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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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I am in Santa Barbara County. Ventura is dang cloudy. This "bungalow" we're staying in has 2 rooms and my air matress has a leak. I don't want to go back to dump-hole wimpy San Diego. I just went to Santa Ynez Valley and Solvang and I just realized that's around where Michael Jackson lives. Definately a random photo TR to come, "going back to mom's roots, Michael Jackson, and Dutch replica towns"

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The distance between the fingertips of your right hand and the fingertips of your left, when your arms are stretched out to your sides (at shoulder height) is identical to the distance from the top of your head to the ground at normal stance.

Also, the size of your feet is exactly identical to the distance from your elbow to the crook of your wrist.

This was a public service announcement.


Lou- "I feel better now I've posted on the 'Say Something Random' board" -ise

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^ Really?! This is a thoroughly tested theory in my local bar and it's always worked for everybody!! Did you try the other one? See whether your height is the same as your arm span... If not then maybe you're just strangely proportioned... Just kiddin'.


Lou- "this guy must either have very small or very large feet..." -ise

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Hmm... Size 10 American would be... Smaller or larger in UK size? I may have to look that up, I don't know off the top of my head. Post a photo to prove it, I refuse to believe my theory doesn't work!!!


Lou- "so this is what my life has come to, asking guys in online forums to post pictures of their feet for me" -ise

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^Weekend? Not really. I have to work on Saturday and Sunday. Normally the stores close on Sundays, but this sunday is one of three special days in a year, where our store is open! However, only for 5 hours!

Anyway, I hope everyone else has a good weekend.




p.s. But I think this weekend could be funny, because my boss is on vacation.

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TokenYankeeGuy, your heel should be on the inside of your arm where your elbow bends... By the looks of your photo if you put your heel there, my theory might work.

Oh yes! I'm undefeated!


Lou- "feet scare me" -ise

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