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Bad Restaurant Experiences

Sir Clinksalot

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Black Angus sucks ...


Okay, so my Mom is watching the kids. And her and my Grandpa decide they want to go eat. So, on my lunch from work I meet them at the Black Angus here in Woodland Hills.


Being that it was a Friday night, we make reservations for 7:00. Got in right at 7:00, no problem.


We sit ... and sit ... and sit. FINALLY at 7:15 the guy comes and takes our drink order. Well, we were ready to order our food, so we did so. AT 7:15.


7:30 the guy FINALLY brings us our drinks and salads. 30 MINUTES AFTER WE GOT TO THE RESTAURANT!!! I also tell the guy at this point that I needed to place a to-go order. It was for Kristi as she is at a "Pampered Chef" party right now spending all of our money.


The guy says he will be back in a minute or two to take the order.


7:45 ... still no food. No coming back to take the order, no refills on Tea, etc. We decide this is ridiculous, the watier hadn't even been by to tell us if there was a problem in the kitchen, if they had trouble killing the cow. NOTHING!!!


Call the manager over, tell him we will pay for what we had eaten (salad, bread and drinks) and we were leaving. Gladly he said we didn't have to, of course he tried to convince us to stay, but by this time we weren't very willing to pay $100 for a meal.


He gave me his card so we can get a free meal next time because, quite honestly, my company spends ALOT of money at this particular restaurant and he knew that it would get back and that he would lose ALOT of business.


I have had ALOT of bad experiences at restaurants, but this one takes the cake.


So who else has had some REALLY bad restaurant experiences? I know we all have.

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I was out with my dad at some bat&grill place, well, some idioth decided to get drunk of his *ahem* and get "KRuuunkK," according to his words, I'll never forget the look on his face when a 16 year old told him he was making an *hack* out of himself.


My dad wasn't to happy about my outgoing expression, but I was pleased that I got to eat the rest of my meal in peace.

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I seem to have a lot of bad experiences at restaurants. One I remember was the Rain Forest Cafe.


They have some VIP club where you can pay $10 and get priority seating. I didn't have a problem with that, just the way it was handled. We were taken back ready to be seated and just as we were about to be seated, they told us we had to go back and wait for another table because that was for someone in the Safari Club (VIP). In other words, after we were taken back to the table, they gave the table to someone else who was in the club and still outside in the waiting area. Once the hostess took us to the table, they shouldn't have made us go back and wait even longer.


The service was overall just horrible. Besides the service being slow and our orders being wrong (ordered a well done hamburger and got a burger that was pink inside), we had some issues with the staff. A kids meal comes with a soda. A soda was ordered and it was brought out in a regular sized glass. We got the check and saw we were charged for the soda. The waitress called over the manager and he said something along the lines of, "That was not the kids meal sized soda, and since it was consumed, you have to pay for it." How are we supposed to know that they brought out the wrong sized soda. After some arguing, they took off the charge for the soda.


Another issue I had, though not with the actual experience but the restaurant in general is that they charge more for fries. Every meal such as a burger comes with chips including the kids meals. If you want fries instead, it's $1 extra for the kids meal and $2 extra for an adult meal. When they are charging $9 for a burger, I think they can give you fries with it. With the kids meals it's worse because it's almost restaurant standard to offer fries with the kids meal and on top of $6 or so for a kids meal, another $1 even seems more of a ripoff.


They actually closed up in our area, I guess we weren't the only ones didn't like the place

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I've had a few... Nothing TOO major.


But one thing is funny to tell...


I turned 21 in the US. Now I'm used to legal drinking since I was 16, so no biggie for me, but my friends wanted to take me out to get my first "American Drink".

So yeah, we went to Applebees and I ordered my drink. First (as expected) the waitress was confused by the date on my ID (In Europe it's dd/mm/yyyy). I explained but she told me she couldn't serve people with no American ID's... Very smart, yeah, so we kindly asked for the manager. He also looked at the card, and even though he understood, he said they could not legally serve non-Americans...



Then I tried to imagine it actually beeing a law that tourists couldn't drink. I was laughing so hard inside me!


(I didn't say much more. Wasn't bother too much by it)

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When I was in college, the local IHOP was our late night hang out. We went easily 3 times a week and were always great tippers since most of the time we would sit for a few hours and only order one meal or dessert. All the servers loved us except for one older lady named Sue. She was so nasty to us that her nickname became "that bi*** Sue"...as in "I wonder if that bi*** Sue is working tonight?"

So this one night there were about a dozen of us, and that bi*** Sue was the only server there. We sat down along the wall as normal and ordered drinks. She seemed to take a long time to get the drinks to us, but we didn't mind. But then once people started ordering entrees, it took forever to get the food. And this was at, like, 2am, with only one other table of six people in the whole place!

After we got the drinks we ended up staying for two more hours, and that bi*** Sue did not come to the table one time to see if anyone needed drink refills. Ice cream got to people half melted, and entrees were either wrong or cold. I'd only ordered a soda, and I told her that I didn't think I should have to pay for it since it had sat in front of me empty for and hour and 45 minutes. Then she yells "I HAVE BEEN VERY BUSY!!!" Uh, no that bi*** Sue, you haven't been! There were two tables in the whole place, and the other one seemed to be as neglected as us!

We were all appalled at being yelled at by the server after having gotten such lousy service! On what was easily over $100 in food, we left her a nine cent tip...nine pennies in the shape of a nine. She was exceedingly nice to us every time after that.



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The worst service ever would have to be at a restruant in Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. It was at the Harbortown portion of the Sea Pines are of the island. I forgot the name, but its a restruant by a lighthouse, anyways, they had the worst service ever.


Before entering the restruant, the Sea Pines area of Hilton Head has crappy parking, it took us nearly an hour to find us a spot.


My family and relatives, a party of 10, got a table quickly. Of course, I ate here before in 2004, but the last time I ate there the past summer, the place went from nice to god awful. In 2004, the restruant had good business, but in 2005, it went down the crapper. When you get inside, suddenly theres wires hanging out of the ceilings and the restruant isn't as crowded. But thats not the worst part. Our waiter takes a 1/2 hour for him to get us drinks and another hour to get us our food. And guess what, the food was cold and tasted like s**t.


If anybody ever visits Hilton Head Island, SC, stay away from Harbor Town for restruants. But, a nice little "tourist trappish" place would have to be Salty Dog Cafe.

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I think there is definately a difference in going somewhere like IHOP or Denny's and getting bad service and going somewhere nice and getting service.


When I go to a Denny's, etc, I almost EXPECT to just get ho-hum service. When I do get exceptional service I reward nicely.


But when you go to a nice restaurant you expect to get good service. At least I do. And again, I reward quite nicely when I get good service.

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I'm just a lurker dying to share my story.


About 2 years ago we ate at TGIF on Cedar Point's property and our food didn't arrive 3 hours after we sat down. Manager apologized and charged us only 17 dollars for 4 people plus unlimited refill for beer. We were pretty much buzzed and left good tip.


The major downside is we missed our chance for night ride on Dragster but we did manage to catch one on Raptor.

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I had bad experience at Hops down here. Really, really bad service. So I complained and we got a voucher for 2 free meals. Tried another Hops with the free voucher and got crappy service again, so we haven't been back since. Now they closed most of the locations in Tampa, but oh well.


I went with a friend to Rio Bravo and although we did get bad service and they forgot to put our order in, we were both drinking so we didn't notice. The manager comp'd our meal including our drinks, which was cool. We didn't complain either, the manager came to our table to tell us our server forgot to put in our order. They could have played it off and we wouldn't have been any wiser, but it was a nice gesture. We both continued to go to Rio Bravo when we could and were saddened when they closed down all their Tampa locations.


Then of course there was the McDonald's incident. I went with 2 friends for lunch. Every possible employee in that store came up to the front to see the really tall chick who kind of looks like a guy. One of the employees even went over to tell her manager who looked up, shook his head, and went back to whatever he was doing. I'm not blowing it out of proportion, it was just that obvious and blatent. I wrote an email to the district manager but never followed up on it.

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Ok I had one on Friday Night

We were meeting some friends at this Buffet thing I can’t remember how much it was for the 3 of us. But it was really crowed so we sat down then got some drinks (which you had to go up and get) then we went up to the buffet. This buffet was really werid they had like Chinese roast stuff and all shorts of random stuff. So we sat down and the food was gross somebody else we were dining with found a bone in his meat pie the dessert was ok but not the best the only good part of the night was the Jellybeans


Zane “the WTF buffet” Williams

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OK this one is about a McDonald's drive-through.


My mom wanted a grilled chicken sandwich with cheese on it nothing else and a small order of fries. Not hard right? Oh it so was.


They gave her a grilled chicken sandwich with Swiss Cheese. She didn't ask for swiss and I have been told unless you ask for swiss, they put american on everything.


Her fries were half cold. She said these aren't hot. The MANAGER, took one out and ATE it, and says they are hot, and tried to give them back.

He gave her attitude, and said it would be 3 minutes for another batch.


So she handed him back the bag, and he threw it! And was talking a lot of smack, you know just bitching. So she said, I have my grandson in the car, and you are being a smaller child then he is. He gave her this EVIL look.


Well se made sure to get the recipt, and his name so she could call corporate on him. It was really incredibly rude. Rude experience on the planet. Hell that guy should be lucky he gets minimum wage.



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  • 2 years later...

Sorry for bringing this up, but its good.


Well, one day my mom, dad, and myself were going to New Orleans. It was about lunch time and so we decided to go to an Elissa Friendly resturant. Well, it took us 5 minutes to order. Then, when we order the lady over the intercome stops our order and sends in our order. And we weren't finished. Then she says it will take 5 more minutes. Then she said to drive up to the first window. Then we wait for another 5 minutes. The lady was rude (a lot of people are rude at McDonalds). It takes another 5 minutes to get our food. We ordered 2 Hamburgers and a Chicken Snackwrap. She hands a bag and my dad asked her what order was in here, and she said, "This order is for the car behind you". And my dad asked, what do you want me to do, get out and hand it to them myself? And she, you can if you want. Then she hands our drinks to us and we ask which ones were wich and she said, I don't know. I order a Dr.Pepper and 2 Diet Cokes, and my Dr.Pepper wasen't a Dr.Pepper of any other drink possible!We were very pissed. But, the food was good!



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I've had a few... My favorite however is a few years ago I went to Taco Bell and made a decent size order in the drive thru. I get my food and quickly check to make sure they got everything, at which point I notice that basically the entire order is wrong. So I go back inside to complain and get it fixed. The manager comes over and when I tell him the problem he responds with "Sir, that's impossible." Confused I ask him why it's impossible, and he informs me that, "It's against out policy at this store to make mistakes, if it's wrong it's your fault, we simply don't things wrong." Now I was in complete shock at this so I asked the guy for his name and wrote it down, then I informed him I could be placing a call to Taco Bell's corporate office. I finished the conversation by asking him if he enjoyed his job, because if I had my way he might want to consider a new one... Sure enough he caved in with that and I got a new order.

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If you want bad service try coming to England! we went on honeymoon to the US, and basically the average service we received there had to be 2 or 3 times better than what you get over here. Its a bit weird because to a point we have come to expect what we get here, so its not like we're getting BAD service, its just better over there. The main difference of course is over here you don't get free refills, so its £2 (about $3.70) for a pint of coke, and if you want more its another £2. Which is annoying. Another thing we noticed was the amount of times the waiting staff would come and ask you if everything was ok or if you wanted anything (which is partly where the refills come into it - if you don't get free refills, they dont come to see if you want one), or someone would even fill the drink up when you weren't even looking. Over here essentially you get asked once after you food has been served if its ok, and if you want anything else you have to call them over, which can be a pain in the ass and half the time they're annoyed that you have done it. I think its probably to do with the fact that the tips are a lot higher % in the US, and I always gave more to the people I thought served us really well. I'd trade the standards of service any day though.

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I'm just a lurker dying to share my story.


About 2 years ago we ate at TGIF on Cedar Point's property and our food didn't arrive 3 hours after we sat down. Manager apologized and charged us only 17 dollars for 4 people plus unlimited refill for beer. We were pretty much buzzed and left good tip.


The major downside is we missed our chance for night ride on Dragster but we did manage to catch one on Raptor.


I had a similar experience at the TGIF just outside of Cedar Point. We were told the wait was 20 minutes....which it was, but then we waited another 30 minutes before we ever saw a server or got water, and another hour and a half before any of our food came, plus my food (just a friggin' hamburger and fries) came after everyone else at my table was finished eating. We, of course, complained to the manager (I think every table was complaining). He repeated several times: "You have to understand, this is the largest Friday's in the country".

WTF does that matter if you don't have the staff to run it? I'm not impressed by the square footage of the place. They should have told us it was going to be at least a two hour wait, so we could have gone somewhere else. We only paid for half of our bill, but it still wasn't worth the headache.



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Service is getting poorer and poorer...


My advice to a person that is getting poor service, especially at a chain restaurant.


a) Lets say that your server is slow and you see him/her wondering about, I would approach him/her and comment that we ordered drinks, apps, etc however many min ago...let them know that we have prior engagements that we have to get out within "x" amount of time.


If that doesn't work...


Plan b:


~Ask for the manager and put in your complaint, if it not rectified request compensation...weather-it-be free apps, drinks, or a percentage off the bill.


If that doesn't work...


Call up the corporate office and ask to speak to the director of franchise or a comparable level.


I've never had gone beyond speaking to a manager b/c most managers are understanding of bad experiences and are willing to make a customer walk out happy.


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Maybe I'm just oblivious, but I seldom get bad service. Most restaurant service, IMO, is about the same.


The few times I've received horrible service turned out to be fun and made for great stories. I remember one waiter who forgot my order twice, thus making me order 3 times before finally getting my food. And I think he still brought me the wrong stuff after all that hassle.

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When I was at college in Nashville, my family came into town one weekend and we had breakfast at the Holiday Inn Crown plaza down town (I think it's something else now, but it has the rotating restaurant on top). Anyway, I was very skinny and had long hair and a recently grown mustache, and was reading the menu. Our waitress took my parent's orders and then said to me "what would you like ma'am?" I lowered the menu and before I could say anything, she sucked in her breath, turned pale white and said "Oh God, I am soooo sorry. It was the hair, and I thought you were a girl. Oh I'm sooo sorry." This lady was obviously used to some very temperamental customers and went straight into damage control mode.


I smiled at the waitress and said "I don't know about her (points to mother) but I'll have the pancakes." We all laughed and the sky never fell, plus, I got mistaken for a girl all the time with my hair. No big whoop. Growing the mustache ended up futile. Oh well.


That's about the worst service I've ever had, and it wasn't bad at all. Just lucky I 'spose.


Just to illustrate the point.

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