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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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It took me long enough, but I finally realized that the two trains on Flight Deck at CGA have two completely different graphics on their wheel covers. One is sharks, the other is eagles.



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I had been fighting a paper jam in the copier for the better part of 30 minutes. (Jam was cleared, but machine still thought it wasn't)


Very pissed, I made a last-ditch effort and gave it the old NES dust blow. SUCCESS! I should have known. The dust blow works every time!

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Has anyone else seen all of the Joe Rogan youtube videos? Not his comedy ones, but just the ones of him talking about the world. I was watching them today, listening to his views on life, drugs, etc. and I found it really interesting. Got me thinking.


I also think it's interesting how different the views on marijuana are in the US vs. Canada. Everyone, even the law, is so chill about it here. I think it's only a matter of time before it's legal here, while the US government are hell bent on making sure it stays illegal. They're actually the main reason why it's not legal here yet. Personally, I'm pretty indifferent on it; I think that people are going to do it no matter what the law says.


Just a thought!

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I am so dark! I mean, I'm part Jamaican, so I'm always darker than most people in the little Canadian town I live in, but this is crazy. I might already be finished tanning for the whole summer, and I was only in the sun for two days. Wow.

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Something random... what?... the thread title told me to say it!


Going to SFOG and Six Flags White Water soon, hopefully the weather channel is lying about the weather or else I'm gonna be pissed !

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