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I can. It hurts when I wake up and when I sit down for too long. It also becomes unsteady. Kneeling down on it is out of the question. Even sitting with my legs crossed hurts it.

I've had minor trouble with my left knee for the last 20 years. I think because of it, my stride has gotten steadily worse. When I hurt it this past time, I was hauling ass into the boards trying to beat another skater to a puck. I lost, and we went head on. I'm not really sure where the knee was in the equation.

I couldn't skate on it the rest of the night, which is not like me, even when I get hurt. I tried to hobble on it for a couple shifts about 30 minutes later, to no avail. I had to crawl down the stairs when I got home, and even had a lot of trouble pushing the clutch in on my car. I woke up the next day and it was fine... wtf. Then, a couple months later it started developing worsening symptoms and here we are...

Treadmill running for any longer than 5-10 minutes really agitates it. I would not be comfortable sprinting on it, whatsoever. I've found that stretching it daily before icing it 10-20 minutes helps.

Keeping it strong and doing light resistance training on it makes the biggest difference. I can't do traditional squats or free weights at my home gym because of this, so I've been going to a local Planet Fitness once or twice a week for leg day. I can do the stair climber and use the lower body machines, being very careful to apply an equal amount of force in both legs, pushing much less weight than normal, and cautiously using proper form. This has taken a lot of the pain and instability away for everyday function.

Completely dropping my lower body resistance training and resting made it feel worse than anything. I was very unstable and each step hurt. Stretching and making sure that leg doesn't lose strength seems to help a lot compared to not using it. But, it just gets to a point where you can only do so much to fix it yourself. 

I've still been playing hockey once or twice a week, but at a much slower and cautious pace. My knee is very loose until it warms up. Once it does, I don't have nearly the speed and agility I used to. Guys who I used to skate circles around can now either keep up, or catch me. When I quit playing for a few weeks it almost felt worse. Inactivity has always amplified my injuries. I heal drastically better just by reducing the frequency and intensity of workouts, until everything is back to normal.

Sorry for the narrative. It's kind of consuming me, since I'm a very physically active person. I'm religious with exercising 5-6 times per week. Hockey is a big part of my recreational life. I organize a first responder team that participates in, and hosts charity events. I also hosted weekly pickup games, but all of that has been on hold since the beginning of November.

It took me well over a year to fully recover from my rotator cuff repair in 2020, and here we are again. I'm really hoping it's a meniscus tear instead of an ACL. A severe strain/sprain is unlikely, given the month I initially rested it not helping, and the noticeable loss of strength. It would be the miracle I'm hoping for, but the doctor said he thinks it's my ACL. That's what my MyChart after visit info said, as well.

They do all of the work for the STL sports teams, including the Cardinals and Blues. They repaired my rotator cuff, which is only about 75% of what is used to be, with frequent pain. I hope they're wrong about the ACL, though.

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Severely strained MCL and bruised bone. It likely will not heal on its own for a long time, so I got a steroid shot in my knee, I'm prescribed anti inflammatory medications for ten days, and a healthy dose of physical therapy. I can get on my skates in as early as a week, as long as I take it easy... which is going to be difficult with my personality.

The doctor told me it looks like I dodged a bullet. He said it pretty much just wasn't healing on its own and that when it finally did, my muscles would have been imbalanced unless corrected with a longer period of physical therapy than I have now.

That horse needle on that massive shot tho... holy shit. I took it like a boss though. 😆 I called off work tonight since I'm supposed to take it easy for the rest of the day. My Lieutenant didn't give a shit. He was just happy I won't be out for six months.

Hopefully, I'll feel strong on my skates again soon. I'm very relieved and thankful. It makes me realize at nearly forty years out that I need to dial it back a little. This could have been much worse.

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^^ Hope all has healed up for you, and you're skating again. Carefully, heh.

New "Important" National Food Days here! ......

February 13 – National Tortini Day (So what the heck IS Tortini? Too lazy to Google it.)

February 14 – National Cream Filled Chocolates Day 🥰 (Of course.)

February 15 – International Gumdrop Day (lol)

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On 2/13/2024 at 8:26 PM, Nrthwnd said:

^^ Hope all has healed up for you, and you're skating again. Carefully, heh.

PT is done and it's doing great. I don't really know how to take it easy, so I'll probably hurt it again.

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Working at a fun and stupid project to celebrate my 200th counted credit later this year, and wanted to share it.

As you can see I did the same with my 100th counted credit a couple years back. I will be using almost all of those pictures in the 200,  for people who wonder where I got those pictures they are mostly my own, for the 100 I was 3 pictures short that I had to get from the Internet, 2 of those I will replace for my own in the 200 the other was from a ride closed even back then. Also missing 2 photo's of rides for the 200, 1 I will be picking up before nr. 200 as I was already planning to get to that park again anyways. 

I have to say the 2 came out better then expected but the 0 just look off. Oh well like I said it's a stupid project for a stupid celebration, but I like doing it.:lol: 


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Today IS the day, apparently. So .....

Happy National ROLLER COASTER Day! everybody!


Myself, on the Kettle Creek Mine Coaster, at Playland(PNE) on Opening Day (May 18) of the '24 Season.

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I'm finding it very wierd that so many planes are, within this past week, suddenly landing w/o their landing gear properly down. And then, in most instances, the plane crashes and/or catches fire, and lives are lost. The latest "skid," happened over at Halifax, Nova Scotia airport today or yesterday. No landing gear, the plane skidded and flames started erupting. But - the passengers were all evacced with no major injuries ... or deaths. They were lucky, compared to the others. 🤞

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Boeing plane crashes in South Korea: "We're uh... sending a team of Americans to help investigate..." Boeing's hiring practices have really been working out well for them.

I have nothing but praise for the Starliner that shit all over Space X. The empty capsule landing was very impressive. Too bad Space X has "the wrong seats" that won't work with the American astronaut's suits, which just goes to show you what a trash company they are. Maybe the female astronaut who's singlehandedly tackling space travel can just wait on NASA for her rescue. (Is there more than one astronaut up there? I only hear about one on my Google news feed.)

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