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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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The black car is from Monster Spin. There's rumors that GADV is turning the currently empty red tent into a history museum of some sorts.


Thanks for mentioning this. I stopped by the red tent today and saw a lot of memorabilia inside. Old pennants, ride sign, ride vehicles. I look forward to a trip down memory lane if this is to be a temporary museum.


Got about 8 rides on El Toro without having to walk around due to low ridership this morning starting at 10:45. Then headed over to a courtesy ride on Nitro (10 minute wait), avoiding the C train. Passing through the games area they had a special on the wheel of chance game for $0.25 and won a Spongebob plush for my niece spending only $3.

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I dunno. Ive never felt them and honestly dont even know if Ive ever noticed them in person but on most POV vids it looks like there are small trims after the 2nd (turned) and 3rd (before the hammerhead) hills.

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Just a heads up, I rode Nitro's C train 3 times in the back yesterday and noticed nothing wrong with it. It was fast, smooth, and had great airtime with no trims.

Yep, didn't notice anything too unusual in the back of Nitro's C train on Saturday. Maybe slightly more of a rattle but nothing that impacted the (tremendous) ride experience. My girlfriend actually ignored my warning and dragged me on the C train. Afterwards, she concluded that coaster enthusiasts are wussies. [emoji38]

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^ No, it means it wasn't cleared for some reason or another. Probably a system error thrown at the wrong time (like when you go get your car inspected and the check engine light pops on(thanks, Nissan)). They'll re-check later today or tomorrow and every other chance until it clears.

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I think this mostly is due to NJ playing hardball about potential simultaneous operations with Kingda Ka. I think they may be purposefully dragging things out because of the park's pushback. Can't say for certain, but the ride's seemingly been ready for a couple weeks now - I don't see how the park wouldn't have already done everything they could to get the state's operational permit ASAP.


EDIT: Then again, SFDK's V2 debacle comes to mind.... and SFNE's phamton Dark Knight coaster...


...Finger wags all around.


to get a little off topic, but it does have to deal with the state of NJ. I was at action park today, and they are having delays with the state to get "zero g" open. they have tested it, its ready to go. they had some riders on it per employees. and today, they had some as they were filming for commercial. my fat ass got filmed on the cliff jump. see if they use it for a commercial.

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^ You made me look up what slide Zero-G is, and, well, I think The Daily News needs to get their research in order -




Divide by 10, maybe?


I was talking to the guy who was in charge of the film shoot from action park today and mentioned that article. hes said they gave them all the info, and that's the article they wrote. the news media is such a joke today.

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^ Exactly. I'm really upset. I'll be in Virginia when it opens. I'm coming back the 12th. I was really looking forward to riding it. Why doesn't the state just approve it already? Everything is ready so it's all on the state now.


its simple. some corrupt politician is waiting for his bribe $$$$$$$$$$ to get the permit approved and SF didn't want to pay. NJ is such a corrupt state

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^ Exactly. I'm really upset. I'll be in Virginia when it opens. I'm coming back the 12th. I was really looking forward to riding it. Why doesn't the state just approve it already? Everything is ready so it's all on the state now.


its simple. some corrupt politician is waiting for his bribe $$$$$$$$$$ to get the permit approved and SF didn't want to pay. NJ is such a corrupt state


You seem to be quite knowledgeable, even if your grammar is horrible. Can you find out the politician's name for us?

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User by the name of Kaiser at gadv.com just posted this about today.

"Media day was postponed, along with the opening. The inspector was supposed to come at midnight, but never showed. Because of that, they couldn't let anyone on the ride.

The Lt. Governor then ordered the inspector to come by noon (the time the media event was supposed to start), and again he didn't show then. The event was canceled a little after 10am, though.


We'll see what happens in terms of rescheduling."


I also heard the inspector was originally supposed to come on Sunday too. I think it's time us coaster enthusiasts form an angry mob and find this inspector.

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