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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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Woo-hoo, we are going to Virginia!!! Can't wait to go and start looking at places and Gregg is going to find out about a tour of the office there.


Also, the bug bites on my face are getting worse and starting to hurt...


Kristi "now we have something planned every weekend through October!!" C.

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^ It'll be sad to see you guys go, but if it means a better life for you, then go for it!


Even though I do like California, sometimes I think maybe I should rethink staying here.



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^Thanks Eric, we would miss our friends and family here, but it would be a great opportunity for all of us. They have a few cooking schools I am going to look into and then when I become a world famous chef you can all come visit!


Kristi "I will even cook with REAL sugar and lots of carbs!!" C.

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^^ Mine quit mid-cycle a couple of weeks ago and did for several loads. Then I slammed the lid and it hasn't done it since.


Sometimes you have to show inanimate objects just who's the boss!



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