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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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What has been everyone's trick for getting money?


I don't know if it's really a trick, but just harvesting the money all the times that you can. (Granted I have no life and I enjoy this for now, so I dedicate a lot of time to it.)


If you're given a task like if Apu has to work an 8 hour shift, then make ALL your other characters do something for 8 hours. Work Cleteus's farm the same way. OR - give them smaller time tasks, like a 4 hr one, and harvest it twice (percentage wise it's more money) in that 8 hr timeframe.


Collect all your shops and houses and stuff, whenever you get the chance. At home, I play on my iPad as it's easier. I collect my brown house "ghetto farm" quite often. Yeah, it's only a couple of hundred $$, but it adds up.


I think when I visit "friends" I get $36 for each friend visited (plus the now useless coins). That right there is $3600/day. (The added $11 comes from the bonus stuff that adds to percentages of whatever you harvest.)


The other thing is, before I go to bed (or whenever I decide my last log-on for the night is) I set all my characters to do tasks that will end before the next time I log-on. Example: My last daily sessions are around 8-9pm, so I set all characters to do 8hr tasks, so when I wake up at 5am, I get craploads of $$ when I harvest everything.


Joey (Ray) mentioned a couple of times that he was at one million dollars, is that the cap??


I went over 800k this morning, and spent over 300k on new land, leaving me at 501k, and right now I'm at 549k, so I've done 48K today alone. (Like I said earlier, I have NO life)


The more of the trees, benches and other crap that adds to percentage, does help. IIRC, the "Springfield" sign alone added 4% to everything.


Hope that helps.

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$1 million isn't the level. I'm at about 1.5 million right now. I know for me it was getting more high end slums. The brown houses are only good if your able to check them constantly. For example, If you check the purple house 4 times a day, you'll earn $300, but to do the same with the brown house you have to check it 50 times a day! I tend to like the blue houses the best because I can check them three times a day, and I won't waste/miss any time. You have to spend a bit, but after a little bit you'll be earning a ton of cash every day. The brown houses are great when your starting out, but later on the more expensive houses pay off better, I think. I also try to keep everyone on a similar schedule like mentioned before. When I had everyone doing different things I would forget about them, and lose a lot of time they could have been doing something else.

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I just checked, I'm getting $54 for every friend visited. So that's $5400/day.


I think after a 24 hour period the money you get from neighbors starts at around $15 per building. The more towns you visit in a row the amounts increase. I noticed that after a long string of towns, I too was getting $50+ per building. Like Jeff said, it is very convient to have a bunch of characters do tasks together. A favorite of mine is the attending Mensa meeting one. It lasts only three hours, and you can have around 5 or 6 characters do it at the same time. Shorter tasks look like a lot less money, but they do add up more quickly if you have the time to play the game.

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I bought the Funzo and still had earned another 1000 Santa Coins by the time the Stocking promotion started. With the number of donuts I am getting (and the lack of new quests and levels), I am back to devoting all of my time to Santa Coins.

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I've picked up 86 doughnuts so far, and 20 reindeer. (4100+ doughnuts)


The reindeer can be sold for $500 each!! But I'm going to keep 10 of them, as it would add a total of 5% to all jobs. (Now that I think about it, keeping 20 wouldn't be a bad idea.)

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Holy crap!


They did exactly what I hoped for. I've got 2000 coins. I was getting 2 and sometimes 3 donuts. Then a reindeer, now I'm getting 1 donut each time. Let's post odds were seeing.


Does it go to one donut each time if you get a lot in a row?


I may be able to get Frinks Lab!

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After hearing about this whole mystery stocking thing, should I still go for Santa's Little Helper or should I just get mystery stockings?


If you'd like to have SLH, by all means do it. It's just one of those fun additions.


But, if you need doughnuts and/or $$$, then go for the stockings.


As far as I can tell, you get either 1, 2, or 3 doughnuts or a reindeer for each stocking.

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I'm averaging a little over a donut per stocking.. Most are one, 2 and 3 are much rarer. In fact I've got 3 more than 2. Then you get none when you get the reindeer. So, SLH's donuts will give you 45-50 donuts. I think he's worth getting. The second Funzo is not worth the 20-25 donuts.



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This was a pretty cool surpise. For about a 1000 christmas coins I got 3 reindeer and about 34 donuts. Which I used to get 2 homer budhas. That have me a fruit tree and a mystery box. And in the mystery box was the squeeky voice teen character. Pretty cool idea this. Now just waiting for Apu to finish his 7 day shift and I hope ton be able to continue building Springfield.

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I'm still in shock that EA did something right, and it didn't break the game!


With only reindeer and donuts to be won, I did go ahead and get the second Fuzno, but now I'm hoping for an army of Reindeer before the 10th!

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I also went ahead and got the second Funzo, as I had over 3,000 coins, and I don't trust EA not to add some sort of functionality to them and SLH in the future. As it would be incredibly easy to do, and would make for a quick and cheap update in the future.


On top of that, I've only gotten stockings with 3 donuts or a reindeer.

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I got the one Funzo with the donuts and the other with the 750 coins. If I get up to like 2000 coins or something before the 10th, I may just go ahead and buy the last one and use the rest on stockings.

Edited by ernierocker
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I'm hoping to get enough doughnuts for Santa's Village, and the last Funzo. Only 7 more days, it will be close.


I totally agree with Elissa, I can't believe they actually did a good thing, and especially, that the servers didn't crash!

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