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Major League Baseball Thread


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If you can't use it as a source on research papers, it isn't a reputable source

haha yeah I wasn't suggesting that... I WOULD do what Dan suggested, and use the sources that wiki cites, but what I meant is for a casual info look-up, wiki isn't a bad place to start


and believe me, at this point, I'd rather be talking MLS citations than bunting. Maybe I'm just bitter the damned yankees won.

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HAHA of course, I use wiki too!


I did once change the WWII page to say that America joined the war for fear of a Hello kitty invasion destroying the economy...it stayed for like a month lmao.



On baseball any thoughts on Howard dying in the series? Im not a big NL watcher is this normal for him, is he like A-rod (usually not this year) in the Post season. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

12 years with a DH, watching Halladay bat is going to be fun!


I dunno WHY I find that amusing, I just do. Sorry.


As for the Tigers in retrospect, we lost Granderson, Jackson and Polanco. I flipping hope that Austin Jackson is good, along with Scott Sizemore. We're going to need alot of luck and tact to win the division in 2010, after the epic fail of an implode this past September.

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I'm officially throwing in the towel on the Angels season this year. How do you lose Lackey, Figgins and get no one in return *Cough* Halladay *Cough* I'm saying we have the worst owner in baseball.

Andrew "Sell them back to Mickey Mouse" Iorio

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I'm actually not too thrilled about the whole Halladay deal. I think the Phils are giving up too much for basically a swap of Lee and Halladay. I really like Happ and Drabek is supposed to be the Phils future, but one of them is probably gone.


If the Phils are going to pay Halladay 20 million per, what the hell was Lee asking for?

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I'm officially throwing in the towel on the Angels season this year. How do you lose Lackey, Figgins and get no one in return *Cough* Halladay *Cough* I'm saying we have the worst owner in baseball.

Andrew "Sell them back to Mickey Mouse" Iorio



At least your not stuck with Tom Hicks. He is the worst freakin' owner. I take all kinds of crap for being a Ranger fan. We had a great ballclub in 2009. But with Tom Hicks as the owner we couldn't pump anything into helping us make the postseason. I am hoping the sale of the team goes to Chuck Greenberg. I know Hicks will still have small part, but at least we can pump some more money into this team, and along with the awesome farm system we have, I think the future will only get brighter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If your looking to get into pro ball, work on your 40 as they expect you to be able to do it in 4.5-5.0 seconds.


They also expect you to be able to hit just about every breaking pitch imaginable.


I've attended (not participated) a Pro Scouting work out in my past.


Hope you have four out of the five tools that they refer to or you don't have a chance in hell in getting pro scouts to look at you.

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Slight off topic, am I the only one bothered by the subtitle? "You're thoughts" implies "You are thoughts" and I know that I am an intellectual animal... not a thought.


On topic, I'm extremely glad the Orioles set up spring training in my town and opening day will be against the Rays. Also glad the Rays finally get a decent closer for once, even though I will miss Aki going into the deeper abyss known as the Pirates.


Only two more months.

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On topic, I'm extremely glad the Orioles


Only two more months.


Um, that's something us O's fan don't ever say...I'm extremely glad...


Pitchers and catchers report for the O's on February 18th, position players on the 23rd.


Little bit less than two months to go!

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Slight off topic, am I the only one bothered by the subtitle? "You're thoughts" implies "You are thoughts" and I know that I am an intellectual animal... not a thought.

Your like the 4th person to bring this up: get over it!


You mean "You're like the 4th person to bring this up:...."


Anyway, the Mets signed Jason Bay.......

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Semi-on topic: Have you guys played MLB 09: The Show for PS3? It is absolutely incredible. The graphics are jaw-dropping and the game is near flawless. I'm not a "baseball guy" (or even a "sports guy" for that matter) and this one still blows me away every time I put it in.

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