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Efteling Discussion Thread

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oh hell no, I don't like the word "disney-like" to compare that castle with the style they have in Disney. Disney has a completely different style in comparison to the Efteling. the Efteling is very nature-based and works with a lot more nature colors than Disney does. Especially with that huge-ass pink castle of theirs lol (talking about disney paris to clear up any confusion btw, been there last year. it was beautiful, but very different from the Efteling)

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Construction update:

















Bron: @symbolica_news & Themepark.nl


Some extra details:


- Vehicle: A vehicle called Fantasy seafarer with up to 6 people in vehicle (two rows of three persons). It will be a carriage-like vehicle.

- No interaction in the form of a gun/wand

- The ride is 6/7 minute longs.

- The tallest tower is about 30 meters.

- Every ride is different according to the Efteling.

- The part of Pardoes is limited in darkride.


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Thanks for the update. I only visited last year (and LOVED it) so can't wait to revisit for this as their dark rides are just brilliant and are of Disney standard in my opinion. Can I check this is going right the middle of the hub area which used to have the fountain and sometimes had a temporary stage? If so, this will be such a great place for the ride.

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Can I check this is going right the middle of the hub area which used to have the fountain and sometimes had a temporary stage? If so, this will be such a great place for the ride.

That's right, it comes at the end of the boardwalk.


This will be the view soon: (boardwalk is where the people standing)



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I hope they get the Pagode (the parks flying island ride) to open during when the footing is complete. We should get a full scoop on the building's size then.

But this is a huge chuck of land they cleared and I'm sure they make something great on it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome new farytale!


Here some screens:

















Source: rides.nl


And small news about Symbolica:


Efteling has been on a working visit to Sea World and Disney's California Adventure. They were very impressed with the techniques but have a different supplier than Disney.

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I hope the GP can tell that the Efteling didn't went with the Disney story. It's very bold for the park to build a Fairy tale that is mostly known in it's Disney form.

I like the idea and the finished product but it worries me a little bit.

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I hope the GP can tell that the Efteling didn't went with the Disney story. It's very bold for the park to build a Fairy tale that is mostly known in it's Disney form.

I like the idea and the finished product but it worries me a little bit.


The Efteling has been at it since 1952. Their fairy tales have always been more 'Grimm' than 'Disney'. It has not been a problem for their popularity.

On the contrary, many people (like me) prefer it because there is already so much Disney in the world.

I also prefer their more 'real'/gritty representation.


For the small children - where these small fairy tales in the Efteling are aimed at - everything is magic: I don't think they even associate it with Disney's version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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