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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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What better way to top a trip to SFMM that had a 2-1/2 hour wait for Terminator than to come home and change the sheets on your bed?




I am not even going to ask.

It's okay, I will.


EBL why did you change your sheets when you got home?

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The problem with huge threads like the ones being proposed are that people would only go in them when they have a question, not an answer. With a dedicated thread and a descriptive title a person that needs help with Zuma Fun Center can find the one person that knows about Zuma Fun Center a lot easier.


Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

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^^ I do that once a week and it was too hot earlier, so I went to SFMM. But putting off a chore till later just assures that it still needs to be done and I took advantage of the fact that no one else was home.


Now that you all know the gory details of life at my house, I hope y'all can sleep better...on clean sheets, of course!



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^^ I do that once a week and it was too hot earlier, so I went to SFMM. But putting off a chore till later just assures that it still needs to be done and I took advantage of the fact that no one else was home.


Now that you all know the gory details of life at my house, I hope y'all can sleep better...on clean sheets, of course!



Well thank you EBL. I can see clearly now the rain is gone.

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So now that I got The Sheet Changing Incident behind me, it's time for the equally morbid tale of...Laundry: A Three-Load Night.


And it all starts with the new short, Two Bills to Pay.


Again, the girls are out, so here's my chance...



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My dad, his wife, and their four kids live in the country. I live in Wichita. It's about an hour from them.


I was watching TV, then the weather came on, and turns out there is a confirmed tornado in the area of my dad's home. It was so strange hearing the area he lives in on the news. I know my step mom was telling my dad he needs to get a storm alert system, because their aren't sirens out there, and sometimes the TV will go out.


So I called them, worried, to tell them they need to get to the basement. Turns out, they had no clue it was happening. My dad- who takes FOREVER when talking on the phone- quickly said "bye" and hung up the phone. Thank God they're getting to the basement. And thank God I was watching TV. I hope they'll be okay.

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