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Your favorite coaster tunnel

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I think Hades has to be the best tunnel I've ever been on, probably by far even. I just wish they wouldn't have replaced the soft PTC padding with the hard G-train style padding. It makes that tunnel run pretty uncomfortable, or the whole ride for that matter.


When was the padding replaced anyway? I know in the pictures I've seen from '05 it still had the original pads.

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Personally I love both Zambezi Zinger's and Orient Express's tunnels the best.


Zambezi Zinger finished with a crazy long tunnel that took you to a sudden stop at the end of the ride.


Orient Express on the other hand started with a tunnel which led to the chain lift -- which was a very neat effect and one that is missed dearly.




Now that I think about it, would Expedition Everest count? I like going backwards through it.

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I strongly agree with many that have been mentioned: Zinger, SFNE Superman, and the obvious Voyage and Hades. I didn't see any mention of the original Elitch's Twister. The Knoebel's Twister has a good replica, but the original was somehow more effective. Speaking of Knoebel's, I love the curvey tunnel of the Phoenix from the station to the lift. Perfectly pitch dark at noon or night.


original Elitch's Twister

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Oblivions definately comes first. the hole seems so small from the top, if you get one of the outer seats (the frthest one away as you board preferably), it feels as if you are going to hit the ground!


i also like the little tunnel on N:I purely because its a 180* banked drop and turn, then you hit a layer of mist which, when going through the tunnel and going up the lift hill, seems to make you get hotter and feels as if you are being burnt.


i love the tunnel on Air... not!


*edit* and what someone el;e said about The Vampire's tunnel, it was an amazing tunnel until they had to cut half of it off due to the floorless trains. from the corner before the drop, it looked as if the track just stopped and it was a brick wall, you'd do a massive dive into the cave and see a massive flashing light (on-ride photo). it felt as if you were actually being attacked by a vampire or something, then you woud come flying round a corner and feel as if you were going to clip the end of the tunnel.


now you just go under a bridge... its still fairly impressive, with the speed and all, you swing quite high. if you sit on the furthest away seat in the station with someone who's heavier than you in the other seat, you feel at that part as if you were going to scrape your feet on the wall. it always makes me retract me feet very slightly

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My favorites:


The headchopper tunnel on BTMR at WDW. The great pop of airtime followed immediately by the tunnel = brilliance.


Hulk. The soundtrack plays perfectly into the anticipation of one of the greatest launches around.


Both tunnels of Space Mountain at WDW. They never get old for me.


Voyage's triple down. In the pitch black night = priceless.

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This probably doesn't count, but the tunnel, or enclosed section (which is probably more correct) at the start of Superman Escape (Australian Version) rocks! The themeing is cool, and the water coming from the sewerage pipe during the earthquake is awesome!


The tunnel coming off the second drop is pretty cool as well, you really feel like you could hit your head! Plus there's all of the steam that comes down on you.

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The only tunnel on a roller coaster that I have been on is Minebuster, At PCW. I really like how fast you enter and exit it at fast speeds. I really enjoy it because it has a loud, cluastraphobic effect as the sound ricochets off the walls and everybody is screaming in the background, It has that classic coaster kind of ending( I still like this ride even though the hills were retro fitted with the curved tops of the hills But I still enjoy it. Plus, I have only been on 28 coasters so I Have only a Few choices to make.) I can't wait to ride Magnum because there is an aritime hill right in the tunnel, and from a video I have seen it looks like it gives a mighty powerful punch of airtime in the pitch blackness of it all.


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