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  • Birthday 05/22/1989

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  1. Busch parks are pretty cool I been to both Busch Gardens about four times each but I do not think Busch is planning on buying any parks soon.
  2. This is stupid the only REAL NITRO is in GADV. It will be another coasters name.
  3. If you go on the SFGADV site they will have a list of hotels near by to stay at.
  4. Their are so many great coasters. I can;t tell you but I can tell you my favorite coaster. KK lol
  5. While Cedar Fair is at it why don't they buy Lagoon and Holiday World, just go to them and offer them a bunch of money and buy them.
  6. Just Wandering is anyone going for El Toro Media Day on the 28th, I am.
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