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Funniest Ride and Coaster Names

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Are there any ride names out there that just make you want to laugh each time you hear them?


One that gets me every time is, of course, "Screw Coaster" at Nara Dreamland. Another one I get a chuckle out of is "Montezuma's Revenge" at Knotts Berry Farm, because as some of you may know, Montezuma's Revenge can be used as a euphemism for a certain kind of digestive disorder.


Doug "I wonder if people take Immodium AD on that coaster?" Booth

Edited by larrygator
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Insect-a-Slide at Wild Adventures made me laugh when I first heard it.


Top Chill Snowcones and Race For the Fry at Cedar Point. COME ON, THOSE ARE AWESOME PUNS. But they aren't rides.. so maybe they don't count.


Unfortunately I can't think of anymore.

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Picture of Loop Screw:




Take a look at the drop after the loop, is that for real?


I bet that hurts



Another funny ride name, Thorpe Parks pirate ship:


Mr Monkeys Banana Boat (Coolest themed pirate ship EVER)


More funny names, visit www.pleasurewood.com


They recently renamed all their rides,


Log Flume is now "Mellow Yellow"

Pirate Ship is now "Shiver Me Timbers"

Fireball is now "Whizzy Dizzy"

Rattlesnake is now "Snake in the Grass"

Waltzer is now "Walt Sir"


Need I say More

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How could you forget the infamous Houndeprutt (sp?) aka Dog Fart Coaster?


I think that Hershey's Roller Soaker should have been named the "Hershey Squirts" as you get squirted on a Hershey Park coaster.


Also, let's not forget Whizzer that was at PGA and at SFGA. As you know, it's known for jokes like "I have to take a whizzer" and stuff like that...now thinking about it, the name "Willard's Whizzer" doesn't sound too right either.

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^Loop Screw is actually pretty good. I have POV, I need more edumacation on the compewter so I can fit it under 30mb.


I like the end results of a lot of translated coaster names:

Through the Woods Jet Coaster

MoMonGo Standing and Loop Coaster (Momongo is Japanese for flying squirrel.)


Of course there's always the mouthful we usually refer to as the Hamster Coaster.

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In Vancouver, our coaster is called...





Actually - that's not very funny, is it? Sad, depressing, un-original, yes. Funny? Probably not..... Not even amusing, at best. Hmmm. Maybe, at worst... and on and on and on...


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^ Yeah, so is mine local coaster...


There are some quite funny named coasters in Japan.

ie. See Through Coaster

Bullfight Rollercoaster Matador


'Rythmical Coaster'

for some unknown reason this name makes me laugh.


Another name I came to think of is Linnanmäki's coaster 'Linnunrata, which would be translated to 'Birds' track', if you wouldn't know the context of the word correctly. Knowing it, it would be translated to 'Milky Way' (it's a space themed coaster), I still think the name is a bit stupid.

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