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TPR Day at Six Flags Great America - Friday, Aug 13th!

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For those who have gone...how is Six Flags Great America's policy on backpacks?





Well, you HAVE to rent lockers at Demon, Viper, Raging Bull, American Eagle, Iron Wolf, Vertical Velocity, Batman: The Ride, The Dark Knight, and Superman Ultimate Flight. The only roller coasters where you don't need lockers are Little Dipper, Spacely's, Ragin Cajun, and Whizzer. But the flat rides do have bins.

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I got a couple other friends interested in going, but they want to know if we get discounts on flash passes for joining the event.

No sorry. Everything you get has been posted to the first post of this thread.

I thought so. Thank you for the fast response ^_^


^^ Flash passes are irrelevant when you have ERT!!! Remember, this is a rare opportunity to get at a park like this. Living 5 minutes away from Kings Island for 20 years I can count on my hands the number of opportunities I've had to get ERT at the park. Flash passes or no, they will NOT be disappointed with the event I can promise you. Just knowing many of the people who are going it will be worth it. So get them to sign up soon!

Ya, that's what I told them, but they just dont want to go without getting a flash pass. That of course will definitely not stop me from going as I am extremely excited for the event. How often do I get to go to my home park and whore out a ride for 1 and a half hours... oh wait... never! I'll see ya guys there

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Are the all day lock.ers at the front of the park the ones they talk about on the Six Flags website? The ones they say are $11 or more for all day use?


Are they in a covered area? I have food allergies and am going to be bringing some food with me (dietary restriction foods get checked and approved at the gates per the website) but I don't want stuff sitting in a hot lock.er all day and getting mushy.

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Flash passes are very reasonable anyway. If you and your friends go in on them, it'll probably come out to around $20/person or a little more. Check the website. Zach, Julia and I may do this, as Julia and Zach have never been to SFGAm and thus would like all the credits. We'll play the crowds by ear...

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Hey Theme Park Review!


I have just heard from Six Flags Great America and they are going to let everyone who is attending the SFGam day into the park early to be first riders on Superman right when the park opens!


So we'll get a jump on the public crowds that morning!


If you have not signed up yet for TPR's Six Flags Great America day on Friday, August 13th yet, do so now:



--Robb Alvey


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That's great news! Considering that Superman usually has the longest line in the park ALL day.


It's a great thing for those who don't have their S:UF credit yet. Because it could save them up to an hour and a half or more of their day.



Can't wait for more to be announced!

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Woo Superman! Thanks for getting us even more awesomeness TPR!


I haven't been to Six Flags since 1999 or 2000 so I know that's new for me. I remember Viper being my favorite coaster out of everything there. Do they still run both trains on American Eagle?

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Great news, I haven't ridden S:UF since 2007 due to the lines or me feeling sick when I get off(I think due to the fact it was really hot the previous few times I rode it), so this will provide a nice opportunity for me to ride it again. I liked it a lot before I had some not so enjoyable rides, and hopefully this time will be like those.


Also to those considering buying flash passes, I don't think you'll need them. While the park might be crowded, I assume that being a Friday in summer that there will be a lot of camp groups, but I don't think it will be that bad. If it was a Saturday, it would be different, but Robb and Elissa did a great day of scheduling this event.

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I haven't been to Six Flags since 1999 or 2000 so I know that's new for me. I remember Viper being my favorite coaster out of everything there. Do they still run both trains on American Eagle?

Yes they do, although the did switch the blue side from backwards to forwards a couple seasons ago.

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This day keeps getting better and better! Now I get to save some time waiting for Superman!


Someone was asking about lockers on the previous page. There are two or three all day I locker locations I believe. One is right when you enter the park at the restrooms on your left by the shops. This is definitely the most shaded of the lockers, but all he lockers are shaded as far as I know. The second is by the restrooms across from the entrance to Superman. There might be a third location, but I cant remember if there is or not. But considering you are going to walk by either one of these going to Superman before the park opens they are your best bet.


I also want to warn you guys about chains too. I had a chain on my wallet and I had to throw it out because it was too long for me to enter the park with, so just be aware of that.

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I am signed up for what will be an awesome TPR day at SFGAM! Thanks to Robb and Elissa for putting this together!


If you haven't signed up yet...do it now. Yes, I am talking to you. Why would you want to miss this event?



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Being first on Superman is great news. I was hemming and hawing over going to Superman or Dark Knight first (the main credits we need), so you have solved my conundrum. Thanks!


Is Dark Knight in the old show building in the corner of Orleans Place where they used to have the Chinese Acrobats/Bugs Bunny shows, etc? I haven't been since 2000.

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Just bought my ticket to go I am sure its worth every penny Thank you Robb, Elissa and everyone else that set this up at my home park!


Oh and if anyone is down with taking a break at some point and playing some DDR in the arcades with me that would be cool.

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Hey Theme Park Review members!


We have some good news about our Six Flags Great America day on Friday, August 13th. ERT has been expanded an extra 30 minutes for TWO HOURS total!


We also have a few more details about the backstage tour.


And some of you who were unable to make the 9:00am meeting - EMAIL ME as I may be able to work out a later packet pick up time.


If you have not registered for this event yet, register here:




Six Flags Great America - Friday, August 13th

(As always, Schedule is subject to change and ride availability may change due to unforeseen circumstances)

9:00am - 9:30am - Event Packet Pickup at the main entrance to the park

9:45am - Walk back to Superman

10:00am - First Rides on Superman!

1:00pm - Group lunch in picnic area (near Batman)

1:30pm - Q & A Session

2:00pm - Backstage Tour - Including Superman, Dark Knight, Landscaping department, park boneyard to see some "retired ride pieces" and possibly more!

8:00 - 8:45pm - ERT on Little Dipper

8:45 - 9:15pm - ERT on Viper

9:15pm - 10:00pm - ERT on Raging Bull


(Note - the park will be closing Little Dipper and Viper early to accommodate ERT for our group)


Tickets for this event ARE LIMITED! So register now!



We hope to see you at Six Flags Great America on Friday, August 13th!


--Robb Alvey


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