for one day. However that should make easier to get people to help. The date should allow you to see how others do it first, a lot of them aren't terribly original, although you'll need to choose what to do and not spread it too thin.

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Haha. There will be zero clowns just because of what is going on, and people will expect it. Also, people don't like clowns, so best to keep away from it.


Good idea. It's best to keep Haunted houses sensitive to people's feelings. Make sure you avoid putting things in them that people might not like because they might find them scary.


In all fairness, clowns are a legit problem around the country for some reason I can't even begin to understand (thanks 2016). I'm scared of terrorists with guns, but I feel like it's reasonable to not wanna see that in a haunt lol. It's just a sensitivity thing.

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Here is another oh boy moment. All Goodwill stores in the Tampa Bay area announced they have pulled ANYTHING clown related from their stores for halloween. They are are a big promoter of halloween costumes in the area. They have said you will not even find a red nose or clown wig in any store.


I mean, yeah bro, clowns are getting shot now. If you wanna be the guy who tests paranoid people and takes that chance though, fine by me. Can't say I don't think it's prudent of the Tampa area to try and prevent that kind of thing from happening, though.


And to the OP, I'm actually fascinated by homemade haunts. It's gonna be a ton of work (from what I hear at least), but I'm really interested in how it turns out. I hope you give us a good photo update and a play by play of how you did everything.

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^ You need to be more specific. I feel like you're seriously underestimating how much materials cost for building things. If you're doing this in an open room and are just worried about having some people hide, then no problem. If you want to build walls and set up scenes then it gets very expensive very fast. Can you elaborate more on your ideas so we can better assist? Or just PM me and I can tell you whether you're off your rocker or not.


I'm the Technical Director and Scenic Designer for a major theatre in the Philadelphia area, by the way, so I've got a good idea on materials costs.

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^ I wrote in very small letters £100 for everything. The room(s) being used are almost perfect for the use, so building the route will max coast £5. Regarding sets, I am hoping to create mostly very basic sets, but with actors doing disturbing things (closely followed by a jump scare). I am hoping to make the finale really good, and spend most of the budget on it, and have a fairly high quality set to end it off, however even then, I will re use random items and change them.

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You won't be able to do anything with just 100 pounds. I don't have professional experience like Kyle, but in college, I was the tech director and treasurer for our musical theatre group. You'd be surprised with how fast the expenses add up. Seriously, go do a price check on some of the basic materials you think you'd need (paint, costumes, decorations, etc) and do run a rough price check online. I think you'll be grounded back to reality real quick.


Not trying to be a Negative Nancy or anything, just trying to be real here. I think if you're really interested in doing one, you can start planning now, but for next year's fair. You're going to need the time to plan and gather resources.

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Used to be part of a school group that decorated the local high school for the weekend into a "haunted high school". Considering that most of what we did was extremely cheap materials (think cardboard, duct tape, paint, plastic cloth, etc...) AND we didn't have to worry about building physical walls, yet we still ended up spending several hundred dollars (I don't know exact figures, but I estimate $600+), trying to get something done in under 100 pounds is... not going to work. Furthermore, the time investment involved is STAGGERING. We had over 60 people who put in over 12 hours EACH setting this up. One person is not going to be able to do this by themselves, let alone in any reasonable amount of time.


If you don't have any structural supports of any kind, you'll need wood and such to actually build walls, which is not that cheap. Plus, if you're doing this "professionally", you will not be able to simply use cardboard/duct tape/paint, but will likely need more substantial materials, which are also more expensive. In short, there's zero way you could pull this off with 100 pounds, and even with a substantial budget absolutely zero way you could pull this off in a fortnight.

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