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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Hey E'rbody. I am an Idiot! I know this does not pertain to KK breakdown, but I posted my trip schedule here so I need to make ammends for my grevious actions.


Those of you who Pm'ed me about meeting up at your parks. I accidentaly erased all your emails. Could you please re-PM me so I can get your cell numbers so we can coordinate a proper meeting place. I would love to blame my stupidity on lack of sleep, but, since I havn't been to sleep since 7am yesterday. The only excuse I have is due to non-existance of sleep.


Oh, strip clubs and Spamalot days have been swiched. Spamalot is dark Monday night.


I am in NY now and am crashing as we speak.



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Don't take this as 100% fact, but I was informed earlier today that El Toro completed a pull through. This is from a somewhat trusted friend, but take it with a grain of salt considering the trains were just supposed to make it to the track today, so either they moved pretty fast or the information is false. Either way, I would expect testing to start this week.


EDIT: Misinformed. The cell phone cut out as I was saying "Now all they have to do is a pull through and things will be on the way." And he said "It's done." He was referring to the track. No, really.


Anyway, apparently there is a sign that says something to the affect of "2 weeks until the bull is released", or something like that. Interesting.

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unfortunally the trains did not make it on the track. I think it had to due with the chance of rain this morning, who knows ?


They did how ever put a New sign on Building


Oh, can't forget about this sign either.

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According to GAinsider, some of the train cars are missing, or in other words, are inside the park, no longer out in the parking lot. Someone said that the ride will start testing tonight with one train, then two trains tomorrow. Though that seems a little to soon for me. But whatever.


I have a trip planed for June 1st. I'm pretty sure it'll be open by then.

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Have they done a pullthrough of the track already, thought that Intamin always did it before testing the track with a train.


They usually take 2 cars and do that to check the clearance between the wheels and track.

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While any date around this time is possible, nothing has officially been released by Great Adventure just yet. Its hard to confirm a date for something that hasn't been tested or approved by the state.

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