robbalvey Posted August 25, 2005 Share Posted August 25, 2005 With the world being such a bizarre, random, and annoying place, I decided to start a thread where you can post things that might happen to you every day that you need to get off your chest. So call it the "rant" thread, "venting" thread, "peeve" thread, whatever, now you have an outlet to take out your aggressions! I'll start! Today I walked by a bunch of boxes in a hallway in our office all marked with the word "Basura." Now I thought to myself, if I was living and working in a spanish speaking country, I'd have to learn the word "Basura" so why is it that if they come to live and work in America, they aren't required to learn the word "Trash?" It's just ONE WORD and it's the basis of the janitorial service that is provided here! I'm not knocking hispanics or anything (ok, well maybe I am a little bit) but it really annoys me that WE have to learn words in a different language to get decent service in our country. I mean seriously, if I had a bunch of boxes NEXT TO MY TRASH CAN with the word "Trash" on it, the TRASH COLLECTOR doesn't take it, but if I write "Basura" on it, they do. Does this seem totally assinine to anyone else? It just amazes me that I can travel to far off reaches of the world and have less communication problems that I do in my own backyard. /end rant --Robb "Sorry if this offends anyone on the boards who is hispanic, but that just annoyed me today." Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuakerOaties Posted August 25, 2005 Share Posted August 25, 2005 Oh I need this thread all right... What I hate is having a parent who gives you no freedom in making a choice about what major you want to study in college and thereby practically forces you to study something that will result in a boring and miserable job (but it'll "look good"). God forbid I study something that will result in a job that I'll enjoy. Sure, the pay might suck, but it is my life... Also, I'm sick of this same parent pushing prestigious colleges on me (Mark go to Upenn! Mark go to Cornell! Mark go to Tufts!) when really I just want to go to a small liberal arts school where I can relax and not feel like I'm in a pressure cooker. Mark "I'm almost 18. I'm almost 18. I'm almost 18" Luskus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterFanatic Posted August 25, 2005 Share Posted August 25, 2005 ^^ Write "Mi Basura y Merda. Gracias" on the box and show the janitorial staff that you have a good sense of humor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Palooza Posted August 25, 2005 Share Posted August 25, 2005 I'm tired of people DRIVING in the fast lane! The far left lane is meant for passing, or driving faster than everyone else! What is it with California that you have to pass on the right? If you aren't passing someone on your right, then get the F%$& out of that lane and let the car behind you pass. If you are driving the same speed as the person next to you, either go faster or slower to let other people get around you. END RANT!!!! Maybe not... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angry_Gumball Posted August 25, 2005 Share Posted August 25, 2005 Finally, a place to blow off some steam. It annoys me seeing teenage girls driving while talking on their cell phones...why do it when they're behind me? What's next...are they going to put on makeup and do their hair while talking on their cell phone to their friend about their mall TR? Secondly, it just bugs me when pedestrians take their 'right of way' to the extreme. I'm meaning, they'll be stupid enough to walk when traffic's coming right at them literally forcing a boatload of cars to stop or dramatically slowing down possibly causing an accident for us drivers. It didn't happen today but it has happened. Lastly, I can be driving 40 mph in a 35 mph zone, yet I'm not driving "fast enough" for them. They then go around me as though I'm going too slow for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
65skylark Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 What drives me insane is the person at work who is ALWAYS happy. And not only are they always happy, they make it there mission in life to be the one person who can cheer you up when you are not happy. We have a 55 year old bookeeper where I work who is never in a bad mood. Drives me crazy. I've got no problem with people who are generally in a good mood but no one is happy all of the time. For those of you who have seen Office Space (one of my favorite movies) it's just like the scene where Peter comes in to work after having a bad morning and the receptionist says to him "sounds like someones got a case of the mondays". That is the person I work with. Aaahhhrrr!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShoubraStreet74 Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Something that annoys me is people that abuse or look down to animals.. "Oh it's just an animal" Well I'm sure most higher animals can feel just as much pain as a human can. What's even worse is how hypocritical people can be. If it's some kind of pet, people look to it as a "member of the family" and make sure it gets all it's nutritional needs, take to a vet, and take care of it and everything. Yet, when we're talking about cows or chickens or some other non-pet animal, people don't seem to care. What really IS the difference between a dog and a cow? They're both mammals and I'm sure they both feel pain when no taken care of. Yet one is slaughtered after living a miserable life and one is taken care of. I know this is a very weird topic in a thread like this and most of you will probably disagree with me, and I'm sure I'm guilty of most of the things I mentioned above, but It's just someting I've been thinking about and doesn't make sense to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 I'm 20 years old and I have no idea what I want to do in life. No one has ever sat me down and tried to help me figure out what I might want to do. Instead, they've always either done absolutely nothing or pushed one thing on me that I have no interest in. I feel like I'm so screwed right now because I have no idea what I want to do in life, I'm at a school that I don't really want to be at (in my hometown), and I have a low gpa which makes it difficult to leave. I'm really a bit miserable right now but I'm not really sure where I would like to go, or if I'll even get in there. The real trouble though is that I don't know what I want to do. I'm going to start losing a lot of money soon because I'm a sophomore and I'm still switchin' majors. That's just my problem right there. I'm too money focused, as much as I hate to be. I'm not exactly poor, but I'm by no means well off. Ever since my parents split, they've kinda struggled to make ends meet. Well, one of them has. Since I've always struggled to get the things that I have or want to do, I'm to focused on making lots of money and being able to support children (but not spoil), family, and self. I'm not talkin' filthy rich, but not having to worry about payin' the bills. Livin' comfortably. Having a nice car, a nice house, taking yearly vacations, stuff like that. I know this all sounds shallow and thats what I hate. But for some reason, I can't get it out of my head long enough to find something that I really want to do. I never aspired to have a real career when I was younger. Until I figure out what I really want to do, it's going to be hard to pick a school that is good for me that I'll enjoy and be really successful at. OK, so yeah, I'm not exactly mad about anything. Just really confused and frustrated. I feel your pain QuakerOaties. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ebl Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Ah, "The Peeve Thread." These are good, which is why I started the one on Westcoaster. My peeve, as expressed about a million-ty thousand times...TAILGATERS! Why do people have to drive three feet behind me at 65mph on the freeway?!? If I have to stop, then there's no room for error and you can guess what happens next. And I don't drive in the number 1 lane for that reason. Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasters 4 me Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Vending Machines. I hate them. They always eat your money. I was at the swimming pool last night and one ate my money. I went to the desk and they didnt do anything. I was really annoyed. And when you kick it to try and get it back, the alarm goes of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Louise Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Right now I'm really peeved at the lack of good part-time jobs. I realise most people my age who are still in education have generally quite crappy jobs, but up until two months ago I had a job that I absolutely adored, that I had looked forward to getting up for every single shift since I got the job when I turned sixteen. But of course, they had to close the store and make me redundant. What the hell is the point in that? Is Richard Branson short of money all of a sudden and needs to make a quick buck? I doubt it, having seen previews for his new tv show. So why do this to me? They offered me a job at a different branch, but it's just out of my transport range as I don't drive yet. So I'm stuck searching for another part-time job. Only I can't settle on anywhere to go because everything from here on will be compared to the perfect job I was forced to give up. Sigh. Lou- "would you like fries with that?" -ise[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterFanatic Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Damn Ohio Drivers! Get in the right lane already! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingScooter Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Damn Eastside Cleveland Ohio Drivers. Sure, you can talk on a cell and drive, it's not legal or safe, but you can do it. You can read while drive, also not legal of safe, but you can do it. But when you read and talk on a cell phone while driving. That's just stupid. Hats off to the lady driving a Blue Explorer when she lost control, skipped off a guardrail and landed in someones backyard, wasting a dog in the process. The State cops had 5 witnesses come forth saying the lady was reading and cellphoning when she lost it. Ted, you be real careful dring thru Ohio. We're nuts here.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterEricHP Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Scaparri, I've been going through the exact same thing for yearsss.. My story is a little different. We have had this funeral home that has been run by my family since 1880... my great grandpa down to my dad. Well, because I'm the "people person" of the family and my bro went to school for Aerospace Engineering, I'm obviously the one who HAS to take this over and deal with depressed people for the rest of my life.. (the dead people dont bother me, they arent depressed and crying at least!). So anyways, I went to college for 2 years for Travel/Tourism, went to Disney on the college program, stayed in FL working at IOA for a year, and now I'm back in PA in the same spot you are having no idea what to do. However, after spending the last few years thinking about it, I finally decided to do what I WANT to do. Which happens to be Video Production at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I may never be rich doing that or get even a third of what my dad makes, but I'll be happy. Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
COOOOLkid Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 I hate those parents who try to force their crying kids/kids who are not tall enough onto a ride, and then argues with the employee for minutes... It always slows down the dispatch... yeesh! WHY can't they just fuc|< off? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Ok I have a rant. And its for all people who don't have kids. Those of you who know me or know a little about me know that I have a 4 year old autistic son. He is doing awesome by the way. He is still over a year behind most kids his age, but progress is coming along. Now granted, I know every kid throws a tantrum because they don't get what they want. It happens to every parent. If it doesn't something is wrong with your kid. My son's tantrums are about 50 times worse then a normal kid. If I am out in public, anywhere, my son's wraparound team has told me to ignore his tantrum (a lesson to all parents). His tantrums include in no particular order the following things: -hitting his head constantly (his ears are more common to be hit) -biting his arm, fingers -hitting head against a wall -screaming at evil pitches -covering ears -kicking anything within reach this list goes on and on. But oh how I love people in stores that give you that look, like "HOW DARE YOUR KID SCREAM?" I have actually had some people come up to me and say "control your kid". People don't understand what autism is, nor do I expect them to. But there is a reason I ignore my son's tantrums. He will only get what he wants if you give in. Now I know, that parents are impatient, and I do get that way too sometimes, and I work with typically functioning children all the time, and let me say this much, I think most kids that don't have a disability are brats to the extreme. So when people bitch about kids yelling and screaming, take a second and instead saying "shut your kid up" think about the parent. They are having just as rough as a time as the child. And if you were in their situation, you would feel the same way. //end rant for now. Katie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Clinksalot Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Rant On ... I decided to do a good deed for my Mom. She needed a new battery, and was being gouged with installation. I told her I would bring her car up here, change the battery for her and it would be at her house when she get's back from Palm Springs this weekend. Yesterday I get the new battery, no problem. Today, I install the battery, no problem, or so I thought. I open the door to turn on the car ... the alarm started going off. What alarm? She doesn't really have one. Turns out her alarm she 'used' to have was not disconnected, just turned off. Well, changing the battery turned it back on. So now, everytime I connect the battery the alarm goes off. I just called AAA to see if they can fix it. I have a meeting in 4 hours that I have to go to, my car is at my Mom's house and I now have no car that is drivable. Rant Off ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingScooter Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 Katie: I by no means am doubting what you were told by his caseworkers. I have some experience with county agencies here in Cleveland and have heard more cases then i'll ever remember. In Cuyahoga county, Ohio, if a child is banging his head against a wall and a parent does nothing and ignores it, they will most likely go to jail for either child neglect or child endangerment. I hope you have what his wraparound team said in writing, and i sincerely hope you never need it. Best of luck to you and your son. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 26, 2005 Share Posted August 26, 2005 FlyingScooter said: Katie: I by no means am doubting what you were told by his caseworkers. I have some experience with county agencies here in Cleveland and have heard more cases then i'll ever remember.In Cuyahoga county, Ohio, if a child is banging his head against a wall and a parent does nothing and ignores it, they will most likely go to jail for either child neglect or child endangerment. I hope you have what his wraparound team said in writing, and i sincerely hope you never need it. Best of luck to you and your son. Oh yes I do, I made that clear from the beginning, and he is well over 50 pounds, and if anyone knows anything about holding an autistic child tantrumming, you know it is nearly impossible to hold them still, actually this makes it incredibly worse. They don't understand why they are being held. Especially a kid that is non-verbal. They don't know how to say what they want and make it a lot easier to tantrum. His head banging only occurs at home, in a controlled enviornment. Everything that is said and or done is written up for all to see. But, when you have an autistic kid, it's the tendancy that they normally "flip out" like that. Something that social services or the government doesn't not understand nor care to. They never have or never will, unless they have a child with the same disease, no one bothers with it. Hell we can't even find a cure for it, or to prevent it. Research is being done, but not as much as it should be. Hell, im sure if my gyne would have taken my son earlier, he would have never had this. I will never go to that hospital as long as I live. Katie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhishyBrewer Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 So the freak’n tool that lives next to me loves to play his bass thumping music from 5:00am all the way to midnight. I’ve tried being nice, but this shit has to end. I’ve gone over and asked him to turn it down, I have called our neighborhood security go over and tell him to turn it down, but he just doesn’t freak’n get it! So today I made a complaint with the office. And what I was told was, “There moving out in 4 days. So anything we say wouldn’t change the fact.” WTF?! So I guess I just sit here with my thumb up my butt and just take it! 4 more days. 4 more days I still need to sleep. What a freak’n tool. Is it time to move back to peaceful Ohio yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maliboomer Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 I absolutley hate vending machines that won't take your notes, and you try to flatten them and crap and they still spew them out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kat11joe Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 PhishyBrewer said: So the freak’n tool that lives next to me loves to play his bass thumping music from 5:00am all the way to midnight. I’ve tried being nice, but this shit has to end. I’ve gone over and asked him to turn it down, I have called our neighborhood security go over and tell him to turn it down, but he just doesn’t freak’n get it! So today I made a complaint with the office. And what I was told was, “There moving out in 4 days. So anything we say wouldn’t change the fact.” WTF?! So I guess I just sit here with my thumb up my butt and just take it! 4 more days. 4 more days I still need to sleep. What a freak’n tool. Is it time to move back to peaceful Ohio yet? Find a way to disconnect his electricity should work for awhile, hopefully long enough to get some sleep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingScooter Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 ^ Nice. Here's another one to try. Call the cops from payphone, tell them the guys apartment/unit number and addy. Tell them it sounds like he's killing somebody and smashing funriture. They drive up, hear the bang/boom/bang and scare the sh!t out of him. If the cops press you, tell them you were making a delivery from some pizza place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuakerOaties Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 A house is being built nextdoor. The contractor is our nextdoor neighbor so youd figure that he would be considerate. Apparently not. At 8:30 this morning (A SATURDAY!!!) he starts jackhammering. It was so rude! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maliboomer Posted August 27, 2005 Share Posted August 27, 2005 ^ Amish have contractors? And jackhammers? 888th Post.. oh yah! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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