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Which wooden coasters needs refurbishments/improvements.

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I might get some hate for this but I think Boulder Dash needs some re-tracking work, I get it goes through a beautiful terrain and everything, but the ride itself is very bumpy, it shakes you around too much, and the restraints really bruise my shins!

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I might get some hate for this but I think Boulder Dash needs some re-tracking work, I get it goes through a beautiful terrain and everything, but the ride itself is very bumpy, it shakes you around too much, and the restraints really bruise my shins!


I agree. The final bunny hops are the worst. If the park ever cuts back on maintenance you'll feel it . I'm surprised the ride has stayed unrough (for the most part) for so long.

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CP Blue Streak. It hurts so much at parts that even Mean Streak cannot compare with it.

Really? I had decent rides on it. It would obviously be great if they did some work on it has the layout itself is better than Mean Streak's so, taking that into consideration it would be a possibility.

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CP Blue Streak. It hurts so much at parts that even Mean Streak cannot compare with it.

Really? I had decent rides on it. It would obviously be great if they did some work on it has the layout itself is better than Mean Streak's so, taking that into consideration it would be a possibility.

Same for me, I actually really liked Blue Streak. It wasn't the best coaster of the park, but I found it to be fairly smooth and the airtime is amazing at some spots !

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hades 360.

Haha. I don't think any amount of renovation will save that piece of crap


CP Blue Streak. It hurts so much at parts that even Mean Streak cannot compare with it.


It's your opinion but that's the first time that I ever heard that. The two aren't even close.

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hades 360.


All my friends who have gone on it say that it's mainly several of the twists on the underground portion and the fact the ride now has many lackluster airtime drops or turns. They all liked the inversion though!

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Apart from the RMC conversions, complete wooden coaster refurbishments are very rare. Even in the in the case of Hades 360 it wasn't a complete redo, and we've learned that in order to prevent continued roughness simply adding a new train doesn't help. As a matter of fact it seems as if adding a train that's more "submissive" to the track, such as the case with Hades 360 and Wildcat, actuallys makes it worse. With that being said, I've always wondered how GCI MF trains would perform on a coaster the size of Mean Streak in a scenario where it was completely retracked. It seems as if every single GCI that started with MF's is holding up extremely well, and some of their rides have been around for quite some time now. A lot of people will mention that these rides aren't very large compared to designs by other manufacturers, but at the same time rides of similar size(the 90 foot tall, 50mph range) that start with PTC's or any other double-axle trains seem to always get just as rough as the larger coasters if they don't get the proper maintenance.


GCI is starting to slowly venture into larger designs so it will be interesting to see what happens in regards to whether or not a manufacturer can actually create a very large traditional wooden coaster that doesn't go the way of the older Dinn/Summers creations. I actually think it would be cool if they refurbished Mean Streak by converting it to one of their new switchback designs, which they can easily(probably) do with the layout it has.

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^It really is a shame that CP spent so much money on a coaster that even some GP considers "okay", especially as we know B&M is (or was) capable of much better.


It really isn't B&M's fault. The park tells them what they want, and B&M produces it. The park has to give the final approval of the design.

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^It really is a shame that CP spent so much money on a coaster that even some GP considers "okay", especially as we know B&M is (or was) capable of much better.


It really isn't B&M's fault. The park tells them what they want, and B&M produces it. The park has to give the final approval of the design.

I know, that's the thing. I don't like to see B&M doing these kind of rides when I know they can do better. What I meant about CP was that, knowing that they decide how intense a ride will be, I think they exaggerated and went more forceless than desirable as even some non coaster enthusiasts say it is too tame.

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I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but Gatekeeper isn't a family coaster. Yeah it's not extremely forceful but that doesn't determine if a coaster is a family coaster or not. And I thought Cedar Point said Gatekeeper was one of the most successful coasters they ever built?

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^^ I highly doubt CP would give B&M $25 million and ask them to build a rough family coaster with lame layout.

Not the rough part, obviously, but if it isn't the manufacturer that decides how intense a ride will be, it's the park. Given that quite a few recent B&M built in China have been proving to be more intense than in other places I wouldn't think that it is B&M who assumes they like more intense rides and so that's what they do, so it is clear that the parks do have a big influence on that area.

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