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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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So I'm going to try and decipher what all the clues meant now that the ride has been announced:


Day 1- This was just a way to start off the 66 Days campaign, there were no real clues in there pertaining to what the ride might be.

Day 2- Thunderhawk is beautiful, but might look a little intimidating as well. Your feet do not touch any floor (aka land) for the entire ride since it is a wing coaster.

Day 3- The bird references the wing coaster trains.

Day 4- The children (coaster enthusiasts) are begging to know what is coming and are dreaming of possibilities.

Day 5- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 6- The barrel is a reference to the barrel roll at the end of the ride.

Day 7- According to the podcast, there are keyhole shapes in the holes of the clouds.

Day 8- This is a red herring. Paula wanted us to think that there would be a chain lift.

Day 9- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 10- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 11- Either there were Thunderbirds in these clouds, or Paula just wanted to post pictures of pretty, puffy clouds for us to look at.

Day 12- The "prosperous wind" is a reference to the launch.

Day 13- According to the podcast, there are no hidden shapes in the mastiff. Paula just thought it was neat that there were dogs on board the Mayflower.

Day 14- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 15- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 16- The wailing of Oceanus may have been a reference to the B&M roar.

Day 17- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 18- The children once again represent those coaster enthusiasts who stayed up late at night wondering what was in store for Holiday World. Paula is also excited about the new ride.

Day 19- There are Thunderbirds in the clouds.

Day 20- You might get motion sickness from all the inversions on Thunderbird.

Day 21- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 22- Thunderbird features four inversions- some might be afraid of the inversions, but the coaster enthusiasts (the children) will have a great time.

Day 23- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 24- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 25- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 26- The first storm may represent Thunderbird's first inversion- the Immelmann.

Day 27- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 28- We coaster enthusiasts (the children), had to stay patient for the whole 66 days.

Day 29- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 30- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 31- The part about the trees may be a reference to the terrain element at the end of Thunderbird.

Day 32- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 33- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry, Paula just liked the pretty picture of the moon.

Day 34- The force of the wind might reference the forces that you'll experience while riding Thunderbird.

Day 35- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 36- Yes, Paula. By the time 36 days had passed, we children had been growing pretty restless.

Day 37- The whole 66 Days campaign was a pretty long guessing game.

Day 38- "Don't worry enthusiasts, this is not a stand-up coaster. We're not idiots!"

Day 39- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 40- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 41- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 42- This second storm may reference Thunderbird's second inversion: the loop.

Day 43- The vertical loop is very dizzying.

Day 44- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 45- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 46- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 47- "Nope, enthusiasts. This project IS NOT going to be leaked. Be patient!"

Day 48- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 49- This third storm may either reference the horseshoe and elevated spiral combination, or maybe the zero-G roll.

Day 50- Thunderbird has a mighty B&M roar, but it will not deafen the screams of those on board the coaster.

Day 51- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 52- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 53- According to the podcast, those were pictures of the bolts that will be going into the supports and footers.

Day 54- This is a red herring. Paula was kinda hinting at a wooden coaster, but really she just wanted to show us a nifty picture.

Day 55- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 56- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 57- Holiday World is all in on this new coaster- there is no turning back now.

Day 58- Not only are the coaster enthusiasts (the children) getting impatient, but so are the Holiday World employees.

Day 59- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 60- The word "steel" is used. That one's pretty obvious.

Day 61- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 62- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 63- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 64- I don't think there were really any clues in this entry.

Day 65- The most obvious hint of them all: there is a Thunderbird shape in the clouds, and the entry gives some background on what a Thunderbird is.

Day 66- The journey is over! Time to ride!

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While I am not the biggest wingrider fan, I do believe this to be a fantastic addition. It is like nothing else in the park, and it is great to see that a small neighborhood park has come such a long way to the point of which they can now build large steel coasters. This seems to be a similar situation with Impulse at Knoebels or Wicked at Lagoon; it will be the first large steel coaster we see from a park that has been mostly limited to traditional-style rides. I think it is awesome that they are reaching out to new horizons

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Looks cool, but I am a little confused as to how so many of you who criticize the hell out of wingriders are all of a sudden defending this one to the death to everyone who makes any sort of less-than-positive comment. I also dont see how this is a family ride...when I was a kid, a launched ride with weird seats and 4 loops would be terrifying to me lol. Sure, the woodies may be more intense, but you would only know that after getting on the ride. Little kids arent going to be able to spot G-forces and all that without riding it first, its all about appearances (and height restrictions) and with that in mind, even if this thing rides tame, its not going to be a family ride to most people.


That being said, I personally like wingriders and I think this looks great. Probably wont make it out to HW in a while, but I am excited for B&M's foray into launched territory, a trend which will hopefully continue!

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I'm really excited for an entirely new themed area of the park! Did you see that concept art for the Thunderbird plaza and structures they threw in there? This is a jumping point for future expansions and really sets the mood for this ride.

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^ Yes they're going to have to fill that gap in between. That is a pretty far walk and gap from The Mayflower to Thunderbird. My guess, they start with reusing PP 's old station. From there, they'll probably work their way up the hill. The park could definitely use some more flat rides.

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Ok I lied I do have a nice thing to say. The station and scenery both look absolutely gorgeous, very "rustic", making the coaster not feel so out of place. That part of it I love.


As for the coaster running through it, I don't know how to say what I want to say without sounding like I'm trolling, because I'm not. I mean, I'm disappointed, I just am. Severely, severely disappointed, in both Holiday World and B&M.


I'm only bothering to say it because I figure maybe there's one or two other people out there who feel the same as I do and are wondering if they're alone. I mean, a launch straight into an immelmann? Seriously B&M? That's the best you could come up with? And then a vertical loop? Like, the same vertical loop you've been putting at the beginning of all of your coasters since Batman the Ride? Such beautiful surroundings and we only get two elements anywhere near the ground (s curve and helix)?


Obviously I won't say I dislike the ride until I ride it. I know you can't dismiss a ride purely based on the layout. But again, just giving my honest reaction, take it or leave it. I'll go in with my expectations low and probably be pleasantly surprised. But I'm 99% certain that I won't come out thinking that, given the location and 22 million dollars, a better ride could not have been made. And this being the home of the Voyage, I really was hoping for the best.

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^thats right blame it on B&M, because that makes a ton of sense... obviously you forgot this was WILL'S wish, what he had been designing and wanting, not B&M. I understand and agree that you and everyone else is entitled to your opinion, but you have gone right past giving an opinion to straight up b!tching, moaning, crying and whining. Sorry that Holiday World and the Koch family didn't give YOU what YOU wanted. One minute youre saying you like it, the next youre not, and then back and forth again.... do you really know what you want, but then again it shouldn't matter what just YOU wants. I hate sounding harsh, I really do, but you contradict yourself so many times here. When you get $22 million dollars, you can spend it on exactly what you want since obviously Holiday World didnt cater to your needs.

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^ To be fair, he never changed his mind about what he wanted and this was the first post he made about his opinion on Thunderbird.


As for the coaster running through it, I don't know how to say what I want to say without sounding like I'm trolling, because I'm not. I mean, I'm disappointed, I just am. Severely, severely disappointed, in both Holiday World and B&M.


I'm not trying to troll you or anything, because my prediction was wrong as well, but you really set your expectations pretty high as soon as you started guessing, hyper with inversions.

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^^I believe you may have misunderstood that particular Holiblog post. Will had nothing to do with the design of this ride. Knowing that, am I allowed to dislike it now?


^I was hoping for a hyper because from B&M, that's basically the best we can hope for. And I also honestly thought that was looking pretty likely. But I definitely wouldn't have needed a hyper to be happy. I set my expectations for a top-tier ride regardless of type, and I don't, at this exact moment, believe those hopes have been realised.

Edited by neil009
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I'll agree that a launch into an Immelman is kind of lame, but B&M is building a launched coaster. A launched wing-rider is probably the next coolest concept to a launched flying coaster, and I've gotta say this ride has me pumped. At least it's not a boring curved B&M drop followed by this layout - it has a freaking (themed) launch. Whether or not this ride is great, this is a great step for B&M (and Holiday World in my opinion)...then again ten years ago I never thought I'd have to say that about B&M.

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Ok I lied I do have a nice thing to say. The station and scenery both look absolutely gorgeous, very "rustic", making the coaster not feel so out of place. That part of it I love.


As for the coaster running through it, I don't know how to say what I want to say without sounding like I'm trolling, because I'm not. I mean, I'm disappointed, I just am. Severely, severely disappointed, in both Holiday World and B&M.


I'm only bothering to say it because I figure maybe there's one or two other people out there who feel the same as I do and are wondering if they're alone. I mean, a launch straight into an immelmann? Seriously B&M? That's the best you could come up with? And then a vertical loop? Like, the same vertical loop you've been putting at the beginning of all of your coasters since Batman the Ride? Such beautiful surroundings and we only get two elements anywhere near the ground (s curve and helix)?


Obviously I won't say I dislike the ride until I ride it. I know you can't dismiss a ride purely based on the layout. But again, just giving my honest reaction, take it or leave it. I'll go in with my expectations low and probably be pleasantly surprised. But I'm 99% certain that I won't come out thinking that, given the location and 22 million dollars, a better ride could not have been made. And this being the home of the Voyage, I really was hoping for the best.


I agree with you mostly. As I said earlier they overhyped this ride and its really just putting a decent (at best) launch on a ride style that most people label as boring and forceless (wing coaster). Only part I disagree with you on is that you cant blame B&M they were offered the money to design this ride that Holiday World wanted. I also agree it could be good and won't fully judge till riding, but just watch this animation vs Wild Eagles or even Gatekeepers those just look better based off animation. If I were a betting person once the ride is opened I'd bet most people will say it was an ok ride, but it fell below their expectations. IMO they could have spent 22 million or even less on something a lot better like a mack multi looping coaster or a RMC.

Edited by adamd
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^^I believe you may have misunderstood that particular Holiblog post. Will had nothing to do with the design of this ride. Knowing that, am I allowed to dislike it now?


I know Will passed before Wingriders were barely going or still just a thought in B&Ms mind, but are you going to try and sit there and tell me that you know what the Koch;s had nothing to do with building something of Will's dream, are you calling the Koch's liars???

I forgot, youre right, it was never said that Will contacted B&M 10 years ago and told them what he was looking for in the future. Youre right, Wills daughter never said that Will came home a few years back with a layout and design of what he wanted. Youre right, because they didnt say that some of this coaster were Will's ideas..... I forgot, "YOU KNOW" though

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What a great year to book my 1st trip to holiday world ! thanks to the guys that persuaded me it would be better that heading to another park further north this looks to be fantastic.


Stu K

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I agree with you mostly. As I said earlier they overhyped this ride and its really just putting a decent (at best) launch on a ride style that most people label as boring and forceless (wing coaster). Only part I disagree with you on is that you cant blame B&M they were offered the money to design this ride that Holiday World wanted. I also agree it could be good and won't fully judge till riding, but just watch this animation vs Wild Eagles or even Gatekeepers those just look better based off animation. If I were a betting person I'd bet most people will say it was an ok ride, but it fell below their expectations. IMO they could have spent 22 million or even less on something a lot better like a mack multi looping coaster or a RMC.


How could the park over-hype a ride that wasn't even announced yet? It's not like they said, this is going to be the best thing ever. They gave us clues to figure out the ride, so it wasn't like they were trying to keep us from finding out. They encouraged us to try and figure it out, while remaining very tight lipped at the same time. If anything, we coaster enthusiasts only have are selves to blame for over-hyping anything. We were the ones foaming at the mouth at every journal entry and every word the park said.

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There seems to be much criticism of the fact that this is a wing coaster. But, what people must remember is that Holiday World is a small park, and one that should be held to a different standard from larger parks. If a large park like Kings Island or SFGAdv had decided to install this, I may be a bit disappointed. But, we are not talking about these parks. We are talking about a small park that most enthusiasts did not even know existed 20 years ago. The simple fact that this park has progressed to the point of being able to build large and somewhat innovative steel coasters excites me more than the coaster itself.

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I agree with you mostly. As I said earlier they overhyped this ride and its really just putting a decent (at best) launch on a ride style that most people label as boring and forceless (wing coaster). Only part I disagree with you on is that you cant blame B&M they were offered the money to design this ride that Holiday World wanted. I also agree it could be good and won't fully judge till riding, but just watch this animation vs Wild Eagles or even Gatekeepers those just look better based off animation. If I were a betting person I'd bet most people will say it was an ok ride, but it fell below their expectations. IMO they could have spent 22 million or even less on something a lot better like a mack multi looping coaster or a RMC.


How could the park over-hype a ride that wasn't even announced yet? It's not like they said, this is going to be the best thing ever. They gave us clues to figure out the ride, so it wasn't like they were trying to keep us from finding out. They encouraged us to try and figure it out, while remaining very tight lipped at the same time. If anything, we coaster enthusiasts only have are selves to blame for over-hyping anything. We were the ones foaming at the mouth at every journal entry and every word the park said.


No matter what a park does to promote a new ride or no matter what exciting new ride design emerges, there are always those that are let down because their expectations are simply just too high. HW did a fantastic job leading up to this, it was fun following along and trying to guess- it got everybody on here talking, and that's the point. You were ALL talking about this ride, whether you knew what it was or not. Mission accomplished for HW. They did what they set out to do, get you all talking about the new ride and introduced (with B&M) a new element to the wing rider, a launch. Complaining or not, you are still going to pay park admission to ride it, and THAT is a win for HW.

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Congrats Holiday World on a very wise, solid addition that is perfect for the park! I just don't understand the disappointment some have considering the location of this ride......if I remember correctly, that area is heavily wooded; that makes this ride more interesting than just about all of the other wing coasters out there by default!


I really hope HW can save as many trees as possible with this ride; having them go right up to the edge of the reach envelope. The prospect of flying above and through thick woods at dusk/night actually has me more excited for this than I was for Banshee tbh. Wild Eagle is surrounded by trees but from the pictures/video it seems like they clear cut most of the area; the trees that are there don't seem to be very dense (haven't personally visited Dollywood) unlike what HW has to work with. Count this guy as one who is extremely excited/anxious to ride Thunderbird in 2015!

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So going through and looking at all the Wing Riders, Thunderbird, is actually up to par with almost all of them in length, except Gatekeeper and Parrot Coaster. I hope this is not just the animation, but Thunderbird seems to really carry it's speed pretty well throughout the course, compared to the other wing coasters. Watching the POV's of the other wing coasters, they really seem to die out at the end. This is where I'm thinking that these coasters have too many cars per train. Everyone of them except Wild Eagle have more than 6 cars. Wild Eagle seems to die out at the end, but not as bad as some of the other ones. I'm starting to think that the 5 car trains are really going to be an advantage for Thunderbird, as it might allow for more forces than the normal wing rider coaster might have and allow the train to carry it's speed throughout the course. I don't know if there is any difference between less weight or more weight and how that effects the ride experience, but that is just my observation. I'm definitely no physics person.

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So going through and looking at all the Wing Riders, Thunderbird, is actually up to par with almost all of them in length, except Gatekeeper and Parrot Coaster. I hope this is not just the animation, but Thunderbird seems to really carry it's speed pretty well throughout the course, compared to the other wing coasters. Watching the POV's of the other wing coasters, they really seem to die out at the end. This is where I'm thinking that these coasters have too many cars per train. Everyone of them except Wild Eagle have more than 6 cars. Wild Eagle seems to die out at the end, but not as bad as some of the other ones. I'm starting to think that the 5 car trains are really going to be an advantage for Thunderbird, as it might allow for more forces than the normal wing rider coaster might have and allow the train to carry it's speed throughout the course. I don't know if there is any difference between less weight or more weight and how that effects the ride experience, but that is just my observation. I'm definitely no physics person.


Interesting... That makes sense to me! I'm still super hyped to get on this thing. It feels like a dream to me that HW, my home park, is getting this...I'm prepared to wake up at anytime lol. I think the pure fact that a large portion of this ride is going to be in the woods, alone, will make this even more thrilling than others. I'm drooling over the thought of a nighttime ride on this.... In the good ol southern Indiana wooded darkness.

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Because this year's excursion took us to Kings Island, I unfortunately will most likely not be returning to that area next year. If this had been announced before June we would have made different plans. I applaud Holiday World for this addition and look forward to visiting in 2016. It looks amazing and a good fit for the park. Bravo!

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I'm looking forward to seeing how these 5 car trains move around the track. I must say that I didn't expect B&M to have to reduce the number of cars like that (I thought 6, maybe 7). But then, looking at other LSM rides they all seem to have trains no bigger than these.

The layout looks good. It'll be interesting to see what the pacing will be like. If anything, I expected the ride to be a little longer but that's fine by me.

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