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College Football 2010


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Yeah Oregon does look really good, Stanford too. I think the Pac-10 is a very underrated conference, out here in the Eastern part of the USA they don't get a lot of press because the games just come on so late that no one watches them but the Pac-10 definitely has some good teams.

Give the SEC a few more weeks and they'll have it together just like previous years. Florida finally put it together in the second half against a pretty talented South Florida team, Auburn and Miss. State both looked very tough on Thursday night, Arkansas is explosive and can score a lot on anyone, LSU had a bad second half against UNC in week 1 but looked really good against Vandy . Kentucky and South Carolina both have really good looking teams this year too.

In the past few years the SEC has had 2 or 3 really elite teams at the top and have been a little more average in the middle and the bottom of the conference. This year I think Bama is the only real elite team, maybe Florida or LSU in a few weeks, but the conference is very deep with 5 or 6 really solid teams below Alabama. Everyone in the SEC with the exception of Ole Miss and Vandy could compete with anyone else in the country in my opinion. Maybe not win, but compete. i guarantee you Ohio State would have rather played Miami than Auburn or Florida, and Oklahoma would have rather played Florida State than LSU or Arkansas.

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I'm excited about the defense, though. A lot of good to pull away from that, especially if you look at it through a 'the quarter back was playing for the other team' lens.


In other news, the Bucs won. Even though it's Cleveland it's nice to get the first win in week 1. And McCoy and Mr Price beasted on Clevelands O line


*Edit --

Not to defend his terrible performance that led to a loss, but some of the INT's weren't completely his fault. He was missing all day, but the play where Benj posted to block the defender.. not his fault. But like I said before, no excuse. There is just no way your team has a chance to win when you turn the ball over like that.

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I'm excited about the defense, though. A lot of good to pull away from that, especially if you look at it through a 'the quarter back was playing for the other team' lens.


Take two plays away and it would have been 36-10.


Tressel should have put up more points. Was very kind at the end, something I KNOW the U does not do.


Go Bucks. Fear the vest.

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^Outside of Alabama, the rest of the SEC sure doesn't look all that great at the moment. Oregon can probably outrun all the teams in the SEC right now too.


Yeah, I think you'd be very hard pressed to find very many people put money on an SEC team other than Alabama against Oregon. I'll take Oregon over Florida any day right now. They already man handled one SEC team (albeit Tennessee) on the road this year. Ohio State doesn't exactly look too bad either. I would put my money on Ohio State over any SEC team other than Alabama right now, too.

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Yeah, I think you'd be very hard pressed to find very many people put money on an SEC team other than Alabama against Oregon. I'll take Oregon over Florida any day right now. They already man handled one SEC team (albeit Tennessee) on the road this year. Ohio State doesn't exactly look too bad either. I would put my money on Ohio State over any SEC team other than Alabama right now, too.


I won't argue with you until U of F gels. That said, U of F had better gel in the next 2 weeks.

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^It was still Duke. If you had put up 62 on Penn State, then I would have been impressed. Come back and brag after you guys beat Arkansas this week, at least it's a worthy opponent.


Duke is a basketball powerhouse and a football conference dweller in the ACC. Their record this decade is 19 wins to 99 losses and three of those seasons were winless.


I'm actually surprised BAMA didn't score over 100 against the Blue Devils.

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Yeah, I think you'd be very hard pressed to find very many people put money on an SEC team other than Alabama against Oregon. I'll take Oregon over Florida any day right now. They already man handled one SEC team (albeit Tennessee) on the road this year. Ohio State doesn't exactly look too bad either. I would put my money on Ohio State over any SEC team other than Alabama right now, too.


I won't argue with you until U of F gels. That said, U of F had better gel in the next 2 weeks.


Yeah Larry, you notice I said "right now". We've been off to some pretty good starts in the past just to have it all fall apart by the end of the season. I am actually kind of nervous about this weekend at Arizona State just because it's the first conference game, on the road and a game they should win easily. Those are the scary ones. Plus, as any Gator fan would know, you tend to get the oponents best effort when your a top 5 ranked team. Everyone wants to be the one to knock you down.

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