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The Magic Springs & Crystal Falls Discussion Thread

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You would think it would be pretty simple to design an emergency manual winching system to get the coaster off the lift once it goes past vertical.

Yeah, one would think.


I was once at a (now-defunct) park with a Vekoma SLC during a power outage, and it had a train stalled at the top of the lift hill (a couple cars were starting to go down the drop, so they couldn't use the evacuation trolley).


Somebody walked to the top of the lift and it appeared he manually cranked the lifthill until the train made it over the top and then into the brakes.


Of course, from there they couldn't advance the train any further so they had to use a scissor-lift to remove the riders, but it's certainly much easier to do it there than way up at the top of the lift hill!


I'm surprised they weren't able to do something similar in this case.

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While the ride manufacturer isn't liable for any external problems, what were they thinking when it came to the coaster's safety system? I mean, wouldn't they have at least played the scenario out for just-in-case purposes?


They did. I explained the various scenarios on the last page. Thing is, except evacuation, all rescue programs require an extra, independent power source.

You probably can´t pull a handle to move a train which is stuck in a vertical position, and release it manually.


The manufacturer requires the external, independent power line. The operator has to make sure that he provides it. (if you don´t replace the batteries on your car, you don´t go to the car company do complain, you just buy a new battery)

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Leterman did a top ten and I have made a nice word doc. for all of you to see.


The doc didn't work for me, so I'll put them up here incase it doesn't work for anyone else.


10 "I never realized how beautiful Hot Springs, Arkansas is upside down"


9 "Well, it's better than flying JetBlue"


8 "Hairpiece glue, don't fail me now"


7 "Why didn't I notice the name of the ride is 'Power Outage'?"


6 "Who's operating this thing, Lindsay Lohan?"


5 "Where's Spider-Man?"


4 "Am I being 'Punk'd?'" -- We know this is an old reference, but it's summer! Watch for all-new jokes this fall


3 "How long before I urp those cheese fries?"


2 "Worst Al Qaeda plot ever"


1 "This isn't as disappointing as the 'Sopranos' finale"



On the CBS website, they have 5 extra ones...


1 "Hurry up -- I've got to get home to watch the 61st Annual Tony Awards on CBS"


2 "It's still safer than a New York City cab"


3 "Do roller coaster cars have 24-hour live OnStar assistance?"


4 "For an amusement park, there's nothing remotely amusing about this"


5 "This blows"

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is a good thing, the waterpark could use some more slides. I really liked the air-conditioned dining, too. When it's 103 degrees outside, it can be brutal.


But the big question, what is coming in 2008?


EDIT: I saw this on Wikipedia's Magic Springs entry: (not that there's any credibility to this)


Delineate - (coming in 2008) - A small capsule ride suspended eighty feet above a "bowl" shaped pool. The capsule rocks as you go further into the abyss


The owner is quoted saying the 2008 ride will be the largest thill ride in Arkansas...considering they spent part of that 10 million in 2007, it can't be no mroe than a Giant Firsbee...thoughts?

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^If it's going to be the largest thrill ride in the history of Arkansas, it'll have to be bigger than the Arkansas Twister and the Gauntlet. Thus, this thing'll have to be pretty damn huge. It could be an over-exaggeration though, as anything bigger than those two would have to be a large coaster, and they've already gotten two large coasters in a short time period.

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^What about a launched coaster like Wicked? I think that was fairly cheap, and a launched coaster could be good for the park.


I don't know much about this park, but it seems to have expanded rapidly over the last few years. Given this parks financial past, I am a little worried that it will go bankrupt again, but hopefully, with this being the largest park in the area, the park can survive.

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I think a Gerstauler Eurofighter would fit perfectly in that park. Think about it- They are cheap, thrilling and will really make the parks reputation even if it is a portable one! I mean look at how much speed: no limits cost, Not Alot! So I say eurofighter, who's with me?




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This park was purchased in 1999 by a group that considers themselves theme park enthusiasts. They gutted the place, added new rides and the water park (with the exception of the log flume).


As for water parks in Arkansas, you have Wild River Country (little rock, ar) and now crystal falls (hot springs, ar). WRC does not have the room to expand and has really let itself go, whereas CF has updated, repaired and built new items every year.


Magic Springs (the amusement part of MS/CF) has added new rides since 2000. It's my understanding that the 10 million expansion will be for both the new water area of CF and the new coaster/thrill ride.


This season they announced that every season pass holder recieves free pepsi products, sunscreen and towels during their attendance. I don't know how they do it (as I have not been this season) unless they use the cups from the old "PEPSI vs. COKE" taste test era.

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Screamscape, while only speculation, said that the park might've pushed back the 2008 plans back to allow for another waterpark expansion.


2008 - Waterpark Expansion - Rumor - (6/6/07) The latest word is that Magic Springs will make a significant and larger addition to the waterpark in 2008.


2009 - New Thrill Ride - Confirmed - (6/6/07) If the rumors are true then the plans to add the park’s next big coaster have been pushed back to 2009.


My only deal with this is, is that it's really cutting off Arkansas Twister from the rest of the park, so as of right now, it looks like you have to go through the waterpark to get to the Arkansas Twister and Timberwood Concert area. Anyone been there this year?


I could see the park getting a euro-fighter, but after being disappointed by Mystery Mine, I hope they could invest in a larger ride.

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^What about a launched coaster like Wicked? I think that was fairly cheap, and a launched coaster could be good for the park.


I don't know much about this park, but it seems to have expanded rapidly over the last few years. Given this parks financial past, I am a little worried that it will go bankrupt again, but hopefully, with this being the largest park in the area, the park can survive.


The key word is "largest thrill ride" in state history. Thrill doesn't mean coaster...Wicked would be a perfect fit but I bet it is a Giant Frisbee or Swing.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm glad the park got sold to PARC. PARC has done good things with the parks it owns now. Darien Lake and Frontier City finally got new coasters after 8+ years and have made many internal improvements within the parks. I think Magic Springs will thrive under the new ownership.

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I'm glad the park got sold to PARC. PARC has done good things with the parks it owns now. Darien Lake and Frontier City finally got new coasters after 8+ years and have made many internal improvements within the parks. I think Magic Springs will thrive under the new ownership.


I sure hope they do the same for Wild Waves. I know they added the Disk'o this year, but when I was there last year, It seemed like it was still in need of improvement. The stage on the hill looked pretty rough, and the main water slide tower could use a bit of a clean up. They also had a few rides down for the day, but that may have been more of an inability to staff the park fully.

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