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Major League Baseball Thread


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Haha I laugh every time I think of ManRam now. Take that Dodgers, now since you don't have Manny you will slowly start to get worse and by the time he comes back the Dodgers will be too far behind and hopefully in the National League West cellar.




Even without Manny, the Dodgers still have people who can hit. Unlike the Giants.

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Haha I laugh every time I think of ManRam now. Take that Dodgers, now since you don't have Manny you will slowly start to get worse and by the time he comes back the Dodgers will be too far behind and hopefully in the National League West cellar.




Even without Manny, the Dodgers still have people who can hit. Unlike the Giants.


I'm sorry who lost to the Nationals last night? Oh yeah that's right the Dodgers did to a team that had only won 7 games beforehand and are in last place. The Giants don't need a strong offense. As long as they can get a good run cushion for their rotation, and the bullpen doesn't f*** everything up, they're fine.



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You know I've always hated the Dodgers and just about every player who has ever donned the Dodger uniform, but Casey Blake took it way too far yesterday. For those who didn't see it after Casey Blake hit a game tying home run off of Brian Wilson in the 12th, when he got back to the dugout he mocked Brian Wilson's gesture that he does after every game he wins/saves as a tribute to his faith and his father. So after doing so this pretty much pissed off Wilson and just about every Giants fan, which includes me. Full Story





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^ Blake can be an asshole at times, but THAT is uncalled for. I saw it on a baseball forum I went also go on and Cleveland fans were defending THAT! It was horrible!


I seriously that was uncalled for by Blake, If I saw Blake again soon I'd hit'em with a pitch. All you can do if your a pitcher, hit'em with pitches or with a pitch so they get it.


Well, Tigers face the Twinkies tonight. Hope we don't get a stomachache!

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Here is more on the Blake-Wilson Saga:

San Francisco Giants closer Brian Wilson said he wouldn't forget that Casey Blake mocked the cross-armed gesture he makes after every save as a tribute to his faith and deceased father. Blake was shown on television cameras Sunday appearing to mimic Wilson's signature pose at the end of the 12th inning. Blake's home run against Wilson that inning tied the score, but the Giants scored two runs in the 13th inning and won, 7-5. The Dodgers won't face the Giants again until Aug. 10 in San Francisco, but Wilson told reporters in that city that he has "a pretty good memory." Wilson didn't deny that Blake's gesture could intensify the rivalry between the clubs. The incident so upset Wilson that he wouldn't speak to reporters about it Sunday and had to be consoled by teammates. Asked whether Blake's actions surprised him, Wilson said, "In this day and age, everyone's got some meaning behind what they do. Whether a guy crosses home plate and points to the sky; he's not just pointing to the clouds, right?"



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When you decide to adopt the symbol of an MMA apparel company as a "tribute to your father"...you're asking for trouble. I couldn't possibly imagine why Casey Blake would mock a closer making a gesture that by his own admission is the symbol for a company named "one more round."


The implication is obvious when someone points to the sky. The symbol of an MMA apparel company? Not so much. Plus, it's not fair to assume Casey Blake even knew the meaning. I'm sure a guy with no ties to the Bay Area reads the San Jose Mercury News every day...

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OMG that Yankees game was AMAZING! They were down the entire game in the bottom of the 9th & down to the final out with Teixeira on 3rd, A-Rod on 2nd, & Robinson Cano on 1st walked intentionally & on the first pitch Melky Cabrera hit a 2 RBI single to win it! 3 in a row baby

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Hey paintballer,


So the Red Sox suck do they? Well how have they done against your Yankees this season? Lets see........


The first three game series in Boston.....Break out the Broom because it was a three game sweep for the Red Sox!


Next series the Red Sox traveled to New York to play in your new stadium....Break out the Broom Again! Another series sweep for the Red Sox.


Of course that second series was Historic, because for the next 50+ years (until the Yankees open another new stadium) it will go down, that for the first game/series in the new Yankee stadium, that it was the Red Sox who were Victorious!!!


Well I'm sure it will be a great season for both teams. We'll both be hoping that our teams will meet in the ALCS!


Go Red Sox!

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^Hey paintballer,


So the Red Sox suck do they? Well how have they done against your Yankees this season? Lets see........


The first three game series in Boston.....Break out the Broom because it was a three game sweep for the Red Sox!


Next series the Red Sox traveled to New York to play in your new stadium....Break out the Broom Again! Another series sweep for the Red Sox.


Of course that second series was Historic, because for the next 50+ years (until the Yankees open another new stadium) it will go down, that for the first game/series in the new Yankee stadium, that it was the Red Sox who were Victorious!!!


Well I'm sure it will be a great season for both teams. We'll both be hoping that our teams will meet in the ALCS!


Go Red Sox!


Yadayadayada, Yankees are still cooler...always will be

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^^^ and ^^ this is actually coming from fans of a team that has won the most world titles and yest for the past eight years has had trouble advancing past the ALDS?


Go Boston, give me a break guys!


and YES, in the Boston-NY rival scene I cheer for Boston. Otherwise, I'm a Tiger fan....Man, we had a rough start in Baltimore!


I'm going to Detroit vs Boston next Tuesday!


Go Tigers

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So a kids walking through Central Park one day when a rabid dogcomes and attacks him, they boy grabs a stick and kills the dog. A reporter comes up and says "Wow! This is a great story, the titles should be "Rangers Fan kills Rabid dog"" The boy says "I'm not a Rangers fan..." to which the reporter responds "Yankees Fan Kills Rabid Dog" then the boy says " No no no.. I don't like the Yankees.." The Reported, bafffled responds "Well I thought everyone in New York like the Rangers or Yankees, Who do you like???' " Red Soxs" says the boy", the reporter then writes down "Little Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet".



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