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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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That corkscrew has a record for most color schemes. It had three at kentucky kingdom as chang. Then was painted green then painted yellow before it was put up and now its back to green. Thats 6 already. No to mention the one piece in the middle has had a lot of changes too. Crazy.

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Whoa whoa whoa... Polly-o!?!? As in the cheese!?!?



Mmmmm...Polly-O cheeeeese wraps! There is a Polly-O factory about two hours from my house on I-86 - I wonder if they give behind the scene tours? Love me some Polly-O mozzarella!

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That corkscrew has a record for most color schemes. It had three at kentucky kingdom as chang. Then was painted green then painted yellow before it was put up and now its back to green. Thats 6 already. No to mention the one piece in the middle has had a lot of changes too. Crazy.

Six Flags has a new motto.


"If it's being done right here or anywhere else, it's probably not being done by Six Flags!"

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Lookin' good, and should be open just in time before our visit there on June 2nd and 3rd! Time to FINALLY get some more rides on El Toro!! Sadly, I only have 1 lap on the bull, as my only other trip to the park ended up being the day it soft opened and the wait was around 4 hours!


I'm seriously debating a Flash Pass for this trip. Does anyone know if NJ schools are still in session that time in June? Just trying to get an idea on what crowds might be like.

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Nj schools go until mid june. You must of gotten really unlucky to have waited 4 hours for el toro. The queue completely filled with two trains is an 45 minute wait on average.

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Thanks for the heads up on the schools guys!


^ Like I said, I ended up being there the day it soft opened after a commercial shoot. They only were running 1 train, and it dispatched about once every 5-10 minutes. I actually got lucky, as I heard people saying they heard it would open around 1, so I ran over there around 12:30 and got in the quickly forming line outside the entrance. I was off the ride by about 2, so not too bad all things considered. It was when I returned later in the evening for a reride that I was greeted with what I was told was about a 4 hour wait.


Thankfully, their operations are muuuuch better on Toro now.

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Thanks for the heads up on the schools guys!


^ Like I said, I ended up being there the day it soft opened after a commercial shoot. They only were running 1 train, and it dispatched about once every 5-10 minutes. I actually got lucky, as I heard people saying they heard it would open around 1, so I ran over there around 12:30 and got in the quickly forming line outside the entrance. I was off the ride by about 2, so not too bad all things considered. It was when I returned later in the evening for a reride that I was greeted with what I was told was about a 4 hour wait.


Thankfully, their operations are muuuuch better on Toro now.


I was there that day too! I was 3rd in line, I waited since the park opened. It was June 11th!

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^its not. Chang actually usually runs a little faster than that. Watch offride videos of it from Kentucky Kingdom. Its before B&M starting toning down their rides which was around the time Riddlers Revenge was built. Riddlers revenge has more drawn out entrances between its elements compared to Chang. Rides after Riddlers have this ever more so. A good comparison of the new style vs old is Bizarro at Great adventure compared to Chang.

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Can someone post a link to the video?

I would be highly willing to bet it looks something like this, just with different colors, a different setting, and no human riders.


Steve - let me know if you find anyone to take that bet, I want in on it also.

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Can someone post a link to the video?

I would be highly willing to bet it looks something like this, just with different colors, a different setting, and no human riders. Either that or you can join facebook (or log on) and like SFGAd's fan page to view the video yourself.


The only thing even mentioning it is a post saying "who wants to see a video of Green Lantern Testing?" and then no video anywhere.

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Can someone post a link to the video?

I would be highly willing to bet it looks something like this, just with different colors, a different setting, and no human riders. Either that or you can join facebook (or log on) and like SFGAd's fan page to view the video yourself.


The only thing even mentioning it is a post saying "who wants to see a video of Green Lantern Testing?" and then no video anywhere.


A link was posted to their webpage....it's night, tough to see anything at this point. Just look a few posts up and you'll find your link.

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