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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Am I missing something or doing something wrong? I've done the send kids trick or treating and open 10 bags task twice now and it just keeps resetting. Is it like the gold task and it's just going to keep having us do it or is there a certain order to it or what?


I've been stuck at 6 on the trick or treating and I've sent them all 3 times so far. I do have the open 10 bags completed though.

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Am I missing something or doing something wrong? I've done the send kids trick or treating and open 10 bags task twice now and it just keeps resetting. Is it like the gold task and it's just going to keep having us do it or is there a certain order to it or what?


I've been stuck at 6 on the trick or treating and I've sent them all 3 times so far. I do have the open 10 bags completed though.


From what I found, this is actually intentional, so that the task will last longer.

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IT JUST KEEPS LOOPING! Every time I finish the task of "Open 10 bags, and Make youngsters trick or treat" it just starts over! It's fine if this is supposed to happen, but it doesn't say hoe many times were going to do this.


Yes. It runs for the duration of the event. But, be careful. If you runs out of tasks, then you probably need one of the kids to trigger it (and there is a LOT of content!).


More content is already in what we've downloaded, scheduled to activate on Oct. 20, and again on Oct. 31.


Also, don't panic if you don't get all the prizes that are currently available. They are on a rotating menu, so they will be back around again (I'll finally be able to get the super-collider and black hole!) I believe that there are 3 (maybe 5) menus in the rotation. Also, if you have the ray gun, check it periodically, as it gives ammo to shoot down ufos in friends towns.


I also found a GREAT prize that I'm looking forward to - but I won't spoil it here. (Hint: the ultimate torture device!)


By the way - the shooting at the ufo glitch was fixed with yesterday's update.


I'll post more if more questions arise.

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Also, if you have the ray gun, check it periodically, as it gives ammo to shoot down ufos in friends towns.


Thanks for that! I put my ray gun out and it looks like I at least get an ammo once a day. I put some other old halloween stuff out to see if anything else works and if you have the Pumpkin House that gives you a Pumpkin every few hours. Anyone find anything else?

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