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The Santa CLAW! Live Claw Machine - Crane Game!

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  coasterville said:
25 minutes left till I get me eager hands on the controls of the Santa Claw for the very first time.


He is sure busy rearranging stuff in there, isn't he?




+Bonus, i made the troll rage, he's been quiet for a while now

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  Joe Cool said:
Haha somebody got so lucky. Their prize fell out of the claw but bounced in the prize hole.

I'm guessing the prizes won are 'recycled' as the prize you just saw got thrown back in immediately after. My guess is that what we see in the game are 'floor models' and they have an inventory on hand elsewhere. Save them some time from having to repack things. Plus, imagine how many scratches are on the skateboards.

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I won a big yellow ball on my first try!


why is everyone going for the stuff in the clear spheres, yes i know its has a prize, but its a lot harder. i just went for the easiest one... the yellow ball dead center with nothing around it

plus the big prizes (skateboard, dart gun, are a lot harder to pick up due to their size/shape if i can remember correctly no?

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I've been waiting ever since I got off work at 5. I now have 100 people in front of me! I'm getting excited now! I think I'm just going to go for one of the colored balls...it is going to be so exciting if I win something no matter how stupid it is, so if those are easier to get then that is what I'm going for. 4 of the 8 people around me have been sticking with me for the last 400 minutes.

This is getting exciting!


(Btw I haven't posted here or on any theme park related forum other than horror night nightmares in a VERY long time.....this is a weird way to start back up again, but hey I'm still here)

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