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Vote For Shane Victorino For The NL Final Vote




In all seriousness though, I do like Sandoval and he's having a great year. I have him in my fantasy league. But Victorino is not only have a career year at the plate, he is going to win his second consecutive gold glove.


I think Victorino really wants it. Last nights line: 4-5 2 doubles, 1 HR, 4 RBI's, 5 R's.


If Victorino doesn't get the vote, Manuel will probably add him since Ibanez and Beltran are both injured.

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Vote For Shane Victorino For The NL Final Vote




In all seriousness though, I do like Sandoval and he's having a great year. I have him in my fantasy league. But Victorino is not only have a career year at the plate, he is going to win his second consecutive gold glove.


I think Victorino really wants it. Last nights line: 4-5 2 doubles, 1 HR, 4 RBI's, 5 R's.


If Victorino doesn't get the vote, Manuel will probably add him since Ibanez and Beltran are both injured.

Umm Pablo hit a Grand Salami, yeah I know that is not as good as raping the Reds, but it is still a Grand Slam.

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The team that really needs to win are the Padres. Ecxstein, Young, Hundley, and Blanco are all on the DL, they traded Scott Hairston for two minor league pitchers, and they have only one catcher that swings at every pitch. Wait, everyone on the team swings at every pitch. The only good thing is for the first time in club history, they have someone going to the Home Run Derby, the only one that can hit, Adrian Gonzalez.

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I lost most of my interest in baseball after the 1994 strike. I still enjoy attending games but I don't "follow" it anymore. That strike killed me because I was a huge baseball fan before, but that whole situation turned me off and eventually away.

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I lost most of my interest in baseball after the 1994 strike. I still enjoy attending games but I don't "follow" it anymore. That strike killed me because I was a huge baseball fan before, but that whole situation turned me off and eventually away.

My dad was the same way. Even as a kid his family would travel the 3-4 hours to St. Louis to see his favorite team the St. Louis Cardinals. He listen to even game on the radio and then watched all the games on TV.


He has never watched another game since the strike. The day they went on strike he got ride of everything he had.

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Rays looking pretty good, even after a sweep by the Rangers. Glad to see Longoria in the starting rotation; and Bartlett, Crawford, and Zobrist making it on the reserve list.


Vote Carlos Pena for the AL Final Vote.

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I'll be in Pittsburgh on business all of next week. I just got tickets for Wednesday's Pirates game against the Indians. Mark DeRosa is on my fantasy team - I was kicking myself early on in the season for drafting him, but he is on fire lately. Aside from that, I look forward to seeing the Pirates up close as I really do think they are going in the right direction now with all of their youth.


Actually, The Pirates have always been a young team, and that's their problem. It seems that if you have talent on that team, they trade you for three guys who don't, because they can't afford to keep you.


Just look at who they've let go before...Brian Giles, Tony Womack, Francisco Cordova, Jason Kendall. Until the Bucs get an owner who's willing to spend the money to keep talent around, I forsee them in the NL basement for at least the rest of my natural life.

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Last chance to vote for Victorino! Walk off single last night and 2 SB's. Sorry Nat's fan, but no way should 2 players from the worst team in baseball be in the All Star Game. Zimmerman took Guzman's chance. Zimmerman should be the one in the final vote, and Sandoval should be in. Zimmerman is having a good year, but Sandoval has been better.


Anyways, not sure if you have seen this play, but it might be the best defensive play I've seen. This is just sick, and I HATE the mets.




EDIT: sorry for the quality, but it was the only one I could find this morning.

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Sorry Nat's fan, but no way should 2 players from the worst team in baseball be in the All Star Game. Zimmerman took Guzman's chance. Zimmerman should be the one in the final vote, and Sandoval should be in. Zimmerman is having a good year, but Sandoval has been better.


As a Nationals and Zimmerman fan, I agree. Zim is having a good year, but Sandoval deserved it. Although Victorino was the 2nd best choice (congrats to him.)


My question is how the hell did Brandon Inge get voted in before Adam Lind?

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I don't really care for the all-star festivities anymore. The players could use rest more than anything, especially when it comes to the Homerun Derby. Too many big sluggers had awful 2nd halfs after participating in the derby.


The voting is often terrible. I remember Nomar being the leading voter a year or 2 ago, even though he only played for the first month of the season and would be ready until August.


Also, as a Red Sox fan, I love Dustin Pedroia, but there is NO way he should be the starting 2nd baseman in the All-star game. There are at least 5 more deserving players (Aaron Hill, Ben Zobrist, Ian Kinsler, Robinson Cano, Alberto Callaspo).

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Sorry Nat's fan, but no way should 2 players from the worst team in baseball be in the All Star Game. Zimmerman took Guzman's chance. Zimmerman should be the one in the final vote, and Sandoval should be in. Zimmerman is having a good year, but Sandoval has been better.


As a Nationals and Zimmerman fan, I agree. Zim is having a good year, but Sandoval deserved it. Although Victorino was the 2nd best choice (congrats to him.)


My question is how the hell did Brandon Inge get voted in before Adam Lind?


Inge was part of a campaign with Victorino called vote Bran Torino. Thats how he got in. I kind of feel bad with Victorino winning, because he was probably going to take Beltran's spot anyways.

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One of the Reds broadcasters nailed it the other night - the way that they have the online voting going on right now is an absolute joke. They need to find a way in the coming years to limit the voting to one vote per IP address per day. Having people in the media room voting every 10 seconds for their team's vote-in player (like they're doing at the Phillies' ballpark) is just stupid. Give everyone on the ballot a fair chance, instead of making it a "which team can get people with no lives to sit in front of their computers for all hours of the day voting for our player" popularity contest. Or better yet, just get rid of the on-line popularity vote entirely.


I really think they need figure out how they're going to run the All-Star Game, too. I think it's just dumb that the winner of the Game gets home-field advantage in the World Series. Like they're saying on ESPN's SportsNation show, the Game needs to be either competitive or fun - not both. The better way to do it would be to give the team with the better winning percentage home-field advantage. you know, like they do it in other sports. The All-Star Game should be a fun break for the players and that's it.

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One of the Reds broadcasters nailed it the other night - the way that they have the online voting going on right now is an absolute joke. They need to find a way in the coming years to limit the voting to one vote per IP address per day. Having people in the media room voting every 10 seconds for their team's vote-in player (like they're doing at the Phillies' ballpark) is just stupid. Give everyone on the ballot a fair chance, instead of making it a "which team can get people with no lives to sit in front of their computers for all hours of the day voting for our player" popularity contest. Or better yet, just get rid of the on-line popularity vote entirely.


I really think they need figure out how they're going to run the All-Star Game, too. I think it's just dumb that the winner of the Game gets home-field advantage in the World Series. Like they're saying on ESPN's SportsNation show, the Game needs to be either competitive or fun - not both. The better way to do it would be to give the team with the better winning percentage home-field advantage. you know, like they do it in other sports. The All-Star Game should be a fun break for the players and that's it.

Yeah I agree with you 100%. I was reading about the Final Vote stuff on MLB.com and they were talking about how Phillies fans "aren't afraid of stuffing the ballot box" and using that with a positive connotation. Then they went on talking about the "Bran Torino" Campaign and how offices starting issuing 15 min breaks every hour so they could allow the workers to vote for Gran Torino. Now I'm sorry but that is just crazy. Now I'm not saying to be biased against Victorino for winning because the Giants had promotions for Sandoval if you voted and I think the players should be given one vote for the Final Vote .

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Baseball fans:


I am not really a baseball fan but do enjoy going to a game, I haven't been to one since Cal Ripken's last year. I am thinking about hitting one next week. Wanted to know what is everyone's opinion on favorite places to sit?

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^ First row of an upper deck (I prefer club level, but the far upper deck works well too) in between first and third somewhere


Screw the no hitter, that was one of the most dramatic punch outs I've ever seen. Who takes anything even close in that situation??

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